Case Solved

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A/n: do you know the answer?

You invited everyone including the inspector and the great detective in a safe and clean place inside the house, it was on their son's bedroom. As the two of them entered, you sit down on the small bed wich had a blue blanket that reminded you of someone.
'We need to meet again or else
...' you thought.

You taunted Shinichi that you already solved the case and know who was the one who killed the wife.
It looks like Shinichi wasn't even trying on winning the game and was going easy on you but you didn't mind it since you love solving a case. Actually you know that he already knows who killed who but he won't admit.

"Oh Mr. I-AM-THE-MOST-GREAT-DETECTIVE-IN-THE-WHOLE-WORLD will you please explain every clues that we found" you said mocking him.

He ignored what you just said but obeyed you. "First is there are only several wounds below the chest of the victim. Second is the victim seems to be cheating on her loving husband based on her clothing and the hickeys on her neck. Third is the marked picture of their son" he said calmly.

You continue to nod as he explain the facts. Suddenly inspector Harada spoke and said "(F/n)-san do you know who is the killer?" With an excitement look on his face. He was like an open book, it completely shows on his face that he was excited to know who the killer is.

"First, the cuts on her body. Why do you think that there were only cuts on her legs?" You asked the two man who were with you inside the room.

"To stop her from running away?" Inspector Harada answered first. Sadly, he was dejected when you shook your head.

"Inspector, one of your men found several ropes in the garage. Why not use that?" You said

"The killer was unable to reach her above the chest" Shinichi then answered. You nod you head and agree on his answer.

"Next, the cheating wife. The husband actually has a good heart. I did a little research and according to the neighbors, the husband has lived here since he was a child and they know what's actually going on in his life. Some of his friends said that he knows that the wife is cheating but he couldn't resist to see her happy so she let her be. What a lucky woman to be able to found a man that will love you even when you're crazy" you explained but said the last sentence quietly.

"Then that cleared the suspicions on her husband. Well the only thing you will explain is the last part" Shinichi said.

'Yeah no shit sherlock' you thought. "Now the picture of the child. I'll explain that later let us take a look at this first" you said as you open the toy box beside the bed. As the lid opened, it revealed the hidden treasures owned by the child. Treasures like teddy bears, toy cars, including a long and shiny knife stained in crimson blood.

Inspector Harada let out a shocked voice. "W-what is that doing in here?!" He said with a strained voice.

'That's why I'm going to explain it' you thought. You wear your white gloves before picking up the knife to not let any fingerprints behind.

"The picture of the child on the other room was the wife's fault. Seeing his husband always focused on his work, she became jelous of his career and tried to get his attention but she didn't know that the husband is preparing for her birthday and wanted to surprise her, that's why there was a present in the kitchen. Well the wife was yearning for her husband's affection but she found a replacement" you said as you held up the calling card that they found.

"Every time the husband goes to work every 8 am the lover goes inside this house and was having an affair with his wife. What about the child then? Their son is always inside the house and of course he will hear the two doing their business. Their son found out about the cheating wife so she threatened her son, she beat him up every time the child was going to tell his father."

"Then one day, the lover left the wife for some unknown reason. Then she vent out all of her anger on the child." You explained.

"So who is the one who killed her?" Inspector Harada said impatiently.

'Fucking wait ok?' You thought.

"Ok I'll get to the chase" you said. "The one who killed her is-"

"Her son" Shinichi said interrupting your words.

Inspector Harada made the best surprised look ever but you didn't had the time to notice because you were annoyed that Shinichi stole your words.

"...Exactly...The son couldn't take anymore of her mother's beatings and as you said earlier Inspector Harada, there was insanity running through their blood and the child got affected. I guess the husband's blood wasn't strong enough." You said explaining the things to the Inspector.

"The wife was scared and also angry at him that's why you found the picture under the bed" you continued.

"W-what? How? For a child to do something like murder!" The inspector said.

"Well I'd like to add something. When we first enter this house, we all saw the bloody living room and the messy floor. I already knew at that point that their son was the one who killed her.  He even like it to the point of playing with the blood on the floor" Shinichi said.

Inspector Harada quickly informed his men to get the child. You immediately left the house and once you were outside it was already night time.
Suddenly your phone vibrated, you received another message from someone. It was from Inspector Nakamori

" (L/n)-san. It seems that Kid sent out his notice that he was going to steal again tonight at 9:00. I would like to ask for your help to catch that damn thief"

Inspector Nakamori said. You revealed a smirk as you read his message. Is this the time that you will meet him again? You look towards the sky and saw the moon shining brightly. Then you remembered his words "We shall meet again under the light that fate has given us" The light meaning the shining moon and it was a full moon tonight.

You didn't notice the man behind you was looking at you with an intense gaze. You remembred his presence and turn to look at him.

"It seems that I loose Mr. Great Detective. You may ask me whatever question you would like" you said as you gave him an uninterested look.

"Well I only have question. What was the message you received?" He asked.

"Another case of Kaitou Kid stealing something. Would you like to come?" You said.


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