Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

A/N : I has been almost a two years since Elsa's banishment and jack has not been to pleased with it so he drags around the gang from realm to realm in search of her.

Chapter 15

Snows POV

" alright so we need to do " jack said pointing to a map "jack,dude just give it a rest" Emma complained " we JUST got back from oz " she Carried on. I could tell she had lost her since in adventure. Ever since Henry passed, she has lost her hope. "But there is one place we haven't

Checked " jack said Emma let out a deep groan I nudged her "what?!" she snapped " be nice to your brother " I said Emma raised her hands in the air as if she did nothing wrong. " Neverland" jack said slamming his hands on the table. We all looked at each other. We had lied to him we said 'Elsa had just left' he didn't know about the banishment. It was compleat and utter silence. Emma's phone buzzed "op, gotta run "

She hopped up from the Table and got her leather jacket. "Regina thinks she came up with a way to stop the winter but she needs me to help her cast it " she explained grabbing her keys. Jack quickly folded his map " can I come, you pose to be teaching me magic you know" Emma sighed " ya I know get you coat" jack smiled and bolted up stairs. He came back down and jumped the last five steps and stuck the landing " bye mom and dad" he said and chased after Emma out the door

*Neverland *

Elsa's POV

"Come on El' one fight" Hans pleaded as he drew his sword from its shaft and pointed towards me. I smiled I raised my hand across my body and swung it down and my blade was made. Out of ice of course. Oh's and ahh's came across the boys. I pointed my 'sword' back at him. He smiled "that's much better" he said. He twisted his sword with glee. He lunged at me going for my head. I held my blade with two hands and blocked I twisted a certain way which made him lurch back. "Oh look Pan's ire is still afraid to fight. Come on El'" he said as he jumped toward me. I spun the right he missed me I hit him in the back of the neck with the butt of my ice sword. He fell to the ground with a big 'owww'. He rolled over on his back i held my blade right under his chin. He tried to reach his sword but I shot a tiny snowball he gasped. "Let me get Something straight hans ,Pan chose me,for what reason I don't know but you mess with me you mess with Pan." I said withdrawing my sword from his neck and poisoning it on my shoulder "oh and my name isn't 'El' it's Elsa" I began to walk away but then all of a sudden I herd leaves shuffling furiously I put my hand on my blade and withdrew it fast his sword was high in the air I turned and held my blade to his throat

He gasped and looked nervous like I was Actually Gonna silt his throat. "Wow some Pepole never really understand the term 'I will kill you' " I reached towards to woods summoning my staff I sling into my hand. It was a stick that was straight and at the top it was shaped like a hook. The staff had completely enhanced my powers. I held Hans by the collar "now it's either you can run away and never speak of this again or you can answer to this. I said holding my staff up to his face. He broke free of my grip and ran. God I hated Hans.he was always my authority he wanted to be leader. Hans. What kind of a name is that anyway. Whispers spread across the group of boys.

"Anyone else wanna play" I yelled the boys all ran to do Something that didn't concern me. I know that was harsh but these guys were my family and if anyone came


Regina's POV

" what the hell took you so long?!" I yelled at Emma as she came though my front door. The wind hollowed. Snow and ice came bursting through. "Close the door god dam it "I yelled jack helped her push the door close. " what is he doing here " I said pointing at jack. He was probably my least favorite charming just as ignorant as Snow when she was younger.

" my mother wanted me to bring so he can learn magic" Emma protested. "So what you come up with " she said taking the piece of paper I handed her with ingredients she nodded" I think Gold has fire hearts in his shop I'll go check c'mon jack " Emma said folding the paper and shoving it in her pocket " umm no I think I'll stay here" jack said sitting down "Umm ok " Emma said perplexed. The door slammed shut. " alright punk what do you want " I said turning to him " Neverland " he said " can you help me get there " he wanted to find Elsa I just knew it. And plus there was a fruit called "fruit of the holy" which say it can revive Henry. And I wanted to settle the score with this Elsa charter.

" Yes" I said

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