Chapter 18:Bigger than you Imagined

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As No. 1 slowly turned to look at the right side of his body in horror.

Han Xiao fired again, this time at No. 1's leg, causing him to collapse to the ground. He then took his time to reload before continuing to maim his remaining limbs.

No. 1 lay helplessly on the ground as he stared at Han Xiao hatefully.

"ZERO!" he screamed hoarsely, like a wounded beast.

"Keep quiet."

Han Xiao strode forward to No. 1 to give him a vicious kick in his jaw.

"Wanna know why I left you for last? Because I don't want you to enjoy a quick death."

No. 1 was writhing on the ground, unable to reply. Blood was continuously spurting out of his wounds.

Suddenly, the communication device on his severed arm lit up. A holograph of the leader appeared in mid-air.

"Zero, that's enough," he said.

Han Xiao frowned.

"I am the leader of the Germinal Organization," he introduced.

"Do you think you can truly escape from us? No matter where you go, the Germinal Organization will find you. However, I can give you a chance to live."

"How?" asked Han Xiao plainly.

"Return to the organization obediently. I will allow you to retain your memories. You will be given a position you deserve," answered the boss. He was truly fascinated by Han Xiao's strength.

No. 1's face grew livid at his leader's words. How could he treat Zero so well after all the men that he had killed?

Han Xiao glanced at No. 1 and replied tauntingly, "You want to rope me in even after I've killed so many of your people?"

"A bunch of failures. Their deaths are not worth mourning," the boss replied instantly.

No. 1 shuddered.

"What makes you think I want to work under you?"

"We are destined to accomplish greater things. Join us. What's there to hesitate? Oh, I know. Is it because you are still unhappy with how we treated you before? Don't be so petty, think of the bigger picture. Such things are trivial when compared to our ultimate goal."

Han Xiao replied coldly, "I have no interest whatsoever in your ideology. You killed my friends, so you are my enemy. That is all."

"If you refuse to join us, there will not be a place for you in this world!" threatened the boss.

"I will destroy you all," Han Xiao declared.

It was the only solution.

The boss burst out in laughter.

"Destroy us? What do you think you are? You are just a small, pitiful ant that we can squash whenever we want. Did killing a few lowly grunts make you think that you are invincible now? Childish!"

"Wait and see then. The world is bigger than you can imagine."

Han Xiao shook his head and raised his gun. He fired three shots aimed at No. 1's heart.

The test subject squad no longer existed!

The boss's mask could not conceal his fury.

"You'll regret this," he coldly warned before ending the transmission.


You have killed the No. 1, the Valkyrie Experiment Test Subject, gaining 900 experience.

You have completed [Revenge], gaining 15,000 experience.


Suddenly, the bayonet rifle came apart.

The SWP sniper rifle that Han Xiao retrieved from the test subject squad had the prerequisite of the [Sniper] ability, so Han Xiao dismantled it to fix the bayonet rifle.

Han Xiao had gained a total of 20,000 experience tonight.

As the Germinal Organization would surely come for him, Han Xiao needed to find a hiding place. He was indeed still too weak to take them head-on. The wealth of information that he carried over from the game was his trump card.

In order to make good use of it, Han Xiao needed to seek the aid of a power as mighty as the Organization.

The Six Nations!

Stardragon, Maple, Theseus, Raylen, Hesla, and Ordina.

Since he was already in Stardragon, and they were the most peaceful of the six nations, there could be no better choice.

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