Chapter 18: Puppy

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Gracie the pup👆

One week later

Things have been going great this past week. My nightmares have stopped but sometimes I do wake up startled and have to put on some relaxing music to put me back to sleep.

Work is going great. Jenna insisted to come back even though I didn't want her to, stubborn she is.

Me and Luca haven't talked since the incident and we've been avoiding each other. Mom and dad found out about the trouble I was having and were a bit mad I didn't tell them, but they support me. As a matter of fact, everyone found out. 

Packing all my stuff up, I go out of my office. Saying goodbye to dad and a kiss on the cheek, I head home.

I open the door, setting all my stuff down on the floor. I let out a sigh and pick up my stuff, carrying it to my room. I strip out of my clothes and take a shower, which I really needed. I put on some comfortable clothes and go downstairs.

"Well look who's finally home." A voice says making me jump a bit. Why the hell do I always jump when he talks to me?

I mentally roll my eyes. I go around to sit on the couch and look at him. "Why are you home? You're usually not here until it's time for dinner." That's one of the reasons we barely talk or see each other. He's not here half of the time and I'm not gonna lie, I do miss his persistence.

"I brought you something and wanted to give it to you when you got home. Now that you are let me go get it." He says leaving, not letting me respond.

He comes back with a blue box, with a white ribbon around it. He hands it to me while I look at him confused. The box moves a little and a little bark can be heard. I quickly place the box down and open it, revealing a white retriever puppy with a pink bow around its neck.

I gasp and grab the pup. She starts licking my face, earning giggles from me. I kiss her head and hug her. I look up at Luca with a smile and stand up to hug him.

"Thank you. What is this for?" I ask him. He shrugs saying, "It's a little present from me to you. If you wake up in the middle of the night needing comfort, she'll keep you company." He pets her head and she leans into his touch.

"Hmm...I think I'll call you Gracie." I say holding Gracie up. She let's out a bark in agreement and wags her tail. I smile feeling happy. Gracie it is then.

For the rest of the day, I played with Gracie and showed her around the back yard. With her being a puppy she has to be potty trained so she doesn't pee in the house and make Luca mad.

The girls were jealous that I had a puppy but I told them we could share her from time to time.

Luca had bought her a food and water bowl, toys, a leash, collar, and puppy food. I set up her food and water in a corner and put her toys in a basket, in the living room.

By bedtime, she was tuckered out. I picked her up taking her to my room. I place her on my bed and she gets comfortable by my pillow. I smile and go into the bathroom. After I brush my teeth and put on my nightgown, I get into bed and snuggle with Gracie. She lays her head on my arm while my other arm is wrapped around her, pulling her close to me. I soon find myself drifting off to sleep.

I woke up that night from a small night terror and found Gracie licking my face. I pet her letting her know I'm ok and she fell back asleep.

She was the thing I needed right now. A comfort animal. I felt a bit safer with her around and the thought that she is a gift from Luca makes me feel even safer.

The reason I named her Gracie is because I had a friend named Gracie. We met in elementary and became best friends. She was so special to me and still is. She came from a difficult background, she was abused by her parents. I tried to help her as much as I could and in Middle School, I had enough and called the police on them. Her parents got arrested for child abuse and she was free. She, unfortunately, died of the injuries that weren't treated from her parent's abuse. She was an angle and pure innocence, she didn't deserve to die. I still have her in my heart till this day and she will never leave.

Hope you liked this chapter! It's a bit short but this is all I got for now. If you did like this chapter don't hesitate to vote. The end is kind of true but I won't go into detail. Have a great day and see you next time! 3/10/19 Jennifer ❤️💛💙

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