Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Snows pov

Emma came bursting through the door.she threw her jacket on the hanger and stormed up to her room. We waited and then a door slam. I looked at charming I closed my eyes. "You wanna take this one" I said he smiled and kissed me on the forehead softly. "No this is more of a mother daughter thing" he said as he walked down to the kitchen. I sighed and walked up the stairs. I knocked "Emma you ok" I said as I entered her room. She was laid there just empty. "Emma tell me what happened" I said as I sat on her bed next to her. She looked and with out an hesitation "I'm pregnant " she said as she sat up "your what" I questioned She nodded I was In shock "well uh who's is it" I said feeling a tad awkward she sat up. "It's Killan's" she said then she began to cry. I pulled her in close. I just remembered when she killed Killan. Her eyes were filled with death then she stabbed him."Emma it's gonna ok" I said rubbing her back. Then she stopped crying "your right" she said as she stood up and faced me "I have to go back to Neverland" she said. "Are you kidding" I yelled "mom I know this sounds crazy but I can feel that Killan's alive" she said she Bent down on her knees she took my hand and put in on her Chest "I can feel that he's alive" she said I could fell her heart beat. "Emma, I know you miss Killan but ..Neverland?!" She stood "Killan's out there and it's my job to find him...just like you and David you always find each other....because you love each other right?" I nodded I felt for her she loved killan but then I snapped out of my love trance "Emma nerveless your PREGNANT" I said "I don't fink battling Elsa while you have a baby is a good idea" she was about to disagree with me but she was cut off by charming yelling up to us "Snow could you uh come down here please". Emma shot me a glare "I told you I'm pregnant and I AM going to Neverland" she shook her head "I wasn't asking for your permission" she stormed out of the room and went down the stairs there was a boy standing there and Emma clearly knew him. He was tallish with ginger hair. I was guessing he was a lost boy. "Hello my name is prince Hans of the southern isles" he said bowing. "I come baring great news for you Emma and your baby" he said lookin at her stomach "the father of your child is still alive...killan is it " he said Emma shot me a look of 'I told you so' she breathed in and out "and I and your husband I presume" he said looking for a ring on Emma's finger she held her finger as if she was checking too. "I have gathered his crew and we will set sail for Neverland as soon as possible" he said charming stepped closer to him "how do we know you don't work for Elsa" he said he shook his head and Emma stepped Between them "I trust him we are leaving in 30 mins prepare the crew I will be captain of the ship" she rushed up stairs and the boy left out the door. I ran up the stairs after her she threw some stuff Regina had given her for magic "your not changing my mind Mary Margaret I'm going" I sighed I looked at her she put the satchel over her shoulder I pulled her in tight for a hug "please Emma with all things holy please get back before this baby comes please" she nodded and walked out the door

Emma's pov

I came to the docks I abroaded the ship and Hans yelled "captain on deck" I looked and everyone bowed and stayed down "carry on " I said trying to pass off as a strict captain I walked down to captain quarters and set my satchel on a rack I took off my traditional red jacket I opened the big closet and still hanging there was the coat killan got me. I took a deep breath I didn't know if I was ready for this to be a captain. To be like killan. I took a Long sword that was his and fastened it at the waist I looked in the mirror I looked just like him and I was going to get him. The jacket smelled like him. His musty smell of ocean and rum. It was nasty to others but to me it was killan. My killan. My hook. I came above deck and everyone bowed. "All rise,hoist the sails we setting sail to find the true captain of this ship....killan jones...captain hook" I said Hans looked at me confused "your our captain now so what do we call you" he said I pondered it "captain swan" I say Hans raised his sword as if he was on drugs "TO CAPTAIN SWAN" all the men cheered I went up to the helm of the ship I raised my sword high in the air. "Where might we be going captain swan" Hans asked I signaled one of the crew members to throw the bean in the water. I twisted the ship towards the portal and I said with a determination in my voice

"Neverland "

Blood and Ice and everything nice.(OUAT fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu