Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Elsa's Pov

I was running towards something. More like from something. It was a woman. I didn't why but I was powerless. I ducted under a log but the woman was too fast I tried to freeze her but nothing she laughed then whisked me against a tree. It was Emma she had a evil look in her eyes. She smiled like she had lost her mind "this one is for Henry " she screamed and held a knife and plunged it in my chest. I was shaking then I noticed it was a dream. Only a dream. Milo was hunched over he had a confused look displayed on his face. I reached up and smacked him. "Offf" he yelped. I hopped up and grabbed him by the collar,forcing him to look at me "what are you doing in my tent" I barked. He looked terrified "nothing i just came to tell you about the troubles down at the east docks" he almost cried I loosened my grip on him. I dropped him and burst through my tent. I looked around and then all the boys bowed "all hail queen Elsa "they said. I smile then proceeded down to the east docks. Milo trailed behind me I turned around making some cool air to give him a little breaded "back off " I barked he lifted his hands than went back to camp. As I approached the docks I here Someone yell "SWAN YOU DIRTY RASCAL " my cover was covered by a big brush of trees and bushes. I moved a branch to get a better look. It was pirate and Emma. The woman from my dream. The pirate had a hook where a hand should be. He hooked it in the back pocket of Emma and pulled her closer to him. His chin rested in the hinge of her neck she giggled. With one swift move he twirled her around and met his lips with hers. Her face then grew serous "Killan I got to tell you something" she said keeping her hands on his chest. I crept forward to get a Better look then 'crack' a branch had broken in half. I quickly regretted it. Both there heads swung around to my area I lurked back. The pirate drew his sword and slung Emma behind him. "What the bloody hell was that" he said cautiously he came closer to my hide out 'crap' I thought if he finds me ill be roasted by either Regina or Emma. I ran into a tree I stiffened my arms and shoot all the air I had and I hovered up to the tree. I now could see the whole group. And to my surprise my parents were there as well. I watched them my mother and father were discussing something but I was to high up to hear anything then my mother headed off the docks and into the woods. If I was going to make contact with anyone it was going to be her I glanced back at Emma and the pirate and of course they were kissing. There display of affection was so storing I could feel it from hear it me and I felt my heart burn I yelped and lost balance in my tree and I came soaring down the jungle floor. I hit the ground with a thud I felt my rib bruise I rubbed them "owe" I said aloud then I herd feet charging in my direction I made a ice wall to stall them and I ran into the woods where my mother was hoping she would be happy to see me. I zigzagged my way through the Forrest then I came to shalt I saw her. She was sitting on a stump she was faced in the opposite direction that ment I had the upper hand I slowly walked towards her this time watching where I stepped. I was completely quiet and for the first time in forever I was freighted. I tapped her the Shoulder she flung around and stood her face said it all. She was not happy to see me. Her face was totally white. "Elsa what are doing here" she said really worried. I smirked "well I kinda own this island" I said I circled around and sat on the stump "so how are you" I said in the sweetest tone I could muster.she looked around as If we were being watched. "You shouldn't be here" she warned. I really came to be concerned,she had a look that showed that if I stayed for much longer something would happen. "Why" I questioned. "Because there is something you Should know about" she was cut off by foot steps they weren't exactly heavy like an adults. But light and soft like a child. Then emerged a small child from the south wood. And to my surprise it was a young girl. She had fiery ginger hair that was tamed into two braids that draped down her shoulders. My mother looked at me then at the child. "Ana go back to you father" she said in a panicky voice I glared at the child I couldn't be. I looked at my mother in question "Ana?" She paused then smiled she then made her way over to the child,kissed the top of her head "Elsa,I would like you to meet" she hesitated "your sister Ana " the little girl face grew a huge smile "Elsa" she hollered and charged towards me I was prepared to fight her at any give time but instead of trying to fight like most boys I know. Instead she wrapped her tiny arms around my legs because she couldn't reach any other hight.then I noticed that this wasn't an act of attack but an act of love. I felt the warmth make its way to my heart and I began to burn I quickly pushed the girl off me and into the mud. Mother gasped and ran to the girls aid. I laughed "oh come on I didn't hurt her out of all things she hurt me" I teased then a heavy set of footsteps came charging though the wood it was all the group. With swords and bows. They were all armed. "Is she ok" snow questioned to belle. My mother nodded. Then everyone was looking at me. I was compleat my surrounded. They drew closer to me I backed into a tree and then a fire firn tree leaf. I smiled and then laughed because my guests didn't realize that they were surrounded by lost boys. "What the hell is so funny " Regina barked. I edged my self off the tree and confronted her. I laughed in her face and whispered "it's funny Regina that you are in total oblivion" I said. she then quickly grabbed my shoulder and launched her fist in my gut. I hunched over in pain. The pain swelled into my ribs and stomach. "Is that the best you got " I teased. She attempted to charge towards me. But Snow stepped in between us. "What do you mean we are in oblivion" snow questioned sweetly. I smiled and pointed up and on cue the boys hollered shook the branches making there presence known. They all looked up noticing they were totally out numbered. Charming began to yell out battle plans and strategies. All of them called out other ideas still keeping their eyes on the trees. I strolled over to my mother and now known sister. "Come with me " I whispered "here you are safe from that " I said pointing up to the trees "but back at my camp you'll be in the lap of luxury" I said standing and extending my hand. Ana didn't think twice as she grabbed it "Ana no " my mother yelled. Ana rose and stood next to me holding my hand. My mother still on the ground tried to capture Ana's other hand but I put my boot on her face and shoved it back into the mud. "She's mine know " I said lifting her up on my back. I raised my hand and the boys screeching stopped

"Fire" I yelled and then contracted and 'poof' Ana and I were back at camp while the boys took care of 'the problem' I put her down and faced her crossing my arms checking her out. "So Ana huh" I said bending down looking at her more closely. "Yup" she chimed spinning, I smiled and said "you have my eyes". She looked at me confused "I do" she questioned. I rubbed my hands together and then flipped my hands and made a thin ice block that would act as a mirror. She looked and opened her eyes wide then I put my face on the other side of the ice her face was some what visible her face lined up with mine. She smiled "you see that Elsa" she said softly "what" I questioned "our faces they are aligned" she continued

"And your point is?" I said I began to get angry. I was frustrated that she was not getting to the point

"My point is that we are one and we" she said

I sqezzed the ice that lined up our face so I could see her clearly she then moved my braid to the right side of my body

"Because we are sisters" she said

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