Part 6

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Misha : You are going to meet your parents , this weekend!! 
Khushi : yes , Babuji’s health has sink ...So I thought to visit them ... 
Misha : did that Richie Rich Knows ? will he allows!! 
Khushi : I don’t know . I have not said him Yet .. He should allow !! 
Khushi sighed as her phone beeped with a Message from Arnav 
“ - got Selected - congratulation and celebration is needed “ 
Khushi ( huffed ) : This man is Surely have to do something with the Job !! ( Khushi grits her teeth before dialing a number which went to voice call saying , he is in meeting “ laad governor !! 
Arnav : why are you glaring me like that ? ( He said while undoing his shoes as He sat in the Recliner while Khushi stood there glaring at him while placing her hands on her waist ) You know I hate it ... 
Khushi : and You know I hate it ... When someone Poke in my things ... 
Arnav : what the ? ( Arnav stood up while looking at her ) And what makes you think I do poke in your things .. and Let me Correct You .. You are totally My Thing .. So ..I have the right to keep a tab on You 
Khushi clenched her fist while she said controlling her anger 
Khushi : firstly , I am not a thing Arnav .. I am whole shot Human... who breathe and Feels .. Move Like You ... So stop calling me a Thing all the Time ... and Specially I am not your THING .... 
Khushi said almost shouting as Arnav marched to her , and before She could say further , Arnav pinned her against him while twisting her hand behind making her Flinch as she gulped seeing his Eyes darkened ... 
Arnav : how many times I have to say you !! don’t talk in that tone with me ... Seems you didn’t learn anything from your Previous Punishments ... 
Khushi gulps breathing harder as Arnav left her with a push ... before He unbuckled his belt .. from his trouser .. Before pushing Khushi down on the Bed over her face .
Khushi gulped , as she tried to turn but Arnav hold her leg stopping her from moving around before He pulled down Her Jeans off her Leg along with her panty .. making khushi gasped ... As He leans kissing her Butt .. as Khushi closed her eyes feeling his Hot lips on Her .. sensitive spot .. But Then she yelled up in pain .. as He sprang his Belt on her Butt cheek.. 
Khushi clutched the bedd sheet in her fist screaming in pain .. He is so dominant .. 
Khushi : anhh .. Arnav Please !! 
Arnav : tell me did you like it .. darling ? this pain is nothing but a pleasure ... ( He said as he sprang his belt on her before before he remove his trousers along with his Boxers as He enter inside her from behind ..making khushi breathless ) tell me baby ? how is it ?
Khushi sighed as she moaned .. feeling Arnav pressing her bosoms ..... 
Khushi pour some water for herself before she drank it down to calm down her Burning heart .. This is beyond her tolerance now , She has No right for Freedom of Speech !! He in No way listened to her .. What He do is always right and if She do something She is definitely the Most worst Woman ... 
Hey Devi Mayia !! Where the Hell she got herself stuck .. She placed The glass on the kitchen slab with a thud .. before she glare at The Maid who was staring at her .. Like she has the Whole Galaxy ... painted on her face .. 
Khushi : what ?? what are you staring at My face like that ? 
Maid : Sorry Mam !! .. You have drank Seven glass of water ? are you fine !! 
Khushi : My wish !! and don’t you know Drinking water .. is Good for health .. and ( She looked at the clock) don’t you have the breakfast to made !! 
Maid : sorry Mam .. But you are blocking the kitchen Counter 
Khushi fumbles with word before she flares her nose and pick out the Onion to Chop 
Khushi : Am I doing time pass here you think ? ( she started chopping Onion in Hurry .. But in that Process she cut her Fingers .. screaming out her lungs ) 
Arnav : What’s Wrong ? ( he ran inside the kitchen hearing khushi’s scream only to find her holding her wounded Finger while blood was oozing out ) What the ? 
Khushi gulped as She flinched while Arnav hold her fingers .. to inspect her injury .. 
Arnav : stop flinching !! and what The fuck you are doing in the kitchen ... ? ( She glared at the maid ) 
Maid : I tried but mam .. didn’t listen and starts Chopping ..
Arnav : why are you chopping the vegetables here ? it’s simply not Your Work ... Let the maids to do 
Khushi : stop shouting at Me Arnav .. at least now .. I am feeling pain .. ( she said in a low voice while Arnav took khushi’s finger and suck them ... making khushi hestitae a bit efore she closed her eyes his mouth started doing wonder to her Wounds 
Arnav : I never knew Khushi Kumari Gupta has such a Weak personality !! .. ( khushi sighed looking at her bandaged fingers ) 
Khushi : Everyone has Some weakness .. I am sure ... You too have some Weakness too ? 
Arnav looked at khushi keenly before laugh out and said 
Arnav : I never let anyone to know my Weakness .. ( he smirks before kissing her wounded fingers ) 
Khushi : you are so strange ? I really don’t understand you .. 
Arnav : understand ? you have no reasons to Understand me ... !! so stop stressing yourself unnecessarily .. 
Khushi : unnecessarily ? I know I have No right to actually know You or ask you anything .. But seriously .. Staying with you under One Roof . I really don’t know .. You exactly a stranger to Me .. 
Arnav : is It ? there is Nothing you cannot know about me .. There are lot of information in Google about Me ?
Khushi : Now , I have to Google to learn about you .. Strange ? ( sighing deeply < she tucked her hair behind ) 
Arnav : what You want to know about Me ? and Why ? 
Khushi : Should Not I have the rights to know about the person with whom I am living all these days .. sharing the most possession that I have .. 
Arnav : you don’t have the Right .. 
Khushi : Why are you like this ..
Arnav Smirks while kissing her lips 
Arnav : I am like this Only sweetheart !!
Khushi : fine !! don’t tell me about Yourself ..But Tell me you have to do something with m job ? 
Arnav : you think so ? 
Khushi : I am sure of it 
Arnav : then you are wrong !! I have nothing to do with your Job .. Swear ( he touch his neck ) 
Khushi : and why should I believe you 
Arnav : Why don’t believe the innocent me ? 
Khushi : Ohh .. you and innocent .. Very Funny .. 
Khushi stood up while walking ahead .. before she closed her eyes sighing deeply before she turned and looked at him .. 
Khushi : I have thought a Lot Arnav !! .. and I need a Break ... 
Arnav : What ? ( he looked at Khushi getting up from his place ) you lost it ? 
Khushi : See .. I know .. I got agree to all these .. and I am not denying either ... But .. It’s all are too much for me to bear .. may Be the girls you have been earlier ..enjoyed this .. but I feel Humiliated ..
Arnav : did I make you feel like that ? Khushi I have paid You .... 
Khushi : I know Arnav you have helped me in my Need .. and I am thankful to you .. All I just need a Break Arnav from this SEX Life with you ... I feel suffocates .. I have no right to speak ..I have no right to do anything .. I feel like a caged bird here!! .. ( she sighed ) I am going to Lucknow !! ... 
Arnav : What ? when did you have decide this ? and Why I don’t know this ? 
Khushi : Arnav You have No Right in my personal life like I have no right in yours .. I have already booked my tickets ..I will be there in the weekend!! 
Arnav ( pulling her by her arms ) what the hell is this yaar ? you cannot do this dam ... First you are arguing .. then .. giving me your decision .. Don’t invite punishments for yourself ... I have paid you to be my Mistress
Khushi : please .. I am tired of it now ... I know you have paid me .. and I know my duty toward you .. Please I need a Break for sometime arnav Please!! 
Arnav : what is the need of returning the gifts back ? 
Khushi : I will use it .. when I will come back .. 
Arnav : I can drop you ... 
Khushi : arnav please .. 
Arnav : fine I can kiss you at least for the time being you are away ..( khushi sighed as arnav leans smooching her ) 
Khushi sighing as she pulled back from the kiss 
Khushi : Time to go Mr Raizada!! 
She smiled weakly walking away from there wiping out her tears 
To be contd ..

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