Chapter 1 (Georgia's POV)

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"Are we there yet?"
"Where are we even going?"

My siblings couldn't wait to get to our new home. I wasn't really. I missed my friends: my town: my school. We used to live all the way in Amityville New York. But when my mom got a new job in Derry, we had to move.

"Why are 14 year old soooo moody?" my 7 year old sister Caitlin bragged me.
"Will you just shut up!" I shouted.
"Don't tell your sister to shut up!" Mom yelled at me. "We are nearly here now." She drived up the drive way to our new house. Suddenly, I saw my 16 year old brother Alex staring at the window.

"What is it?" I asked.
"Oh nothing. I thought I saw some clown." he answered.

We all got out of the car. The house looked...amazing! It looked way better than the old one. More cleaner and bigger. When Mom unlocked the door, I had a good look around. Luckily, I had my own room!

"Mommy, where did you put Mr Bluebear?" Caitlin asked. She had a blue teddy she always carries around. It was her favourite. Typical.
"It's here." Mom passed her the teddy.
"Yay! I've missed you so much!" she squealed hugging him.

I started to unpack my stuff in my new bedroom. I picked up a picture of all of us. With our Dad. He died a few years ago of cancer, which tumbled me into a deep depression. That was such a great day. We were at the beach in Florida and decided to take this picture.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" a loud scream came from the other room. It was Caitlin's voice. We all went into her room.
"Caitlin! What is it?" Mom put her arm around her.
"It's a spider! A great big spider! Outside! Bigger than the house!" she started crying. Mom looked through the window.
"There's nothing there. It must've been a dream."
"No! It-it was glowing something on it's tummy! Alex, Georgia, do you believe me?" Alex just stared at her and walked out.
"Um, I don't know Caitlin. Don't worry about it." I walked back into my room.

Should I believe her? Well, I didn't see anything and nobody did. It's just a bit weird.

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