Chapter 21: Telling Some Truth

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"Go upstairs to your room, I'll be there in a couple of minutes." I nod and leave. I enter my room and roam around, waiting for him. 

The sound of the door opening stops me in my place. Luca comes in with a side smile. Why the heck is he like this!

"What do you want to know?" I ask him.

"I want to know how you got these scars." He answered sitting down in a chair.

"It's painful to talk about." I say truthfully, shifting in my place.

"I'm not trying to force you but I want to know. I want to know many things about you and I know you won't tell me all at once. Just tell me how and who gave you these scars."

"I was really clumsy and fell many times when I was a kid." I said trying to keep my voice normal but I ended up squeaking.

He groans and narrows his eyes at me. "The truth Alessandra." His stern voice tells me he's not here to play and wants answers.

Sighing, I go to my vanity and think to myself. He's going to find out sooner or later, so why not just tell him. Not everything because I still don't trust him or like him.

You could tell another lie that is more believable and not stupid, but you would probably get your ass beat by him.

Like he would actually beat my ass......

Stop it Alessandra!

I'm going with telling the truth.

"You want the truth, I'll give you the truth." I say, turning around to face him.

"Let's just say I didn't have the greatest boyfriend back in college and leave it at that shall we?" I said putting the fakest smile on my face.

He stands up and comes closer to me. He continues until there is no space between us. He puts two fingers under my chin and tilts my head up to have direct eye contact.

"Alessandra I don't want you to see a side of me I've never shown you, so I suggest you tell me more." He said aggressively and in a dark tone. His eyes turn dark and you can see the same emotion he gave me months ago, anger.

I feel myself start to shake a little and my eyes start to sting. He noticed and backed away.

Dead silence. I looked at him for a long time and we both said nothing. What he said was something Alexander said to me and it scared me senseless.

"It was Alexander. An incident happened and he kept me hostage. He was just lashing out on me, would come home drunk or just wanted to have "fun" and do unforgettable and horrible things to me." The tears fell down one by one.

"I thought he was a sweet, caring guy but no he was the devil. Made me fall in love with him just to use me, I was naive and dumb." I whispered the last part and let my heart crumble to pieces.

I stopped myself from going any further. I've never shown this vulnerable side to anyone, I've shown the weak but not the vulnerable.

I felt a pair of strong arms embrace me. I wanted to push him away but my mind was somewhere else. I cried as he held me.

"I'm sorry." He said and I look up at him, confused. Is he seriously saying sorry?

"Why are you saying sorry, you have nothing to say sorry about." I murmured.

"I do have something to be sorry about. I treated you badly a couple days ago, I just lose it sometimes and I'm sorry." I just stayed silent and hugged him.


The girl was clearly heartbroken. The first time I saw her, hurt was visible in her eyes. She always managed to put a smile on her face, but it faded seeing me. I would be lying if I said I didn't like to see her like this.

It makes me angry to know that someone would break her like this. It makes me even angrier to know it was that fucking bastard, Alexander.

He's up to something and I need to find out what.

Looking down at a passed out Alessandra, a smile crept on my face. I brush the hair out of her tear-stained face and she snuggles more against my body.

I stand up being careful not to wake her. Carrying her to her bed, I lay her down and cover her with a blanket.

I quietly exit her room and make my way to my office. I enter the room and sit in my chair and think.

I have to find him. And then kill him in the worst way possible. He didn't only hurt her but also my family.

Well lovely people! Here is another chapter for you. Hope you enjoyed and if you did don't mind to vote.

I'm working on the cast at the moment just need to find someone to be Jenna, it took me a little while but I was able to get most of them done.

I'll have the next chapter out soon and just a little hint it involves going out to a club.


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