“Umm. Excuse me for being rude.” Raven pulled me from my thoughts, “But why do you wear that eye patch.

“I- I- I don’t want to talk about it.” I said. I don’t want the deal with the pain. The memories.

“It’s okay. I understand if you don’t want to.”

“Oh friend Raven!” Burst Starfire.

“What!” She seemed genuinely annoyed with her alien teammate.

“We must go to the mall of shopping!” She turned her attention to me as I opened my eye. “There is a big titan get together dance tonight, and we must get you and raven a dress and the paint for which women use to make their faces more beautiful!” Raven groaned.

“Umm, Starfire... I er I have a dress in my bag... I ran away from- from my old home. It was the night of a dance we had and I left in a hurry. I had to put my dress in my bag so I could leave.”

“Oh that is awful! Why did you run away from home?” I turned away. “Oh. never mind. But we still need to get you face paint and raven a dress!”


Raven was literally dragged to the mall. I just followed behind. I had cleaned up and changed into jeans a black tank-top and a red sweater. It was the middle of the fall and it was getting colder. We walked around several stores that I can’t tell you what they are because well I can’t read well. I have dyslexia. We walked in and out of stores but we couldn’t find a dress that raven approved of. First it was the strapless ball gown, then it was the very very short navy one, she finally settled on a simple purple bubble dress that went just above her knees. I am going to point out that:

One: There were many other dresses, I’m just not going to mention them.

Two: Starfire had left to get us makeup and she wouldn't tell us what she was getting. That worried me. Back to the present:

I was waiting outside the store with my own bag of stuff. I had bought a hair straightener and some glue to fix up the trident hairpin that currently resided in my pocket.

A young boy , maybe nine or ten years old, came up to me.

“Hey Lady!”


“Why do you wear an eyepatch?” I knew somebody would ask that but it still sent me into a sort of shock. It always does. I remember why I started wearing it, but I can’t tell you that yet.


“It makes you look like a pirate!” He smiled up at me innocently.

“Peter!” cried a young man presumably his father, “Come back! We have to leave!” And with that the young boy ran off. I stared after him for a while, in shock at his question. I was still standing there when Raven walked out with a bag with her dress in it.

“Hey. You okay?”

“Yup. I’m fine.” We stood in companionable silence until Starfire came bubbling up.

“Hi guys. We need to go. I still have to set up for the party.” I nodded and Raven just stared at her. She took that as an approval. We walked towards the door and started to chat about random things, boys, the party, is Starfire going to ask Robin (yes), Who am I going to go with (Starfire says I have to go with somebody), Spells, Books, Myths, other things like that. We were nearing the exit when I heard yelling. I looked around, but I couldn’t find the source of the noise, so I dismissed it. That is, until I heard a large crash at which point I looked around again. Still nothing. Where did that noise come from.

“Look out below!” Up. That is when I felt something heavy crush me undeneath it. I can’t.. can’t, black was starting to eat at the edges of my vision. I can’t let go... Can’t... something  fell off the heavy object and hit me in the head. No.... can’t give in... the darkness was spreading. I saw red. I let the darkness consume me.

“Raidne” I heard “wake up” I slowly opened my eyes. Why.. Why... I couldn’t see out of my right eye. The eyepatch. It started to come back. The world came back into focus. Starfire and Raven were looking down at me from my position from my position on the cold metal floor. A man, I assume the manager, was also watching. I tried to sit up but a massive searing pain in my head stopped me. I fell back to the floor.

“what... What just happened?” I asked in a daze.

“we were walking out of the mall when some boxes fell and knocked you out.” Raven said gently.”we are waiting for some bandages now.” I reached my hand up to my head and felt the hot red blood. It was probably in my hair too. I smiled lazily. I had wanted red hair when I was younger. Ha.

“Mr. Vainenhomen! I got the bandages!”

“good.” Mr. Vainenhomen applied the bandages to my head.

“Raidne?” It was Raven. “Do you remember everything?”

“How should I know?” I asked.

“Where are you from?”

“Camp- Camp Half-Blood” The manager gave me a look at this.

“Who is your brother”

“Percy Jackson.”

“what Are your parents names?”

“Poseidon and Urania”

“Who are you best Friends?”

“Nico, Leo, Percy, and Annabeth.” I answered confidently.

“What about Will?” She asked looking worried. Who was that? I felt like I should know. Why was he important. I think. He might have been a kid from camp.

“I..I..I I don’t” The black in my vision was back “I don’t think...” I couldn’t speak intelligently anymore. I let myself fall into the welcoming darkness.

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