~Let's Go Be...~

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~Let's Go Be Fucking Heroes~

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~Let's Go Be Fucking Heroes~

"What are you waiting for! Huh! What are you waiting for!" I screamed into the empty hallway. Liam ran after me into the hallway and so did our group. As soon as all of us were out of the classroom a scuffle of shoes followed us but when I turned around it was Michael and he hurried up and shut the classroom behind us locking us out.

"I'm sorry! But I can't risk the safety of the other students! May god be with y'all!" Michael yells behind the glass and I knew my group could hear the lock turning damning us to be out here alone.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me! Michael open that fucking door! I came out here to help a boy! My group shouldn't be punished!" I say looking through the window of the classroom but Michael had his arms crossed and was shaking his head no. He was a fucking douche bag if I ever seen one and a fucking coward! "If anything happens to anyone in my group Michael just know I'm coming back here and KILL you!" I say and tap the window and smile and shake my head and turn around to my group who Inadvertently put in danger once again! Well at least this time it wasn't for a selfish reason.

"You might be crazy Adam Rodriguez but even your powers can't bring down this door! The school was built to hold powers even if they are as strong as yours!" Michael yells arragnantly.

I just flick him off not even turning back around to see his face. I looked at my group who shockingly didn't look afraid at all they seemed ready to do battle. "Alright let me  go first. I am sorry that I put you guys in danger once again, that was not my attentions."

"Adam we ran after you, our leader. We know this is going to be dangerous but we have to get this...THING out of our school and protect the students even if they are just pussies!" Jasmine yells and looks over my shoulder who I guess is directed at Michael.

"Julie?" I ask to see her opinion.

Julie nods and then says; "I'm with you boss."


"There's nothing else better to do, so why don't we get this over with." Nile groans out. I laugh and my smile cuts to Liam my deciding factor. It probably shouldn't all rest on his shoulders but for some reason it did. If he said no then I would bust ass to get everyone back behind that door that lead to safety, damn it's power protection because I would get past it. I would have to for... Liam...and for the rest of the people that's in my group.

"Do you really even have to ask? I'm with you 100%. Like Jass said we ran after our leader and we will protect each other like a team is supposed to." Liam says pointedly and then ran his fingers through his hair.

I nodded and then faced the group. "This is where our training comes in hand guys. There can't be any mistakes if there is you can die. So I need y'all heads in the game. Let's go be fucking heroes you guys!"

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