Chapter 28: Remember Me?

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"Your just a worthless bitch, Al." He yells, making me flinch.

"Stop saying those things, Alexander!" I yell back, which I regret the second I say because his eyes turn black.

He grabs me harshly by my arms and gets all up in my face. "Do you want me to make you feel pain." He dares me, looking me dead in the eyes. I shake my head violently.

He grabs my chin making me wince, I already have a bruise from last night's mistakes. "Then I suggest you shut up or you'll regret it." He lets me go and I stumble back. Luckily I don't fall and catch myself.

"Baby come here, " I hear Alexanders voice call out. I scan the room to spot him sitting on the bed. He pats the empty side of the bed telling me to come. With caution, I slowly walk towards him and sit down. Warm lips are placed on my shoulder and make their way to my neck.

(Bipolar or psychopath)

"Tell me, Al. Do you love me?" He breathes out, his hot breath hitting my sensitive skin. I nod.

He continues kissing my neck. I close my eyes shut, tightly. "Words Al."

I'm so sorry baby. I promise you I'll get us out of here.

I pray to God that I'll make it out alive from this hell hole with my baby. "I love you, Alexander." The words don't feel as magical as they used to be. Saying them is one thing, meaning them is another.

"Lying to me?" He questions. I shake my head.

"No, I truly love you." He continues to kiss my skin and I can feel his mischievous, disgusting smirk make its way to his lips. I can't do anything but sit still and let him do whatever he wants.

Suddenly I'm pulled onto his lap and he starts rubbing my bare thighs with his hands. That used to turn me on but now it's just nothing but discomfort and disgust.


"Ughh! Why are these jeans tight!" I say, frustrated trying to put on a pair of jeans. "Welp, guess I gained weight." I pick out a pair that I know would fit.

That would make sense because I ate a shiz ton of food once Vanessa shoved food down my throat. I staved myself without knowing. I was hungry but the thought of food made me nauseous, especially certain food or drinks like coffee.

When Vanessa put a cup of coffee in front of me I immediately felt bile come up my throat. I love coffee, now I can't have it and I don't know why. (Hehe)

A light bark brings my attention and I turn to see Gracie stretching. She lets out a cute yawn and wags her tail. "You wanna go outside Grace? Yeah!" She whimpers and howls.

"Let's go." I start heading to the door and remember I don't have a shirt on. "Just gonna head out without a shirt shall we. F a shirt, tank top it is." I pull out a black tank top and put it on before leaving downstairs.

I slide the kitchen door open and Gracie happily goes through. I lean on the door frame, watching her with a big smile planted on my lips. It fades away when I feel eyes piercing through me, like an animal and its prey. Only been one day and he won't talk to me. It's killing me, to be honest. I need him, I just need him to talk to me. Although he might not show it or say it directly, he loves to compliment me. Loves a strong word but it describes it.

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