Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Snows pov

Jack was trashing. He was transforming into a ice person.

Snow and mist swirled around him. It got colder. Then all of sudden it all dropped Jack was hunched over with Elsa's staff. "Mom" he said as he looked up at me I jumped over to him "jack..jack honey are you alright " I say. He nods a little discombobulated. He looks at me and he stands still 'off'. He looked at the staff in his hand. I look at it,where have I seen this before? No I couldn't have been Elsa's staff "jack put that down right now" I say. He gives the staff a twirl "why...let's see what this bad boy can do" he says he grips the staff with both hands and closes his eyes and with a 'POW' the staff shoots out ice It travels completely through the wall jack jumps up and down "oohhh did you see that?!forget about this" he says taking the sword off his belt and throwing it on the ground. He twirls around the staff. He then looks at me with Gleam in his eyes he runs out side. I follow him "jack I suggest you put that staff down I mean come on Elsa was a evil who knows maybe that staff will turn you evil too" I say we are standing out side he winks at me "trust me mom I'm not gonna turn evil but speaking of Elsa I remember she could fly cause of this thing..... let's see if it does" he smiled then he pushed off the ground and shot up in the air "woooohoooo " he yelled flipping in the air.he came back down like a little toddler he hollered "did you see that mom". I paused and thought about the situation for a minute,my son had just touched a staff that contained all of Elsa's dark and unpredictable magic and now it's in my son. "Maybe we should take you to Mr.Gold and see what to do about this" I suggested. He put on a serious face and nodded "ok...see you there" he yelled shooting up in the air and flying towards town

15 mins later at the shop

I called David to meet us at the shop I walked in jack is waiting there for me and so Is David. "Well hello mrs.blancard lovely for you to join us" rumpleslitkin said

"Cut to the chase Gold what's up with jack and how can we fix it" David said mr gold took a deep breath "first of all Jack may I ask where you found this very unique staff" he questioned. Jack sighed "when Elsa died.." He began to say. Gold cut him off "Elsa's dead" golds eyes began to tear up. Jack nodded and he began to cry too. Gold wiped away his tears "let me see the that staff" gold said through his tears. Jack put his staff down on the counter gold looked at it then he looked at us. " so Elsa's ice powers are all crammed in this staff and since you touched the staff,the staff chose you as it's beholder" gold said. Jack nodded. Then he picked up the staff and walked out. David sighs and follows him and so do I. "Jack listen we are going to help you control just have to conceal it don't feel it don't let it show and you make one wrong move and everyone will know" David says patting him on the back. I didn't know why David wanted to keep this a secret. He wanted to keep jack's powers a secret. Jack looked up shocked "what the hell you saying? You want me to keep this a look at me I'm literally white as snow" jack yells. He twirls the staff in anger and snow comes across us. He looked at me and David he nodded angrily

"I see I'm not good enough for the almighty Charming's you wanna know what I'm gone" he flew up and towards the town and from that point on we never saw jack again.

Blood and Ice and everything nice.(OUAT fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora