C h a p t e r 13 ~ All That Matters

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Enjoy, my lovelies~!


C H A P T E R   13


      What is she doing here?

      Jiyong stood, frozen, as he watched Leila smile at Seung Hyun, batting her eyelashes. If he wasn't smart enough not to, Jiyong woukd have lunged at Leila right then and hurt her. Bad. But he wasn't dumb and stood still, waiting to see just what Seung Hyun was going to do, pushing back any fears for just what was going on. It's going to be fine. Leila just got too attached to Seung Hyun. That's all.

      "L-Leila." From the way Seung Hyun's eyes were wide and murky with obvious discontent, Jiyong understood and could almost feel his confusion. "What are you doing here?"

       "What do you mean?" Leila put on a fake confused face. "I'm your girlfriend. I can come over whenever I want."

       Jiyong tensed. Girlfriend? Had Seung Hyun actually forgotten to break up with Leila?

       Seung Hyun squared his jaw, glaring at his 'girlfriend'. "I've been trying to tell you, Leila. We're done."

        "No, we're not," Leila said, her voice unwavering. "Come on, you must be drunk or something." She approached Seung Hyun and for a second Jiyong wondered what consequences would be if he jerked Seung Hyun away from her right at that moment.

        "Leila, I just told you; I'm breaking up with you."

        Leila stared up at Seung Hyun with a seductive glance and brushed her fingers across his cheek. Seung Hyun tensed, looking ready to flee at any moment. "Don't say that," she purred before leaning up and kissing Seung Hyun.

        Jiyong was done watching. Squeezing his eyes shut as pain lashed through his chest, he whipped around and stalked away from the scene. All he could do was hope that Seung Hyun was in the right enough mind to push her away and yell at her.

       He curled up on his bed, feeling tears start to stream down his face. He couldn't help it; just the thought of Seung Hyun leaving Jiyong for a girl like Leila was painful. But why would this be breaking him up so much inside? Was he really that much in love with Seung Hyun?

       His thoughts were cut off by an almost desperate call of, "Jiyong?" The deep voice definitely belonged Seung Hyun's. Jiyong curled up under the blankets, not wanting Seung Hyun to see him like this. But he heard the door creak open and tensed, silently praying, Please leave the room. Don't see me crying like a wimp.

       "Jiyong?" Seung Hyun's voice was softer now. Jiyong felt the blankets peeled off of his body and then arms wrapped around his small body. "Don't hate me, Ji. Please."

       Jiyong turned away, but to no avail because Seung Hyun harshly forced him to face him. "Jiyong, listen to me." He blinked in shock to see that Seung Hyun looked near to tears as well.

        "If you want to break up with me, I'll understand," Jiyong whispered.

        Seung Hyun stared at Jiyong for a while, before moving forward to kiss him heatedly. Almost desperate, Jiyong kissed him back, arms tightly wrapping around his neck in an attempt to keep him right there, never wanting to let go. Jiyong felt hands softly carress his sides, making his skin tingle, and soon found himself laying back on the bed, Seung Hyun crouched over him as their lips crashed again in a heated kiss, heat washing through Jiyong in a tidal wave.

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