Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Snow's POV

Elsa ran up stairs to clean Something off the blue dress I gave her. but what was peculiar was that nothing was on her dress. I began to load the dishes into the the dishwasher. There was a knock at the door Emma sprang up "I'll get it" she said. Regina was at the door "Ms.Swan" she said normally not making eye contact with Emma. Emma wafted her hand gesturing for Regina to come in."Henry, come on Regina's' here." No answer.

"Can I offer a cup of coffee" I asked as I cleaned my hands on the dirty dish towel. Then all of a sudden we herd a gut-wrenching scream it was for sure Henry's. Regina was the closest to the stairs she scaled them in no time and she was in 6-inch heels. Regina was the first one in Henry/Jack's room she let a scream one I have never herd of. I was the last in the room and to find Regina kneeling on the floor with Henry in her lap. I looked at his neck,and it was broken. I put my hand over my mouth and put m hand in charming's shoulder I began to cry I moved off charming and found Emma speechless over Henry and Regina. I saw a tear fall from her check and she fell to her knees with a thud-noise

Regina still sobbing, moved over for Emma to hold him to. She moved his hair a -sighed.she began to cry as well. "Light magic " Emma sobbed "won't light magic bring him back" she kissed him on the forehead. Nothing happened. She did it again multiple times but nothing happened. Charming put his hand on Emma shoulder "come on Emma" he said tenderly

"NO" Emma yelled "this has to work" she began to kiss him even more "Come back to me kid" she screamed "comeback to me Henry " she yelled even louder

"How did this even happen " Regina said standing still sobbing. Her eyes searched the room and found Jack. "You" she barked pointing at him and charging " don't look at me " Jack protested "I was down stairs getting a new game cause we all most beat that one" he said pointing to the tv. I looked around the room and Elsa was in the corner with her hands over her mouth

"Elsa" I said breaking though charming and Jack to get to her. She curled up even more as I approached her. " do you know who did this" I asked her softly. She nodded her face was thick with little slivers of ice where tears would have ran down her face.Regina joined me by side and so did everyone else except Emma still holding Henry on the floor. "Can you tell us who did this to Henry" I said and herd loud sob from Emma.

She paused and then she said "me" we were all in shock. Regina steped towards Elsa with an evil in her teary eyes "what" Regina screamed getting closer to Elsa "Something came over me" Elsa said though the ice on her breath. Regina flung her body full force at Elsa. Luckily, me and charming grabbed her shoulder and wrist holding her back she was stronger than I thought she was thrashing back and forth yelling "she kills Henry!!" It was nasty. She was moving so hard me and charming's combined strength was not enough to hold raging Regina back "C'mon Regina lets go down stairs" charming Said nodding at me to let go and he grabbed Regina by both shoulders and attempted to led her down the stairs but she a stopped at the door she was eyeing the ground and she slowly turned her head In pure rage that her head shivered. Her face it was no longer skin colored it was apple red. Her death eyes met Elsa she said "welcome to storybrooke" and she went down the stairs. I looked over at Emma she was still on the floor with Henry's head still in her lap she was sobbing miserably I ran over to her and embraced her she put her hand on my forearm and I did the same as charming I tried to lead her out the room she kissed Henry on the forehead once more I can tell she knew it was going to be for the last time.

It was 1 hour later from the passing

Regina has gone home

Emma was leaning on David's shoulder still crying I was on the opposite side rubbing her shoulder then Emma sat up like a bullet and looked at me her brown eyes were almost black from crying so much. her face was red. She looked up at the ceiling in her 'investigating' look she then popped up from us and ran up stairs we had already called mr.Grimm to take Henry's body it was no longer there. SHOOT! Elsa I had almost forgot about her. Charming shot me a worried look and we both bolted up the metal steps. We opened the door and Emma was inching closer with a fire ball vivid in her hand she was inching towards Elsa who was still in the corner but she was fending against Emma or at least trying to. She had constructed a spear type object of ice and she was pointing it at Emma. But that didn't stop Emma from approaching her. Charming moved around the couch and grabbed Emma. Emma hollered "GET.....OFF.... OF ....ME " she trashed trying to escape his strong grasp. "SHE NEEDS TO DIE " she screamed. Elsa began to cry and covered her face. I ran and stood between Emma and Elsa. Charming finally got a firm grip on Emma and lead her down the stairs. I herd Emma screaming and crying at the same time. I sat on couch and let a deep breath. Elsa was still in corner now there was thin snow and ice on the walls. Elsa inched out of corner until she was at least 5 feet away from me. Was she going to hurt me too, just like Henry? "You know snow, after I did what....I did Something left a message in my brain, and whatever it was, was the thing that killed Henry" she said nervously Regina all of popped up and whisked her hand " done with her crap" Regina barked loudly

"Regina why did you do that" I said standing up

" she needs to pay" Regina said as she kicked Elsa hard In stomach her body jumped. "Ok well what do you suggest" I questioned leaning down to Elsa "I don't know"Regina said putting her hands in the air furiously. Elsa's face was still decorated with tear ice, I moved a strand of hair from In between her eyes to behind her eyes "oh you have GOT to be kidding me " Regina yelled " you like her?!?!" She said grabbing my shoulder and yanking me back from Elsa I was on my back. Regina leaned down and picked up Elsa's head and with the over hand got a fireball before she launched it I got an idea. " a trial " I screamed putting my hand on her leg. " a what ?!" she said " we should have a trial for her " I said she got up and blew the fire out she gave me and evil eye.

Chapter 11


Regina's POV

We had locked Elsa in the sheriff station cell over night. I had worked on these enchanted cuffs that would cover Elsa's hands completely and she wouldn't be able to shoot ice or snow. The charming's and I went to collect the little wench. As we walked into the station "hello you little" Emma started, but I cut her off "Ms swan " I said

" well I'm sorry it wasn't even twelve hours ago when my son was MURDERED by this bitch!!" She screamed as she gestured angrily towards Elsa who was terrified we all approached the cell " alright now your gonna come put these cuffs on or so help me" Emma yelled her blonde hair wasand pulled out her gun and stuck it through the bars. She shot but missed it made the bricks on the wall created a huge dust cloud. "Emma" snow yelled grabbing her arm and taking the gun and Emma began to cry and yell and kick "why!" Charming grabbed her once more I felt the same I wanted to do the same but one of my 'powers' was to hold my anger,rage,and wrath and I could take it off on someone else. And I have the perfect person in mind. Charming put Emma down behind him And approached the cell. " alright listen , we can do this the easy way or the hard way" he said sternly. She nodded then put her hands though the bars Emma took her gun back from her mother then pointed it at Elsa "don't try anything funny or this time I WONT miss " charming got the cuffs and clicked and clanked them shut. He looked over at Emma and nodded her over she used the locking spell. Snow opened the cell door and Elsa walked though door each cuff had a 10 feet link of chains charming and Snow each grabbed a link of chain a lead her down and to the court room. Emma started a fire ball and so did I when We entered the room went silent. Pepole started to murmur. i was glad for once it wasn't me they were whispering about. And I had already set in my mind how his trial is going to go down.

With me on top and Elsa on the bottom and bleeding

Bleeding out

Until she was dead

Because the queen gets what she wants

And I want her .............


Blood and Ice and everything nice.(OUAT fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя