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kris hadn't mentioned louis to jacob in any way, but yet he still seemed to know what he shouldn't have. it was also a possibility that the dream entering was more controlled than she was being led to believe.

she'd been seeing him on a somewhat regular basis; once a day, or more if she weren't at louis's side. no one seemed to even really notice. it made her uneasy, but it was, decidedly, better that way. all they ever discussed was minor things, nothing about her powers or even louis all that much. the entire situation felt like an uneasy mess, but kris wasn't going to back out yet.

about a week after the same conversations again and again, it was louis who finally got some news to kris. apparently, the databases were restricting certain searches. there was no "safe" way to get any information from the computers. for him, anyway; there was no telling how or where jacob would get his information. and, the same day, she found out.

early into the evening, jacob approached kris with a folded piece of paper in his hand. she almost didn't even have to ask.

"someone locked up the databases." he stated, "probably someone's updating the information, but who knows."

kris kept the first comment that came to mind to herself. "what'd you find out, then?"

jacob handed her the paper. "read for yourself."

it felt like her chest had just tightened significantly. why this sensation hadn't occurred sooner was beyond her. but, regardless, her heartbeat increasing in speed, kris took the paper and unfolded it. there were only two paragraphs, hardly taking up half the page.

The aurora of a person is typically brightly colored; but, in a rare phenomenon, a black aurora can be found. In recorded history, less than fifteen individuals have been reported to possess this rarity. This aurora is the symbol, like all others, of a specific power. Those with a black aurora have the ability to absorb any power, more-so the power of an individual around them.

"It has not been proven that there is any limit to this ability. An individual may absorb a single power or multiple. Few studies have been done or records collected about the specific abilities a person with a black aurora can have. From the information currently available, the assumption is made that a person can be born with a black aurora after a genetic mutation."

kris blinked uncertainly. her mind was trying to wrap itself around the concept. jacob, it seemed, again, had a better handle on what she'd just read about herself.

"you can have any power in the world without limit." he stated, eyeing kris up and down.

kris understood that. but no earth-shattering emotions seemed to be overtaking her. it might've been a bit of a delayed reaction, but any sort of gravity she was supposed to feel over this revelation just wasn't there right then. the silence seemed to be an answer for jacob.

"i'll let you know when i need a favor from you." he said, not giving her any time for a response before he began to walk away.

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