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Arnav : may I ? ( Arnav looked at khushi making her jerk out of her thoughts as She nodded walking out of the car holding his hand .. A sheer of current spread through Her body !! )

Khushi gulped nervously ..

Arnav : Hope you didn’t have Problem reaching here !! Sorry !! I would not have come to pick you up ? Umhh .. Got engrossed in a Meeting .. Waise You are looking beautiful ..The Saree really suits You ..

Arnav said looking at Khushi who lowers down her eyes trying hard not to blush at his Comment

Arnav : No Need of feeling Nervous Khushi !! .. Come let’s get inside the Hotel and have Some Lunch then We can discuss ..I am Sure You are starving ?


Khushi fiddles with her fingers as She took deep breathes while looking at arnav who checks the menu card ..

Arnav : What will you eat ?

Khushi : anything will Do ? ( arnav nodded his head while started ordering to the waiter )

Arnav : pasta with Italian Sauce ..and Whisky .. Same with her

Khushi : I don’t drink ...

Arnav : fine .. One Moctail for her

The waiter nodded as he left writing the order

Khushi looks at the Surrounding !! Never in lime long , She has visited a Hotel like this ... Five star Hotel for Rich people !!

Khushi : there was no need for this Lunch arrangement !!

Arnav : It’s my pleasure to take such a beautiful lady out for Lunch !!

Khushi : last day , You was splitting Fire on me for insulting You among the bunch of Employees .. what if I do the same now ?

Arnav : Well !! I don’t think so ..

Khushi : and how are you so sure about it ? I have already said you a NO yesterday

Arnav : earlier you said it right !! but now you are thinking on it .. otherwise you would not have come here !! See The lunch is here ..We will talk after we fill our appetite .. I don’t want the beautiful lady to starve with Hunger while we discuss !!

Khushi sighed as she looked at the food!! PASTA!! Yuck!! Is this a food to eat !! but does she have any choice than eating this ..

She looked at him how He slowly enjoyed his food while khushi fiddle with the Spoon ... on her food plate .. before smiling nervously and eating the same ..


Khushi gasped as She entered the room which Arnav has booked for them ..

Arnav gesture her to sit on the Couch while he sat on the Opposite couch ..

Arnav : now , we should talk about Business

Khushi gasped loudly as she sat down .. while biting her lower lip

Arnav : stop nibbling your Lip .. it’s distracting me

( khushi sighed trying to look away )

Khushi : What you have to say ?

Arnav : you have read the mail I sent You last night ..

Khushi : I did .. and from that I have understand One thing you are Psycho

Arnav : Psycho ? and why you think So ?

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