Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Belles pov

We had just down Ana to sleep she was sleeping down in the bunks with also asleep jack. I came above the deck and I saw Elsa tied up and bleeding everyone else was either asleep or trying to sleep. It was just me and Elsa above deck I grabbed the canteen that was wrapped around my waist I unscrewed it I approached Elsa carefully. She must have herd me coming she jumped and opened her eyes wide well on eye to be exact cause the other one was swollen shut. She looked at me and then dropped her guard I shrugged "I came to give you some water I bet your really dehydrated" I whispered. She nodded I popped the canteen open and held it to her mouth she gulped down the water. a trickle of water rushed down her face she took a deep breath and leaned back her head hit the back of the pole she was tied to"thank you " she said. I could tell she was weak I took off my jacket and folded into a pillow of some sort I tilted her head up and put it between her head and the pole. Elsa winced. Oh ya I forgot the while ice thing she then leaned against the pole "how much longer til we get" she laughed a little "home". Her head leaned against the jacket she was now pasted out. I didn't want to leave her so I crouched down and leaned against her legs and dozed off.

I was awaken by rumple shaking me. "C'mon Belle we are home"I looked up at Elsa or at least where she was supposed to be,but she wasn't. I looked and Elsa was being held at sword point by Emma and charming we approached the docks and everyone was waiting there while they cheered and whispered about Elsa. A plank joined the ship and the dock we all trailed off Elsa first off course they followed her with swords. Ana came running up to me "mom we gotta stop them they are going to hurt Elsa" she said shivering the winter of storybrooke had just hit us the tropical weather of never land was nice from this icy place. We immediately took Elsa to the police station. Jack volunteered to take Ana home to recopperate from her days in never land . Rumple said he wanted to stay in the ship and look for something I don't what though. Then was Elsa brought down to the police station charming and Emma and Regina were in the questioning room and snow and I waited outside but still could hear and see them

"UNFREEZE STORYBROOKE OR SO HELP ME I'LL ROAST YOU GIRL" Regina yelled with no patience what so ever. Elsa had hand cuffs on and was sitting in a steel chair she smirked. "The evil queen is supposed to be capable of all these wicked things like turning people into toads and stepping on them and all I get is a roast if you ask me I feel quite offended" she said Emma then lunged across the table and grabbed hold of Elsa's collar "you unfreeze this town or so help me a roast will be nice considering what I have in store for you" she yelled then she broke down crying charming grabbed her hand and led her out of the room. I have never knew Emma was this vunlarble. She was crying more often. Regina picked up a pitcher and poured water into a Metal glass and placed it before Elsa. Regina smirked "take a sip Elsa I wouldn't want you to get thirsty" Regina said with a evil look on her face. Elsa smiled "you know Regina the world is just water just waiting to be .....frozen" and with one swift move she tapped the glass it shattered into an icy hazard Elsa took a sharp piece of metal and plunged into Regina's hand she yelled in pain as she cliched her hand. the vines broke that we're restricting Elsa from moving or shooting ice and in a puff of blue smoke she was gone. Emma came bursting through the door "where the hell did she go " everyone looked confused they had no idea but I did.

"She's going to my house to get Ana to get what she wants"

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