Part 14

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PART 15:

Khushi sighed as she walked in the Bedroom carrying the Cofee Mug in her hand . She smiled looking at him as she handed him the Coffee

Khushi : Are you Okay ? ( She said looking at Arnav who just leans his head back resting it against the head board of the bed try to calm his nerves )
Arnav : Nothing ..Work Pressure !! I think I need to go for a Vacation badly ..
Khushi : You should !! I have hardly seen you spending time with your family .. I never heard about them from You !!

Arnav : Don't Cross your limits Khushi !!( He said with a tight smirk making Khushi frown)
Khushi : Did I say something Wrong ? I asked you a simple thing ?
Arnav : Don't !! ( He said as he held khushi's hand pulling her on top of him as he rubbed his thumb on her lips) I am not really comfortable about my Family with You !! So don't poke on that topic again .. ( He said in a calm dangerous tone making Khushi well aware that He is not happy discussing his family with her )
Khushi : ( Sigh ) Why are you like this ? At one time you make me feel so good around you and the very next time you make me feel that I am nothing but a Mistress to You ?? Why is that so ?
Arnav stares at her for few seconds before He pinned her beneath him ..
Arnav : I had been with many women .. But You ..You really have something ...
Khushi : Do you realize how a woman must be feeling when her Man compare her with someother woman
Arnav : Appologizes darling !! You didn't heard me Correctly ... I said You are different .. Someone .. mmhh Special .. ( He said kissing her lips)
Khushi : I feel like puking ?
Arnav : Why ? are you pregnant ? You are not following doctor prescription ?
Khushi : ( punching his chest ) shut up !! I follow my daily medicine for your information !! Your Sweet gestures are too much for me to bear ?
Arnav : I thought Girls like sweet Gesture from their Partner !!
Khushi : ( Laughed) You are a Bloody Crooked .. Ouch ( She whinned as Arnav spank her theigh)
Arnav : No bad words .. Young Lady !! ( Khushi pouts, as Arnav started folding her bossoms)
" Didi "
Arnav groaned as Khushi pushed him getting up to find Anny standing near the door with her eyes opened wide
Khushi : Anny You here ?
Anny : Sorry my Fault ..but then you should know to lock the door before .. doing Romance? Waise I should not have disturbed you ... Then I could have a free show ( She said narrowing her eyes as Khushi glance at Arnav who started typing on his mobile)
Arnav : Appart from your Curiosity? May I know what brings you here ?
Anny : You are so Rude ? Amma wants to talk with Khushi Di .. She asked you to call her .. That's Why I came here !!
Khushi : I will call Amma !!( She let out a sigh ) You Go !!
Anny shrugs her shoulder
Anny : Next Time please keep your Hormones on check remembering You have a kid here in the House or else I will ended up revealing your little Secret to Amma
Arnav : You simply can if you want .. but then You will be a fool to stamped on your own feet !! No PSP, No Video Games, No latest Dress Nothing ..and No pocket money !!
Anny : blackmailing ?
Arnav : No young lady !! You are an intellegent Girl and I know you understand what is good for you !! *****************

Khushi Astha who just rushed inside the Mansion screaming for Arnav !!
Khushi : Aap ?
Astha : You are the same Girl with whom we have seen Asr that day on the fashion Event !! So You are his new fling !! who cares where is Arnav
Khushi : Mam I don't know who you are .. but you are disturbing the environment !! and Arnav has still not returned from the office ..I will tell him about your visit once he comes
Astha : first He is not picking up my phone and Now, You think I am going without visiting him ... Do you know Who am I ? I am Astha Singh Raizada
Khushi looked at him with his eyes opened wide ,Singh Raizada ? Before She could say anything She heard Arnav's voice
Arnav : You don't need to give your unnecessary Introduction Everywhere ! Tell Me what brings You here !! Khushi Go upstairs .. I will talk to you later ..
Khushi could feel anger in his voice , She sighs walking out from there
Arnav : Fucks !!! I told you , I hate seeing your face over here ? what makes you here ? did that Bustard get bore of You ?
Astha ( sigh) stop it ? Is it because you are jealous Henry has what you deserve
Arnav : Crap !! You are estimating a lot !! That Stupid has not a Single Ounce similarity of mine Astha !! tell me the reason of you being here !
Astha : You have stop transferring money on my account ? Why is that so ? Upon that ..You are ignoring my call
Arnav : Staying with Some other Man and depending on my Money !! what a so called logic is it ?
Astha : This is what which is actually decided ? Isn't it ? It's legally sanctioned ..
Arnav : You are not dependent any more .. And ..You are still using Raizada Surname ? seems You still have the impact of Raizada on you !!
Astha : Stop quarelling .. Your this nature has forced me to take steps beyond my limit .. You never understands me .. nor then and not now
Arnav : I didn't? Nor do I want either ?? You are not getting any penny .. So get out from here with respect and don't worry you can take legal steps you want .. I will priviledged ...
Arnav said in a calm voice as he sat down on the couch crossing his leg
Astha : You are doing wrong ...You are ceasing my cards !! my bank account
Arnav : I don't waste my money on pests like You!! Enough of it ask Henry to help you .. ohh Sorry I forget He himself is running on my mercy ..!!
Astha didn't say a word as she angrily left from there while Arnav leans against the head board closing his eyes tightly letting a deep sigh .. Before He picks his phone which started ringing ..
Arnav : Hello ? ( the voice from the other end make his eyes went wide ) Nisha ??
Nisha : huhh !! Finally you recognize my voice .. ? Guess Where I am ?
Arnav : where ???? Are you in India ?
Nisha : right guess Bro and just Here !! ( She screamed as arnav stood up to find his sister standing there with her bags)
Arnav : Nisha you didn't tell me ? You came here all alone ..
Nisha : Stop it bro .. I came to india with my friends ..My holidays are going on .. and I just saw that Astha Sastha going out ? what wrong ? Why she came here ..
Arnav : Nothing at all . leave it .. Kids have nothing to do all these ... samjhi ( he ruffled his 18 year old sister) and You are here ?
Nisha : I would be here only .. ( She smiled hugging him happily when Nisha Instantly pushed Arnav seeing Khushi walking down with anny ) Who is she ? Is she ? Bro Explain
Arnav looked at his sister who crossed her arms across her chest
Arnav : She is Khushi ..
Nisha : Your Girlfriend !! hello I am his sister .. So behave with me ( She said extending her hand toward khushi while khushi keeps on staring at her )
Arnav : Nish ( He hold her hand ) I will drop you back home ..No further Comments !!
Nisha : bhai .. I will be staying here
Arnav : Nisha !!! Mohan .. keep the luggage in my car ..
Nisha : Nope, dare to touch my bag ... or else I will burn yoh down .. I am staying here bhai Final ..
She said stomping down as She walks upstairs angrily
Arnav : Nisha !! ( He groaned before his eyes fell on khushi's stupified face) Whaat.? why are you staring at my face ?? Dammit !! I also have a sister like You have .. unlike yours Mine is too much ziddi ...
Anny : by any chance you are calling me ziddi
Nisha just lit up the Cigar, while sitting on the bed ..
Anny : You are going to stay in this room?
Nisha: yes ? Do you have any problem in it ? ( She said inhaling the smoke)
Anny : And you smoke ??(Nisha groaned)
Nisha : You wanna have one ? (She offered her while anny make face before khushi came there)
Khushi : What is wrong happening here ( She pulled Anny by her side glaring at Nisha) You are smoking ?
Nisha : Nothing is wrong over here ? Khushi right? and don't interrupt in my business I don't like and If We both have to share room then I am taking bed .. and ask her to adjust on floor .. I cannot share the bed
Anny : Asshole .. I will sleep on floor . ok you rich spoil Brat .. You sleep on floor !!
Khushi : Anny stop it ..
Nisha : It's my bhai's place ..and I will do anything I like
Anny : This is how you behave with guests here !! Di ..
Khushi : Nisha .. please
nisha : I know my name is Nishaa .. huh ..( She said walking out from there as Anny cursed her ..)
Nisha sighs as she halted her step looking at her brother being lost in somewhere else while standing near the pool side
Nisha : Bro ? ( She walks toward him placing her palms on his shoulder ) Are you angry of me coming here ?
Arnav turned at her ad Nisha glance at the Glass of Alcahol
Nisha : Bro !! when will you stop drinking !! It's not good for health ..
Arnav : Smoking is also injurious for health ? and since when you developed this habit !! and you are smelling cigar ? Did you inform your Father about your arrival ?
Nisha : He is your father too Bro !! (Arnav clenched his fist angrily) Your anger is justified Bro .. But then don't forget I am your sister first than his daughter .. Let's not talk over a person who does not deserve .. Tell me what is with Khushi
Arnav : What with Khushi ? Nothing .. Just We are living together
Nisha : just like other flings of yours tina, Mina shina ... But whatever I like this Girl better than your early fling ..but I need to share room with that anny
Arnav : Baby!! I didn't realize that I would be having so many guests all of sudden Otherwise I would have constructed a larger flat this one .. It's already late Go and Sleep
Nisha sighs as she hugged him
Nisha : Good Night Bhai ...
Arnav just leans at Khushi by his elbow who is sleeping peacefully .. while cuddling a pillow . He sighed as he remove her hair strands away off her forehead ... as He keeps admiring her angelic face .. What wrong with him ? He is just getting himself drown in the sea names Khushi !! But Yes, This Girl has something to impressed him .. The strong will power and strong personality is what which forces Arnav to get attracts on her more .. She is something differnt .. Not like other girls who happily accepted the luxary thrown on them but she ? she will ended up having lot of questions ..? He smirks as he traced her lips by his fingers ...
Next day,
Khushi bite her Sandwitch as she sat on her desk working on her Project
karan : Hey did you miss your breakfast ? eating here
Khushi : (munching the sandwitch) Nothing .. Much ... Was running late .. my sister is in Town as well his .. and I skipped breakfast ... Sorry !!
(She said in one breathe before having some water )
Karan : Relax Khushi seems you are running on toes ... You fill your appetite !! No issues !!
He said as he pick the apple from her tiffin box biting the same
Karan : Ohh !! One more thing ..You need to visit Mr lewis to sign the papers
Khushi : Me ? okay ..
Khushi sighed as she glance at the Office surrounding while sitting on the Reception Area !!
it's been almost half an hour since she is waiting for him when She stood up in shock as her eyes fell on Arnav who walked inside the Building ... along with Nisha .. as while the Office stand uo greeting them .. Nisha rushed upstairs before Arnav's eyes fell on Khushi .. He walks toward her before Henry came there ...and greet khushi almost sharing a formal kiss
Henry : Ohh !! I am Sorry to make you late Lady ( he glance at Arnav ) What a surprise ? After such a long time you are been here in Malik Corporates ? but I need your permission now .. Come khushi
Arnav greets his teeth glaring at khushi
Arnav : what are you doing here ?
Khushi : Our Company . ( She said fumbling with words before Arnav heard a voice which He hates the most )
Arnav clenched his fist turning toward the source of voice before looked at the old man Ayush Malik besides stand Nisha ..
She walks to khushi and said Hello
Ayush : You are going without meeting me
Arnav : I have no interest in meeting unnecessary people .. Well, I just came here to drop your daughter .. here nothing else
Nisha ( frown) : Bro please ... stop being excited
She said as henry says
Henry : Did He ever listen to us ? huh !! You are wasting your time on him unnecessarily like everytime ...
Arnav : better you meet your works over here soon Khushi or I have to forget my calm level
to be contd

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