Chapter 22

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I must've fallen asleep because when I looked at the clock it was ten in the morning on Saturday. I still feel sick to my stomach from being so sad. I'm not going to complain, though, because I'm kind of putting it on myself.

I need to forget about this whole thing, if only for a moment. Music usually helps so I reached for my iPod and went onto Pandora.

The music helped for a little while until the song Without You by Hinder came on. It was the last song I listened to before I slept with Jason.

I felt the tears coming so I quickly turned the music off. I sighed. It's eleven thirty now, so that means I had felt better for only an hour and a half before breaking down again. That isn't long enough.

There was a knock at my bedroom door. "Erin?" my mom said, quietly. "Are you awake?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"Can you come downstairs? Your father and I need to talk to you about something."

"Sure." I heard her footsteps disappear. Sighing and wiping the tears away, I stood up and headed downstairs.

My parents were sitting on the couch in the living room. They looked kind of nervous. Uh, oh.

"Have a seat, honey," my mom said.

"Um, okay." I sat down on the stool across from them. They just stared at me nervously in silence and that's how I knew something must be wrong. "What's going on?"

They looked at each other for a second before answering.

"Well, before we tell you, we want you to know we love you," my mom said.

"Okay...." I said, suspiciously. They're kind of making me nervous.

"Your mother and I..." my dad began, "We decided to get a divorce."

At that moment, I felt my world fall apart even more than it already had. I can't believe I'm hearing my parents say that. Just a few months ago they seemed to be happy together. But I guess things can change and people fall out of love. But still, my heart just broke hearing my parents say they're getting divorced.

I'm losing everything. First my brother who was my best friend killed himself two years ago, then I lose the love of my life, and now my parents are separating.

"What? Are you serious?" They didn't reply. "Tell me you're not serious!" The tears started falling again, only this time it's from hearing about their divorce and not about Jason.

"We're so sorry, Erin. We just-"

I cut my mom off. "No. This can't be happening."

"We're sorry. We really are," my dad said, and he had a sad and guilty look on his face.

I stood up. "Then why are you doing this?" But without waiting for a reply I ran out of the room.

"Erin," I heard my parents yell to me but I ignored them and ran outside.

I can't be here right now. I need someone. I need Jason. So I ran down the street and didn't stop until I got to Jason's house.

When I finally got to his house my lungs burned. I bent over and coughed for a while until I felt better, and then I went to his front door and knocked. I heard some noises from inside as if someone was shuffling around before he opened the door.

He looked shocked to see me, but I expected that. "Erin? What's up?"

"C-can I come i-inside?" I stuttered.

"Of course." He stepped out of the way so I could go inside. He shut the door and we walked into his living room. "So what brings you here?" And that's when he seemed to notice the tears that I know were probably visible on my cheeks. "Have you been crying?"

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