C h a p t e r 24 ~ A Proposal (Sort Of.)

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    The next few weeks passed in slow succession. They proved uneventful, Jiyong spending most of his time in his room, healing as best he could and trying to obey the doctor and rest his ribs so that they weren't injured any worse. He longed to assume his role as leader of BigBang, to help the guys with everything for the new album, but even YG had him under lock and key. He wasn't risking his idol getting hurt even worse- although Jiyong didn't know whether it was YG's fatherly instinct or just the need for able idols. And Seung Hyun was just as bad; the BigBang leader's boyfriend was always trying hard to be with Jiyong as long as possible every day he could, despite the schedules that were gradually beginning to take up more and more of his time as well as the others' time.

    Jiyong felt useless. While he sat in his room, watching sitcoms and eating, his bandmates were out working their asses off. How could he barely stand to look himself in the mirror when he thought about it like that? It was all Leila's fault. If that bitch had just left Seung Hyun and Jiyong alone, none of this would have ever happened. But her obsession refused to let her do anything but try to get Seung Hyun back. Jiyong hated it. Hated knowing he was so damn useless. Hated knowing that Leila was still out there, that she could easily hurt Seung Hyun and take him away. He just wanted a normal lovelife - at least as normal as a lovelife could possibly be when you're both K-Pop stars. Jiyong was grateful that Leila hadn't tried to get it out that they were dating; if that had happened, it would be the end of every single thing between Seung Hyun and Jiyong, that was for sure.

    That brought up another problem - was Leila going to keep the fact that she knew about the Seung Hyun and Jiyong relationship a secret? Seung Hyun worried constantly about it, and Jiyong could see his boyfriend was trying hard not to worry him about it all. There was so many questions to answer, and yet none of them could be answered.

   How long was it going to be like that?

   So now, here Jiyong sat, alone in his room. Boredom proved to be one of the toughest things that Jiyong had ever faced, and right now was no exception. To alleviate his boredom he tried to play on his phone, write lyrics, watch TV - and yet none of them really helped. He realized that he missed Seung Hyun, longed for his boyfriend's touch. The elder had been absent in Jiyong's life for the past few days, his own life taken over by the schedules that he attended to each day. It was a tough life, Jiyong knew, having so much to do and yet what seemed like so little time to do it. Sometimes he wished that he and Seung Hyun could just have some alone time, free of the life of the idol that caged them both with unbreakable bars.

    This morning, Seung Hyun had left without even a glance at Jiyong. The younger knew full well that Seung Hyun was stressed but excepting that he wouldn't hardly get any time with his lover was extremely hard to do. He missed Seung Hyun's tight, protective embraces, his lips, his eyes that could stare deep into Jiyong's very own soul - his everything. He couldn't cope with the distance.

   He wondered if Seung Hyun had just given up on him. Was fighting Leila to much? Was he ready to leave Jiyong and go back to Leila? Was it all going to-

    "Jiyong, you've been in here so long."

    Jiyong brought his head up from where it rested in his crossed arms. Laying on his stomach, he had to crane his neck to properly see the figure at the door. Taeyang.

    His bandmate's eyes were filled with blatant worry for his well-being. Jiyong sighed. Right now, Taeyang's presence was not what he wanted. It was Seung Hyun's that he craved.

    Taeyang seemed to realize that. "You can't blame him, Jiyong. He's been so busy..."

    "I know that." Jiyong was suprised to hear his voice crack, and had to swallow to speak again. "Do you think he wants to go back to Leila? Just so he'll be done with everything? With me?"

A Leader's Desire [GDxTOP] / Editing KindaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant