Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Emma's Pov

"Uhh wonderful" Elsa singed as she hopped off her thrown and landed next to me a huge grin was stretched across her face "this calls for a celebration" she said with her arms in the air. Boys cheered and shouted. Then they slowly returned to their regular builds and games. Elsa was still dancing around,loving the fact that I won. I smiled and then I looked down and the man who I had killed was on the ground. His eyes were wide open and blank I leaned down to shut his eye lids. I may have killed him but I got some what of respect for the guy. I leaned down he smelled like ocean of course I remember Elsa said he was a pirate. Besides all the blood and guts he was kinda cute. something inside me told me to kiss him my gut I guess. No it wasn't my gut but my heart I got close Elsa freaked out and grabbed my shoulder and yanked me back away form the man I fell flat in my back she yelled "Oh Emma dear don't bother with him he was a dirty rapscallion he deserves no respect" she explained leaning down next to me. With a waft if her hand in a poof of blue mist the body disappeared from the spot where it lied. "Elsa,Elsa" I herd a little girl squeal. A little girl came running I between trees and shrubs and charged toward Elsa. I looked over at Elsa and she tried to hide the smile that was erupting from her face.once the little got to Elsa,Elsa raised her up and spun around making the girl giggle and squeal. I felt a smile come on my face I have always wanted a kid when I grew up. If it was a boy I would name him Henry if it was a girl I would name her Mary Margaret. "Who's this" I said giggling myself. "This is Ana,my little sister" Elsa said. The little girl was standing and looking up at me with her arms twirling "who are you" she asked I looked at Elsa asking for permission she nodded "I'm Emma,Emma Swan" I said putting my hand on my chest "swan like the bird" she asked jumping up and down. Elsa grabbed my shoulder I stood up and faced Elsa. "Now I think is the perfect time to go celebrate your victory" she said like she got and idea I laughed "where are we gonna go" I asked "i know a place you,me,and Ana will go,just for a few days we will call it girls day out" she said acting all Girly. I swear one of Elsa's quirks was that one moment she could be painting your nails and taking about boys and the next she could be welding a sword and telling you to step off or die. "Let me just grab a few things then we will go" she said running off to her tent. I liked Elsa she watched out for me. She got my back. I mean come on she saved me from those pirates. Not any ordinary person would do that for me. But she did. So now I am in her indebted to her. "Already to go" she asked with a bag slung around her shoulder. I nodded Ana jumped up and down "where we going Elsa" she questioned. Elsa just smiled then her chest began to pop in and out. Her chest grew blue and Elsa gasped she then made this blue frost and applied to her chest. Then she stood a little weary. "C'mon" she motioned for us to follow her. We trekked through the woods for about 25 minutes. Then Elsa stopped cold in her tracks she peeked around her shoulder and smiled at me "you ready" she whispered through her smile. I smirked back at her. "Ready for what" I asked. She put her hand on a bunch of vines and pulled them back"this" she whispered a beautiful waterfall was revealed we rushed to the edge of the peek. The waterfall dropped into a spring that was crystal clear water that glisten in the hot sun. She motioned for us to follow her. She ran over to the waterfall. The sound of roaring water drew closer and closer til we were at the waterfall there was a huge rock coming out of the middle of the water flow Elsa slung the satchel off her Body and hung it on a branch. She looked at me and smirked. She walked the through the water carefully the water was rising up her legs pushing her she got to the edge. Man this chick was crazy. With one leap she on top the rock. The Rock reached out for about 5 feet she walked to the end. The drop into the spring was about 45-50 feet she turned to Ana and I who were still safe on solid ground. She looked at both of us and smiled and saluted and then she hopped off the rock I gasped and Ana yelled. Elsa had disappeared off the edge of the Rock. Was it suicide? We ran to the edge of the cliff. She was flipping and twirling through the air and then splash. White water went slashing in the spring Elsa looked like an ant."woah yaaa" she yelled she then swam around slashing "c'mon in the water if fine,well to be honest it's a little bit on the chilly side but you can blame me for that" she yelled. Ana walked back to the tree where Elsa hung her satchel. She kicked off her shoes and pulled off her socks she then jumped in the gushing river she slowly inched her way to the rock she got on top the rock she waited and then she disappeared off the rock and five seconds later 'splash '. Man, i guess crazy runs in her family."c'mon Emma " Elsa yelled I laughed "Um I actually like my life thank you very much" I smirked "Emma are you serious, jump and live" she yelled I sighed I walked over to the tree kicked off my boots. I then stepped into the river. The water pushed against my was forcing me to the edge I hopped onto the rock. I slowly inched I reached the tip I took a deep breath and adrenaline filled my body. I pushed off and curled up in a ball I could feel the cold air rush through my hair I don't how It happened but I opened up with my arms and legs I felt like I was flying. Like I was free. I opened my eyes I could see the rocks wall fly right by me. I looked down and saw the water approaching fast I put my hands together and dived into the slightly cold water. I swam to the top to cheering Elsa. Ana could nearly swim. "Come on Ana get on my back we will go a little shallower so you can stand. Ana smiled like always and paddled over to Elsa. Elsa reached for Ana and Ana climbed on her back and Elsa and I swam towards the shore. We approached the shore. Ana could finally stand we trudged onto the beach of the spring soaking. I twisted all the water out of my hair and then say next to Elsa who was already sitting on the beach. Ana was a few feet ahead of us making something out of the sand. Elsa moaned in pain "you okay" I asked offering help she declined it I looked at her back and something sharp was plunging though the back of her shirt. With a "rrrrip " an huge icicle can bursting through her shirt. "Oh god Elsa your growing ice spikes things" I yelling standing .she smirked "you think I don't know that stupid" she barked. Her hand searched for the spike she finally got a hold on it and with bulge of her muscle she ripped it off she yelped then she stood and threw the Icicle in the water. "That's basically why I don't swim cause if I touch water I can freeze it just like that " she laughed snapping. I shrugged deciding not to argue or question her. We sat back down. Elsa shuffled through her bag and pulled out two mangos and handed me one I took a bit as did she. The juice ran down my face I grabbed my self and whipped my face. "Elsa can I ask you something" I said trying to sound serious.she nodded I gulped even though I felt like Elsa was the only family I had I was terrified of her I tried not to make eye contact with her. "That man that I had to fight,who I killed I felt as if I know him in a another life,I feel like we had been in love,like he was my.." Elsa put her hand over my mouth "stop taking " she barked softly. Her hand grew cold and then colder then closer tip my lips were almost numb. I batted her hand away and rubbed my lips trying to make then warm again. She looked to the sky,listening ,examining. I herd flapping like a bird but much heavier and then screeching and yelling defiantly not human or animal and then huge ape Ike creatures flew over us I counted 5. I looked over a Elsa her face was white "Regina,the boys" she muttered panicky I was still focused on the sky "what the hell were those things" I questioned leaning in to Elsa's ear trying not to cause panic "flying monkeys " she responded "flying what" I yelled the keeping calm thing was not working for me. Her face went white "oh no the camp" she cried she grabbed her bag and began to run up hill rather quickly. I looked back at Ana and gesturing for her to follow I quickly slid on my boots and ran after Elsa. Once we the top of the hill Elsa was fifty feet ahead of us. Ana was having trouble getting up the hill "c'mon Ana " I yelled I looked behind me and Elsa was right behind me. I could feel my face grow red. her face was frustrated. "C'mon ,we don't have time to sit" she said pulling me up by the back of my collar we all ran. We weaved through tress and vines there was a log blocking the path with one pounce Elsa cleared it and she continued to run I did the same Ana just had to duck she was short. Elsa stopped cold in her tracks "this way" she said and running left we approved the hill and at the bottom was the camp. I felt the air get thicker and hotter i prepared for the worst. As we reached the top we saw that camp was in complete ash. All the tents tress totally burnt to the ground. Boys were sprawled all over ground some crying some moaning and some just flat out dead just lying there. Elsa was still skimming worried panicked. "YOU" I here Hans yell he emerged from a group of boys furious. He pointed toward Elsa and charged her. Elsa was still in shock "you did this,this is all your fault" he spit in anger. Elsa finally snapped out of her little blank out. "What the hell happened" she yelled grabbing Hans collar and hoisting him to a tree and Hung him on a branch he hung there helplessly. This made him super pissed. He squirmed around angrily "slow the hell down and tell me what happened" Elsa said surprisingly calm. Hans stopped fidgeting and took a deep breath "those prisoners you left with us... They escaped and that queen she set the whole camp on fire" Hans said motioning to the burnt crisp of the camp. He shook off the branch and landed on his feet. "She took Marcus,John,chuck ,Tomas and mike and they turned them into monkey flying things " Hans explained , Elsa nodded weighing out her options. Then a little boy whispered"they didn't just take them they took someone

hostage " he said he began to cry a boy hugged him and patted his back Elsa look concerned she leaned down to the boy "who was it " Elsa said whipping away his tears "who was it they took hostage " she smiled and began to cry slightly. The little boy looked her in the eyes and sobbed

"Olaf,they took Olaf " he cried

Blood and Ice and everything nice.(OUAT fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu