Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Elsa's pov

I landed in my house....I think. Well I wouldn't know cause I was raised in a old one. My main objective was to get Ana and get out anyone who got in my way would have to pay. I made my way down a hallway. It was dark. "Ana..Ana you in here" i whispered. Then out of nowhere a hand was over my mouth. I put both my hands on my attackers arm and flipped him he fell in front of me. Then he ran towards the window and jumped out. I needed to get to Ana and fast. The first door I came upon was locked I put my hand on it and squeezed ice overwhelmed the handle and the door popped open. It was dark but was close to a window so light was coming though a little. Once my eyes adjusted I saw what it was. The room was a nursery. On the wall there was a name painted. 'Elsa' was painted in blues and green and purples. In the middle of the room was a crib with glass unicorns draped over it. On the other wall was a table with stuffed ducks and above it was a piece of paper it read "Elsa Rosemary French " under it was a pair of feet printed in ink I picked up a duck and began to cry just thinking I could have all this a room. A family. then I herd someone say " I know how hard it is to see all that you could've had but you lived a completely different life" I turned around still barely crying it was Emma she inched in and laughed a little under her breath she walked over to the unicorns that hung above the crib "ha..these were mine" I was confused I would normally suspect her to Go right for my neck but she was giving me a heart to heart conversation. "What are doing here why aren't you telling me how you are going to kill me" I asked at moment I was ready to shoot ice. She came closer me took the duck from my hand and laughed. "Once a lost girl always a lost girl right" she smirked I couldn't believe It. "H-how did you do that thing" I asked very confused she shook her head "c'mon I'll explain later but there is no time the pirates they have your sister and they said they are gonna kill her" she said as she took my hand me we ran towards Main Street.

Regina's pov

*takes place right after Elsa poofed out of the station*

"Great" I said with metal in my hand placed there by Elsa. Snow came running in and pulled it out quickly and took her sock of and wrapped by hand to stop the bleeding. My hand was throbbing. "Shouldn't those vines stopped her from ice blasting" snow asked I shook my head "she's stronger" I said out of breath. "Yes she is stronger but we're smarter" I herd rumple say. He was holding a bottle with blue liquid he shook it happily

"How is blue Gatorade gonna help us " I barked getting tired of his tricks "um Regina I hate to remind you that this not a sports drink but Elsa's powers " he said. I'm pretty sure I was not the only one confused he sighed

"I went back to the jolly Rodger and looked at the ropes that held Elsa some of her ice powers were left on there and I simply made more and what's unique about my daughter is that she has this stuff and she decided what to do with it,for example fashion it into a spear or snow or entrenal winter, but since we have it we make it do anything like turn her into a hunk of ice. So we just need to get her in Main Street and boom our menus is dead" he explained Emma spoke up "I can get her to Main Street" she said snow turned to her "Emma how do you plan to do that" she asked "easy I'll convince her that I'm still a lost girl on her side and I'll say they..I mean you guys are gonna kill Ana and Regina and rumple can use the mangtis spell to freeze her in place then I'll let this stuff go " Emma said everyone nodded I smiled finnaly we have a deathtrap waiting for her she was going to die and she gonna walk right into it

Blood and Ice and everything nice.(OUAT fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt