Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

SNOW's pov

"C'mon Snow" charming said taking me by the hand and yanking me through the lush Forrest.

"Hold on I gotta grab something" Regina yelled

Charming stopped and so did I his grip tightened. Even though we had just Escaped from captivity I was dying on the inside,once my daughter has been taking from me. "Regina we don't have time for this" charming yelled but that didn't stop Regina she ran towards her inferno. "Damnit Regina " charming murmured and we continued running. We weaved through trees and vines until we got to camp. Charming out of breath drew his sword at camp and looked to see of we had been followed. it was silent. We have not been followed he put his sword back and sat on the log next to me. I began to cry it all set in. That my daughter had not only gone back to the mental state of a fourteen year old but she had also killed hook and had known it I would probably never have or see Emma again. David brought me to his chest"shhh it's going to ok we are going to win just like we always have "he said softly.all of a sudden we herd something come in through the woods with crunches and snaps of twigs. Charming popped up and drew his sword at the sound. I prepared my self for acne covered boys with sticks. But it was one boy I was delighted to see. "Jack" I yelled standing and running to him and hugged him probably the life out of him. I felt Charming's arms wrap around both of us. It felt nice to be back together to our somewhat type of family. "Mom,dad I missed you so much,where's Emma " he asked looking around. Just the word Emma made me cry David too me in his arms and held me. "Is she dead" jack questioned "we'll not exactly Elsa she made her put on some sort of pendant necklace thing and now she is working for Elsa,she's like a teenager now" charming explained. Jack looked shocked. As soon as we got off the boat jack insisted that he would continue on his own he thought Elsa wouldn't welcome all of us with warm open arms. I think jack has a thing for Elsa but she's a villain and he's a good guy like us. But the heart wants what it wants. We herd leaves rustle. Charming and jack drew their swords at the same time. It was Regina with a little boy " don't stab me " she hissed at the boys she pushed the child to the ground. He was beat up with bruises and scratches every where. He cried "oh suck it up before I hurt you again" Regina barked raising her hand with a fire ball I quickly stepped between her and the child "Regina I know your hurting I am too but violence is never the answer " i said. I attempted to put my hand on her shoulder but she quickly jerked and who my a glare and she walked right by me and picked up the little boy by his arm and pushed him against a tree and with on whisk of her magic there was rope bonding him to the tree. She sat on the log crossed her legs "now we wait " she smirked. About 10 minutes later "REGINA" I herd for sure Elsa yell. I could tell she was here i turned to jack but he was going to go anywhere. So I just braced my self for the worst and I guess charming picked up on this because he put him hand on my shoulder. Regina snapped her fingers and the little boy was no longer on the tree but in her grasp she had a long rad and black knife held to the back of his chest. She had on a evil smile. Has she gone back to the dark Side ?

"Regina let Olaf go this fight is between us leave my family out of it" Elsa said with a booming voice

Regina laughed and then said

"I'll give you choice,surrender and all of them go on and life there pathetic lives or he died right her right now". She said as she pressed the knife even more on his back he whimpered. Elsa stood there with a staff pointed at Regina her hands clinched even tighter around the staff. There were about 10 to 15 lost boys behind her with weapons. But there was no Emma i was relived on the inside I didn't want her invoked in a blood battle. Elsa didn't move at All. Regina shrugged "suit your self " she said as she plunged the knife completely through the boys chest. She grabbed all of us and poof we were on the beach. "What the hell was that Regina " jack yelled trying to start a fight charming pushed him back off of regina cause we both knew he wouldn't win.

Elsa's pov

I saw the knife go right through Olaf the tip of the blade was sticking out. His body began to fall backwards I quickly shot out a pile of fresh snow so the blade would move I ran over to him I tilted him up and layer his upper chest on my lap. He looked down at the blade he then raised a weak finger and tapped the tip of the knife "oh will you look at that I've been impaled" he whispered. 'Ok come on Elsa think think think' I thought to my self 'alright what do I do first stop the bleeding'. I looked up and saw Hans "take off your shirt " I told him he looked down at me and smirked "well I suggest you take me out to dinner first" he teased. Man I wanted to kill him but there was no time Olaf was losing blood and fast so I checked if I had by bra on and I ripped off my shirt came across the boys "oh shut up " I barked I pressed the shirt against and around the knife trying to stop the bleeding. It wasn't working. His body was to damaged to save unless we so how got him anthor body. That's it. With one hand applying pressure the the wound and anthor grabbed my staff and with one whisk i laid down about 35-40 pounds of snow "build a snowman " I yelled and once again applied both my hands to Olaf he was blearily keeping his eyes open. Confusion was in the boys "dammit build a snowman. " I yelled and they all immensely got to work "all done " Hans said I looked down at Olaf who was now pale. I nodded for Hans to come i rolled Olaf on his side Hans took the knife and then yank he pulled it out Olaf screamed a gut wrenching scream he trashed. There was now a big gapping hole in his chest where you could see the other side of his body. I laded him on his back. Olaf was nearly alive i put my hand on his head and chest. The boys were silent except for Olaf's heavy breathing. I clinched my fists I could Olaf's soul I pulled and tugged until i could feel it was loose. I pulled it completely off his body until it was a blue blurry figure of him. 'Ohhh and ahhhs fell across the boys I could Olaf's soul fighting trying to let go. To die. But I was not going to let that Happen. I slowly moved towards the snowman and forced the soul into it. I opened my eyes. The snow man started to vibrate and then eye appeared and these eight words have never been so delightful

"Hi I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs " he said

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