Part 16

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Arnav : enjoying Darling !! ..( He said as he in a swift moment turned around while thrusting inside her from behind ) Told you already ..You deserve Punishment ..Just the Night has began ... !! there is a lot in it's way ..
Khushi : You asshole anhh .. ( she screamed in pleasure and pain as Arnav thrust more deep while biting her buttocks )
Arnav : no Foul words ..or the Punishment will be doubled
Next Day ,
Khushi glanced at Anny who was playing with her PSP while sitting on the couch , She let out a groan Before She walked toward her while snatching the PSP from her hand .
Anny : what the Fuck Di ?
Khushi : Stop using Slangs Anny .. and What are you doing at this Evening ? Playing around with PSP when You can Concentrate on your Studies ...
Anny : Excuse ME ? Di ..where should I study ? that Vaahiyaad Nisha is desperately drinking and smoking in the room ? how long She is going to stay here ..I hate her .
Khushi : Stop it ..Anny ..She is Arnav's Sister .. He won't be liking you badmouthing her sister ... and if you want to study ..You can Study in my Room ..
Anny : In your Room ? are you sure !! Most of the Time your Room door remains closed ..
Khushi glared at Anny before They heard Arnav coming there ..
Arnav : Hey ladies !! what is happening here ?
Anny : Nothing much !! .. My sister is little Concern about me about Me having bad Impact Your little Sister is busy in drinking and Smoking inside the room ... leaving Me here out .. of the room !! I am a Kid after all .. and This kind of influences are not good for my health and that too when .. MY Board Exams are coming Near By ..
Khushi instantly glared at Anny with her eyes opened wide , What the Hell is she saying to Arnav !! Shit This Girl will Some Day be a End to her ..

Khushi rubbed her palms together clearing her throat as She finds Arnav frowning toward her .. before He said in a Calm tone .
Arnav : Well , Little Girl .. I apologize on behalf of My sister .. But I don't think there is a lack of space for you to study here ... You can Use The Study Room ... !! Or rather than playing You can Sit and study even Here ? Is it written in some RULE BOOK ..about the places where WE can study and Where We cannot ...
Anny pouts before Khushi let out a sigh looking at Arnav through the Corner of her eyes ..
Arnav : NO Compromises on Studies !! And If you Pass your Board Exams with the Flying Colors .. Then I promise You Sweetheart ... You will Get Whatever You wants .. ( he said leaning toward her as he tapped her red nose ) Anny's smile grew wide .. with the Mention of the Gifts ..
Anny : Sachi ? Pinky's promise ..
Khushi : Anny ..Enough !! .. Arnav won't give you anything !!
Anny : soch lo Di ... !! ( she said narrowing her eyes making Khushi huffed in anger)
Arnav : Khushi .. When We both are Talking don't interrupt please .. ( khushi make a face , This sister of her is so much .. always Demanding !! and Arnav .. God knows why always He is hell bent in spoiling her Sister by giving into her every demands )
Arnav : So where are WE ? Yeah .. Your Pinky's Promise .. But I want a Good Result ..Deal
Anny : Deal Sealed ( she smiled shaking her hands with him) Thanks ... Jiju ... You are the Best ..
Khushi felt breathless hearing her calling Arnav Jiju .. while Arnav himself stiffens a bit but did not react much but just smirk at her ruffling her hair ..
Khushi : Anny ... !! ( she glared at her)
Anny instantly make face before she looked at Arnav with puppy eyes
Arnav : I will ask the maid to bring your Books from the Room .. Go and Study !!
Arnav just lit up the Cigar as He stood near the Poolside .. when Khushi marched inside the Room and Directly walk towards Arnav in The poolside
Khushi : what was that ?
Arnav : what was what ?I did not get You ? ( he said smoking the cigar )
Khushi : ohh Please don't pretend to be innocent !! as you don't knows anything !! .. Why you Give into Anny's Demand !! You literally Bribed her for studies .. this is not right !!
Arnav : What is wrong in it ? I did not see any Wrong .. And Khushi Watch Your Tone ..Your voice is Raising High .. and I hope you know The Consiquencies ..
Khushi : See Arnav .. You belong Your And Our Class are different .. You belong from a Rich Class where it is easy for you to spend Money on such Luxuries .. But Arnav We are from Middle Class ... and These Luxuries are not Our Cup Of Tea .. Today You are providing her with the Luxuries But What will happen when You will be not there ? From where would I afford all these ? Don't make her use of something which her Family cannot afford !! We are middle Class people Arnav .. Don't Spoil her habits giving into her Demands ... Which We cannot afford later ..
Arnav ( frowns) : You are not supposed to deny the Gifts that would be given by Me .. It was in the Contract ..
Khushi : It's was specified for Me ? There was no such Clauses mentioned in the Contract where You would Shower your Money on My Family ...
Arnav : You are Forgetting KHUSHI ..I am already bearing all The Expenses of Your Family .. Your Father's Treatment .. and Your sister's education ..
Khushi : Thanks For Reminding me MR . Raizada ..That I am Bow to You !! for Your favor .. But They are necessities ... and These things which you are spending on Anny .. is not Necessary .... At least I don't call it Necessary ... I don't care How you treat your sister ..that is not my point to look at ? But please .. I won't be taking it for granted if you behave the same way .. with my sister .. and One more thing ..You should check on your sister ... It's Your House and I am no one to say you .. But Your sister's bad habit is Effecting Anny .. Though I know My sister herself is not a pure Milk ..But she is still a kid who is at the Verge of her teenage .. !! and Good Girls do not smoke in Our Middle Class Society
Arnav : are You by any chance saying My Sister is spoilt ? Or You are saying me to kick out My sister from the house .
Khushi : I Never said that .. I think You did not remember I said this is Your House ... and I am no one to poke my Nose here in your decision .. But I am just thinking to move my sisiter to the Hostel .
Arnav : an You think by staying in Hostel your Sister won't be getting spoilt ? we are unnecessarily arguing over small things .. Both of them have to adjust and I have seen there is no adjustment from both the side .. So just don't take only your sister's side both are at fault .. and about Nisha .. I will talk to her ..
Arnav just pulled her close to him by her waist as he squeezed her cheeks making her open her mouth
Arnav : you Speak a Lot .. Why don't .. I just Shut Your Mouth ... ( he said as He raised the Cigar .. toward her mouth ..and before khushi could understand , He insert cigar in her lips )
Khushi flinched as she huffed ..
Arnav : ( smirk) Inhale the Smoke Sweetheart and let your anger flew away .. Anhan !! I am not going to take the Cigar until You inhale it .. ( He said shrugging her hand away through which she tried to take the cigar away) more .. you flinch more .. you will feel suffocated ..! Inhale jaan but don't gulp it !!
Khushi inhale the smoke as Arnav smirks taking out the Cigar out a s he smirks .. as he inhale the Cigar ..
Arnav : Now ..don't stare at me .. leave the smoke out ... Like this ..( as he smoke out making Khushi do the same as she angrily looked at Arnav before coughing around)
Khushi : Crap !! what crap was this ? you know right ? I hate this ...
Arnav : so ? You hate it ? But still You consume it ? what will You do Khushi Gupta ? tum to maili Ho gayi .. ? ( he said in a mocking tone) You have to smoke with me ..whenever I will asked You ..Specially before having Sex!!
Khushi : What ? are You Nuts ? You are going out off Limits Arnav !!
Arnav : I am giving you some Liberty does not mean I have forgot the Contract ..I still use the Rights on You ... and Smoking Won't get you any harms darling ..Don't Worry !! .. Your Health will be my concern Babe ..and I will definitely not let it get harm anyway .. Because Your Body is my Asset ..
Khushi grits her Teeth angrily before she turned to walk away but Arnav hold her hand .. Before pinning her against the Wall .. as he crushed the Cigar down under his feet
Arnav : Babe ..Waise toh .. Your Sister should also stays away from You .. because .. You are staying in LIVE In With Me .. and Now you too have taste the smoke .. and in Your Society .. Living with a Man without a Married tag is biggest sin ? so You are the biggest Sinner ? and The first thing Your sister do to stay away from You don't you think ?You are Sleeping with me after all and that too for the Money .
Khushi looked at him with shocked eyes , as her eyes brimmed with tears .. she instantly pushed Arnav
Khushi : Thanks for reminding me my status ..!! I had almost forgotten that I am just a MISTRESS of Yours ..
Khushi sighed before turning her face away before Arnav Just pinned her again ..and this Time against his Body
Arnav : I am not finished Yet khushi .. I did not mean to hurt your emotions anyway ... and I hope you have understand One thing while staying with me all these days long ..that I am the least person who is bothered about the Society .. SEE Khushi I am Saying ..We should what we feel Like ..We should do in what we feel Free ? We should not put limits to our Wings .. Just because of the Boundaries made by the So called Society ? who are they ? Actually ? Just a Folks of peoples who just knows nothing but mock on us .. I am not saying that My Sister is doing Right .. Or your sister is Wrong .. But I am not going to bound her in a limit .. It's her Life ..she will decide how to lead upon .. But that does not mean I will let her to led a Wrong way .. What you are saying that My sister is leaving a bad influence on your sister is Wrong !! ..That 's the Point ..I want to make you Understand Babe .. Just because We are living according to our own Rule that does not Judge our Character .. it's just a tactics of So called Society .. and If you keep on thinking about Satisfying the Society ..You will never able make them satisfy .... Only you will get pissed in between ..So just Live your Life ..rather than the society who does not know anything rather than making Fun of people's situation ..
He patted her cheeks and said ..
Arnav : GO !! and Fresh Up .. I am coming by then .. and I don't want another Conversation on this Topic ..Once I return back .. !!
Arnav : Nisha ..I am not ready to hear any Complains about You ? and What are these things ? I never stopped you from doing anything does not mean You will just do anything beyond the Limits ..
Nisha : bro ? You are scolding me and I am sure Anny and her Sister has something to do with it ..
Arnav : Nisha ..Enough ..She is a kid here and You should behave properly to her ..She feels uncomfortable with your habits .. and that's not wrong of her .. and just look at yourself You hardly can stand properly .. !
Nisha bite her lips and said
Nisha : sorry Bro ..But You know this is the best thing I can do .. it gives me Solace ..
Arnav : you are going Off Limits .. Now You want me to put a restrictions .. or the better option to speak with MR Malik .. I can do that ..
Nisha : bro . please !! ( she lowers down her eyes)
Arnav : you will be getting back to Your place tomorrow .. I don't want anyone to point on me to snatch their daughter from them .. and Secondly Never think that I don't have eyes on You .. I will be having all the details about You ..Samjhi .. I am asking HP to bring Lemonade for You ..Grab it .. and Sleep in the Living Room
Nisha : Living Room ? are you kidding me ?
Arnav : you are not in the straight Condition .. and being with Anny is not a good idea .. so sleep there !!
Nisha (Pouts) : I am you Sister Bro ..
Arnav : MY Rules are Same for everyone ..and you make Mistake and You have to bear the Punishment ..
Nisha : I hate your Girlfriend .. Hope she rot in hell ..
Arnav ( smirks) : she is already in hell with your Darling Brother !! Now Good Night ..
To be contd

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