Chapter 3

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Hello to anybody who is actually reading this book. If anyone was actually reading this and is mad at me  for not doing anything for such a long time, i don't blame you. I could give you a list of excuses about why it took so long for me to update, but I'm just going to say that I lost motivation on all of my ongoing stories. I am going to try and finish this one at least, but I might delete others. whelp okay I think I am going to make this one really short


Raidne P.O.V.


I woke up in a bedroom I didn’t recognise. I sat there for a minute before realizing that I was back at Titan headquarters. I looked around the room for a second before slowly getting up and rummaging through  my bag before pulling out one of my favorite books, Ranger’s Apprentice by John Flanagan. It was in Greek of course. I sat back down on the bad and stared at the cover of the book. I thought about what had happened eariler. the boxes had fallen and when I woke up Raven had questioned me. She had said something about  a boy named Will. For some reason she seemed to think that this was an important thing to remember. I sat for some time trying to figure out who he was. he must be somewhere in my memories. It feels like he should be important, so why can't I remember. this is so frustrating. i almost threw my book across the room, but Robin came in just in time to keep me from doing so.

"Hey raidne. Are you okay? Raven told me what happened" He said as he walked in.

"I'm fine, just confused. Raven asked me some questions to make sure that I remembered everything, but she brought up one person and I didn't know who he was. I thought she might explain but she just said nevermind and dropped the subject."

"hmmm. interesting. What was this persons name?" He asked

"I think she said his name was Will." I said

"You can't remember anything about him. Not a single thing." He pressed futher

"No. I keep thinking about it and I feel like he is important to me. I feel like I know who he is but I just can't.... I don't..... I mean....... I just can't remember and it hurts! I know he was important to me but I don't know why... I forgot. I'm scared. What if I don't ever remember?" I look at him with wide eyes. he just looks at me with that stoic expression that he always has in pictures of him. A small smile then appears on his face. It was a welcoming presence, although I'm not sure why. I just seemed familiar. What the heck?! What am I on? I don't know anybody that that could possibly remind me of robin. there is definately something wrong with my head. Seriously. I should see a doctor.

"Raidne. Don't be scared. We will help you find your memories. I know we can." he put a hand on my shoulder comfortingly. then he ruffled my hair.

"Hey!" I cried out in protest.

"C'mon you still have some titans to meet." I followed him out of the room and down more halls than it seems would be physicaly possible. We finally arrived in a room that I assumed was where the Titans lounged around. To of them were sitting on the couch playing video games. Robin walked over and said a couple of things that I couldn't hear and then he came back over with the two boys following behind him. 

"this is beast boy." he said gesturing to a furry green kid with an impish grin. "and this is Cyborg." He said pointing to the other boy who was probably more than half robot by the looks of him. he was also probably a foot or more taller than me. We went to sit down on the couch and started to chat about random thing ranging from video games to how I managed to have fun at camp without video games.

"Well, we have really busy schedules," I started, and at that Robin seemed curious, while the other two just groaned, "that consists of mythology and monsters, Archery, swordsmanship, Pegasus Riding, Canoeing, Capture the flag, swimming, volleyball, monster fighting techniques, ancient greek, and other things. Also we get at least two free times a day to spend with friends. So I get to spend a lot of time with Leo and Nico and Percy and Annabeth and...."

"and Who?" Asked Cyborg

"Ummm. I don't really know. I was about to say a name, but I can't remember what is was..." I frowned trying to remember the elusive name that seemed to be able to slip from my grasp everytime I thought about my friends.

"Raidne, were you about to say Will?" asked Robin quietly. My eyes widened and I thought about the mysterious buy who I was supposed to remember but didn't. Were he and my elusive friend the same thing?"

"Who's Will?" asked Beast Boy curiosly. I looked down and Cyborg sensed the mood deciding to changed the subject.

"So What kind of monsters do you fight?" He asked quickly

"Well, lots of different ones. Hellhounds, Griffins, Lystragonian Giants, Cyclops, Dragons, Drakons, Hydras, and many others including flesh-eating sheep." I said and smiled. Silence followed. They stared at me. Did I say something weird??

"Hello Friends! What are these Sheep that eat flesh? Is this some strange human custom?"

All of the boys nodded in unison, and I smiled at Starfire mentally thanking her for coming in and breaking the akward silence.

"Oh no! I was just telling the boys about Camp Half-Blood."

"Is that a camp for people with only have of the blood?" She asked innocently.

"not really, "I responded, "It is a camp for people who have one godly parents and one human, or mortal, parent. They go their to get training to that they don't get viciously ripped to shreds by monsters." I explained. I was glad that I was starting to feel like my normal happy self. Wait something in that sentence was wrong. Was I normally a really happy person like now? Whatever. 

We continued our conversation untill Raven came in wearing a white cape. She sat down next to me and joined the conversation with just as much enthusiasm as beast boy (I know this is not how Raven acts just go with it) Starfire started to dance with Robin, ballroom style, and beast boy and Cyborg just sat and talked like there was nothing wrong


hehe things are getting weird. I think. Maybe Not. it all depends on what you think. Please enjoy and Comment. :)

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