Chapter 45: Final Words

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Y'all thought I forgot, hmm?



This morning I was woken up by Gracie because she needed to go outside and nobody else was awake to attend to her needs. Slowly and sleepily, I walk down the stairs and let her go outback. I stand by the door watching her sniff and run around, letting her back inside when she was finished. I fill her food and water bowl up and go back upstairs to hopefully sleep because I got about 4 hours of sleep last night. Multiple mini nightmares and my pregnancy needs kept me up throughout the whole night.

I carefully walk into the bedroom not wanting to wake Luca but am a little late on that. He sat on the bed wide-eyed with a small frown on his face. His gaze snapped to meet mine, causing a small smile on my face.

"Did I wake you up?" I walk to my side of the bed and shyly stand there.

He shakes his head softly, "Not really. I have to get an early start today, some work I have to finish at the warehouse. I wasn't going to wake you up until later but when I woke up you weren't here."

"Sorry, Gracie, " I let out a big yawn and rubbed my eyes like a baby, "Needed to go outside."

I'm tired as hell.

"You barely got any sleep last night didn't you?"

I blink a couple of times to clear my vision, "Not at all."

"Come here." He gestures for me to lie next to him. Without questions, I get back in bed, pulling the covers over me.

"What are you doing?" I ask when he pulls me close, putting his arms around me firmly.

He chuckles, brushing his fingers through my hair to calm me down. "You're going to sleep and I'm going to watch you. If you get any nightmares I'll be right here." He kisses my forehead tenderly and places his face in front of mine so that our noses are touching.

A grin-like smile appeared on my face. "You've always been here, " I peck his nose, put my head on his chest, and snuggle closer to him. "Also that's kinda creepy."

He scoffs, "Whatever. You love me."

"Unfortunately I do." I sigh.

• • •

I woke up about an hour ago to find Luca gone. My heart squeezed not waking up to him. He left me a note saying to not be so disappointed because he'd be back soon. I smiled and got up to shower so I could start my day off feeling clean. I took my time in the shower and then went out on the balcony to calm my nerves, wanting to set my mind free. I really needed time alone to think and be by myself since I hadn't done it in a while.

Now, I'm waddling down the stairs to get some breakfast. My pregnancy cravings are coming in strong today.

"How are you feeling today?" Harper asks me when I get downstairs.

She catches me off guard but I quickly greet her with a smile as I say, "Umm, tired. The babies kept me up last night as they always do." Naturally, my hand goes to my stomach to caress it. She smiles.

"It's so quiet today," I mention, taking a look around. Usually, there's always some kind of ruckus that goes on.

Harper nods agreeingly, "Yeah, everyone is mostly relaxing in their rooms. I just came out here to see if you were awake."

I hum and look at my phone seeing what time it is. It's already 1.

"Vanessa still not back?" Vanessa left early in the morning and left us all a message saying she had some business to attend to and would be back later in the day. She's been acting strange lately.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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