Chapter 2: First Encounter (Edited)

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6 days later

I wake up at eight o'clock and take a shower. I put on a white silk top with a navy blue blazer, black pants, and light brown boots. I dry my hair, leaving it down in my natural waves. I go into the kitchen and make myself a breakfast bagel. I head out of the house and into my car. I get to work and go to my office.

I hear a knock on the door "Come in!"

Jenna my best friend and assistant comes in. "How have you been." She asks, I sigh and look up from my desk.

"Umm, a little stressed with the work dad is making me do but besides that, I'm doing great, what about you?" I say and smile.

"Well, to be honest, I'm tired but it's normal." I look at her confused while she smirked at me.

"Why is that?" I raise my eyebrow.

"You'll find out on your wedding day." she says in a high pitched voice.

"Well, I'll just have to wait. Anyway, do you want to come to the mall with me and my sister?"

She nods. "Sure, what time?"

"3:30 after work."

"Okay then, if you need anything you know where I am." Then she leaves and I continue working.


I walk into my dad's office and stop in my tracks when I see Maria and Leonardo.

"Hi, I didn't know you were here?" I say and they turn around.

"Oh hello Alessandra, we are just here to talk to your father about some things." Leonardo says as he looks at me.

I open my mouth but then hear a ring from my phone and look at it. It's my alarm reminding me to go so I could go home and change.

I look up at them and smile. "I have to go but it was nice seeing you both." I say and head towards the door.

"It was nice seeing you too!" Maria says. I smile and go out of the office.

I walk up to Jenna's desk and tell her I'm going home to change and to go when she can. I get home and go change into jeans and a black off-shoulder top. I look at the time and head out. I get to the mall and look for my sister and Jenna. I find them in a store looking at clothes.

"Hey sis." She notices me and goes to give me a hug.

"Hey, how have you been?" She looks at me questioningly.

"Um, stressed but I've been good." She nods and turns her attention back to her baby.

We talk while looking at clothes and start to talk about my wedding. I was more worried and scared than excited. We talked about the dress dad already showed me and other stuff.

"I think..." Aviana was saying something but I was focused on somebody across from us. I saw someone familiar but I couldn't tell who he was.

"Allie!" he turns around and looks at me. Oh God it's Luca! I turn around and shout.

"Aviana!" She crosses her arms while Jenna laughs. Ava looks over my shoulder and then back at me with a questioning look.

"Isn't that Luca over there?" I sigh and look at her.

"Yes, it is but if you didn't shout my name he wouldn't have noticed me!" I whisper yelled.

She rolls her eyes and turns her attention on Aria who is crying. I go to her stroller and pick her up.

"I'll go take her around to calm her down." I say and she nods.

I go around the store to calm her down. I end up in the baby section and look at some clothes for Aria. She's only three months old but I love to spoil her, I take care of her like she was my daughter. She starts crying and I know exactly why.

"Sweetie you know I only do that when we're alone at home." I say and she cries even harder. I can't resist plus I don't like it when she cries.

"Okay then," I think of what song to sing.

♬ Never was a leader,

Never had a thing for fair tales,

Never really a believer,


   Small voice in the quiet,

Guess I never dared to know myself,♬

I continue to sing quietly and Aria stops crying. When I finish I wipe the tears away from her face and smile at her. She gives me a big toothless smile of happiness. I am very protective over her because she was like the daughter I lost.

I look into her light brown eyes, thinking if my baby would look somewhat like her.

"You know Aria, you almost had a cousin," I think back to that moment.

"Her name was Everleigh, she would've been four months old by the time you were born and seven months old right now." I feel the tears roll down my face thinking about how I lost her.

I feel someone press against me and I look down to see Aria hugging me. I put my head on top of her's and take in the moment. I hear something behind us but when I looked back there was no one there. I took that as a sign that I should head back. I go around the store looking for Ava and Jenna. I find them and give Aria to Ava. We go to a couple more stores and then we all go our separate ways.

I get home and go directly to my room. I live alone in a two bedroom, two bath house and it can get very lonely, so sometimes I get my sister to give me Aria for a night or two so I'm not alone. I sit on the edge of the bed and think back to when I saw Luca. He had no emotion on his face and he was too far away to see if he had any in his eyes. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear my phone ring.

"Hello." I didn't even look at the caller ID and just answered.

"Alessandra, how did it go?" I smile on hearing her voice.

"Hi mom, it went well," I wanted to tell her more but decided not to.

"That's good, anyway I was also calling because I wanted to tell you that Maria wants you and I to go over to there house in a couple days to talk to you," I could sense the hesitation in her voice as she talked.

"Um well," I sigh before continuing. "You know what tell her that I will go and if she can to do it Monday next week after I get off work," I say with a bit of hesitation.

"I will and Allie," she stopped and waited for me to answer.

"Yes," I answer.

"I know your dad put you to work on something difficult but don't stress yourself out." I sigh once again.

"Yeah, I know I'll try not too,"

"Okay dear, I love you," A small smile appears on my face.

"Love you too bye." and then I hang up. Wonder why and what Maria wants to talk about? Guess we'll find out in a couple days.

Black is not her favorite color, it just matches with everything! Don't forget to vote down below! Jennifer❤️💛

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