Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Emma's pov

I woke up standing up I was tied up. my torso was tied to a wooden pole and my hands and arms we're tied above me. "What the hell" I herd Elsa moan she must have been tied up behind me on the big pole we were on a ship. "Elsa...Elsa is that you it's me Emma " I said

"Yea it's me" she said I could feel her moving trying to get free

"Oh quit struggling dear it's now use these ropes are enchanted " I herd a lady say not to me but to Elsa. Then there was whispering that I couldn't exactly hear I tugged against the ropes and they cut into my skin then a woman came up to me with short black hair. "Hi Emma " she said sweetly she attempted to brush my chin with her hand I turned my head as far as I could. "Regina" she called straightening up the woman who was talking to Elsa. She came into my sight with her arms folded and frustrated.

"Help me remove this pendant I want my daughter back" she said with a serious tone. The woman laughed

"Happy to, I mean once we have Emma back we can defeat Elsa" I was freighted what were they going to do and was this woman really my mother. The long haired lady pulled a knife from her boot

"What you gonna do with that " I asked

She smiled "free you" I attempted to cut my necklace off but it didn't even tear

"What the hell why isn't This coming off" she yelled

Elsa laughed her wicked laugh "If you think that a simple dagger will make THAT come off man are you guys dumb" she laughed

" why isn't this working " the woman with short hair began to cry. Regina threw down the dagger "enough of this time for magic" she conjured a mist of purple smoke she held to the silver part of my necklace and pulled but it only pulled on my neck. "No use Regina all that will work is that if the victim would want to willingly take off the necklace and last time I checked Emma loved being a lost girl,isn't that right Emma dear" Elsa said I looked at both women and nodded Regina's face grew with rage but the other woman sobbed. What was her problem she was always crying and it seemed to be about me. Regina stomped away angrily to Elsa's side and some more whispering was happening the short haired woman was still crying I decided to bring her some comfort "hey what's your name" I said she looked up then ran out of my sight then I herd rope either tying or untying then Elsa came into my sight with Regina behind her with a big fire ball. Elsa stood tall and proud as she always have but it felt different she wasn't smirking or laughing but it looked as if she had surrendered . She looked me in the eye for the first time it felt sincere. "Emma I'm gonna need you to take off that necklace" she said as if the words were choking her "why" I asked "just please Emma do this for me please"she said getting a little frustrated. Did my ears deceive me was the all mighty Elsa saying....please? I then noticed that if Elsa wanted something done it was done no questioned asked. Regina used the dagger to cut my hands free. I looked at Elsa to confirm this is what she wanted she nodded. I then removed the necklace. I could feel all these emotions rush through my body. Good and bad. Sad and happy. Then I felt it I was back. I saw my mother crying. "Mom " I cried she smiled and hugged me tight and my father came up behind me and squeezed me hard. "Wait" Regina said "how do we know it's her and not some sort of trick" I looked at her and said "Henry "she then smiled crying too know. Then I looked for killan. I had some fond memories of being a lost girl. Killan. Hook. I had killed killan. I dropped to my knees and Mary Margret knew exactly what was wrong she addressed me on the ground "it wasn't your fault Emma you had no idea" he said I could feel the salty tears run down my face. "She had every idea of what she was doing may I remind you" Elsa said with a smirk. I looked up at her who was still holding the pendant twirling it around I sprang up and punched her in the face I grabbed her by her collar and rammed her agasit the mast "you did this" I shouted in pure and utter rage "no I didn't did" she said with blood trickling down her face. I went for anthor blow but this time I wanted it to be harder but my father and mother caught me just in time. "Emma come on let's leave her alone for now wait til we get back home" Snow said I nodded still crying at full speed I hobbled down to his bunker it smelled like him. I remembered the post that we would play darts on he would rap his hook arm around my waist and with the other hand her hold my wrist and help me throw. Just remembering simple cute things he did was hard I missed him he was my true love and like my parents say true love comes once. Ya mine came. And he's dead. But a tall cabinet that I hadn't seen before I opened it and inside was like his big black long jacket but it was red just hanging there. I took It off the hanger and there was a note in the pocket of It read "happy birthday to my dearest Emma I love you so very much hope you enjoy your little piece of the high seas P.S I bet you cut quite a figure in this". I put it on I could his warmth in the jacket cape thing who knows what it was but it was his idea and that's all that matters. The sliver buttons that ran down it reminded me of his hook I made my way to the bed still sobbing. My foot hit a bag it was Elsa's and Killans hook came flying out I picked it up and held it to my chest the salty tears just reminded me of him. I fell in his bed his warmth and comfort lied in that bed I held his hook close to me hoping that if I thought about him more he would come back but it wouldn't he was gone for good "killan" I cried softly "killan I need you " I wept.

I need you I thought and so does our little baby girl

Blood and Ice and everything nice.(OUAT fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora