"Wait baby? Since when do you call him baby? Are you guys together." Namjoon asked me. I nodded

"Yes, but that is not important right now," namjoon nodded a turned his attention back to Taehyung.

"Tae w-what happened to y-you?" I asked crying.

"M-m-my f-f-father di--." Tae started to breath slowly.

"T-tae please keep breathing, come on please."

"K-kookie im s-s-sorry I didn't tell you".

"What, what didn't you tell me?"

"His father abuses and rapes him, he is the one that did this to him"Yoongi answered

"WHAT!!" Jin, Jungkook and Namjoon yelled.

"why did he tell you then?" I asked and looked at Tae.

"I-i-i didn't tell you because I thought you would leave me because you would be disgusted".

"Tae I would never" I answered sobbing more because he thought that of me.

"Ok we will tell you more later but we need to get Tae to the hospital." Jimin said.

I nodded and picked up Tae bridal style and got clothes and put them on him, then I brought him to Yoongi's car and layed him in the back. I got in and layed his head on my lap.

The rest of them got in and headed to the hospital.

"Tae, where is your father"

He didn't answer so looked down and he wasn't awake and he was breathing in a unhealthy way.

T-tae, tae wake up come on, open your eyes.

"YOONGI HE IS NOT BREATHING properly" I yelled crying as hard as I possible could.

"We are almost there sweety don't worry, he will be ok" Jin said with his motherly type ways.

*20 minutes later*
At the hospital

We got to the hospital I immediately grabbed Tae and brought him into the emergency room.

The nurses and doctors saw Tae and automatically took him into a room.

I tried to come with him but they didn't let me.

"Sir you have to wait out here, you have to let the doctors do their work."

I nodded, I didn't want to wait out here but I didn't really have a choice.

I sat on a chair outside of Tae's room and waited.

"Come on, please be ok"

*Minutes later*

The doctor exited Taehyung's room and headed to me and the hyungs."What happened, is he ok, please tell me he is ok" I started to panic wanting the answer.

"Sir calm down, he is ok, he has a few broken bones but he will be ok" I sighed in relief.

"Can I see him?" The doctor nodded, I went into the room. He was asleep, he looked so peaceful and not in pain.This hurt me to see him like this,I should of made his stay with me.

"I should of known something was wrong because of how scared he was to go home."

"Hey it isn't your fault, you didn't know what his situation was." Jimin said patting my back.

"And you did" he nodded

"Damn did he just not tell me!?

"No he didn't tell me, Jim in did and the others didn't know any of this" I nodded "oh, Jim in what really was his situation, please tell."

Jimin nodded and told me everything, I started to cry, why difn't I notice, I knew he was depressed I just didn't know why, everytime he hung out with us he never wanted to go home. "I should of fucking knew god Damn it"

"K-kookie, don't be so loud, my head hurts." I quickly lifted my head, I smiled and started to tear up, he was awake.

"Y-your awake *sniff* He nodded cutely, even hurt he is still cute.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you Kookie" I shook my head.

"No baby, don't be sorry, I understand". He nodded " So your not going to l-leave me?"

"What no, I love you and that is never going to change" he blushed, it made me go crazy.

"Kookie I'm tired" He yawned.

"Then sleep baby we will leave" he grabbed my arm when I tried to walk away.

"No stay with me" I nodded and looked at the hyungs.

"You guys can go, I will stay with him". They all nodded and left. I turned back to Tae and he was asleep again, I smiled and kissed him on the forehead, "goodnight Taebear".

the next one will be out soon. I purple you 💜💜

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