Little Detective

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A/n : sorry about the late update, I was busy enrolling for my university and it's still not finished. I just rushed this so I'll just edit it when I have time :)

You were suddenly pulled out from a nightmare that's been haunting you since last week. It must be because of the letter he sent you saying that he's coming for a visit. The emerald green eyes that you have always hated has been appearing in your dreams thus making your nightmares.

You quickly fix yourself and do your daily morning routine. After eating breakfast which was leftovers from your dinner last night, you left the house and walk to your school. But along the way you can't avoid certain coincidences such as bumping into your neighbours. Aoko quickly recognized you so she quickly went up to you while the annoyed brat followed behind.

"Good morning (y/n)-chan! Are you excited for today?" Aoko excitedly ask.

"Huh? For what?" You gave her a confused look.

"Wait did you forget?! It's Valentine's Day!" She said shocked.

"Hmmm. Don't really care" you said as you quickly walk away from them. Little did you know, a pair of blue orbs followed your figure until you disappear from his view.

Upon arriving at the school, you noticed a lot of girl are holding boxes, paper bags, plastics that probably contains chocolates. You sigh at the scene and went over to your shoe locker while Aoko and Kaito catches up to you. You open your locker to be greeted by a tons of either chocolates or love letter.
'This is why I hate Valentine's day' you thought.

"Wow That's a lot (Y/n)-chan!" Aoko said from behind.

"Yeah they're going in the trash" you said.

"What?! That's mean! At least try the chocolates and read the letters!" She scolded you.

You expected that this was coming so you bought out a paper bag in your bag and with a sigh, you picked them all up and put it inside the paper bag. Aoko has a smile on her face seeing that you obeyed her.

As the three of you entered the classroom, Aoko asked you a question. "I know you can't eat all those chocolates so what are you gonna do with the rest?"

"Melt them. Mold them. Give them away" you said as you picked a small box from the paper bag. It was a small heart shaped chocolate with a smaller heart on the middle. You took a bite and taste the caramel oozing out of the chocolate. "Sweet" you said with a smile.

The blue eyed boy stared at you as he wonder if you're gonna give him chocolates for Valentines.
Just then, Aoko pulled out two boxes with cute wrappings and a ribbon on top. "Here (Y/n)-chan, Bakaito" she gave you the box with a pink ribbon and she handed the box with a red ribbon to Kaito.

You open it and saw chocolate chip cookies. "I thought I should give you something less sweet" she said and you gave her a thank you as a reply.

The bell soon started ringing, signalling that all classes will start. The noise your classmates keeps on making died down when your teacher appeared.

You quickly stuffed the cookies into the paper bag before your teacher notice. After that, another boring day at the school starts. You feel immediately drowsy that you have to keep up on what the teacher is saying. 'Meh. Who cares' you thought as you rest your head on your desk while using your arm as a pillow.


You woke up from your sweet sweet sleep when someone smacked you on the back of your head. "(L/n)-san, just what do you think you're doing?!" An unfamiliar face appeared before your eyes. A man who looks like in his 50's glared at you. It seems like he's a new teacher and you can see the looks on you classmates' eyes.

My Evil Cinderella (Kaitou Kid x Reader x Conan)Where stories live. Discover now