Chapter 6

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Harry POV
           I woke up this morning feeling almost hung over. I hadn't drank anything in the three days I've been with Parker but I was drunk just the same. Everything about right now was intoxicating. This place, these people, most of all, Parker. I had never met anyone like her. Most girls would have stormed out on me last night and ran to the nearest gossip column. She not only accepted me for me but was proud that I was able to share it with her. I have to say I was  happy to share it with her too. It had been so long since  I remembered the good things about me and Louis and was able to talk about them freely. This girl had a magic all her own and I could definitely see myself falling just as much in love with her as I ever had Louis. I'm not sure how it will all work out but I definitely want to try. I know she is busy today at work but I could at least go over and see if they need any help. I still remember a few things from my days in the bakery.
          When I walked into the kitchen door the first person I saw was Jaime. I could tell he wasn't happy to see me but I didn't really care. He motioned his head around the corner and when I looked I saw Parker. She didn't see me yet and I got to stare at her for a moment. She was talking to another girl about different potato salads and she looked so confident and in charge that it kind of took my breath away. Until now I saw her as the precious girl who was sweetness and innocence and everything happy in the world. Right now I was seeing her as a woman who knew what her job was and was determined to do it to the best of her ability. She very kind with the other employee but I could tell that she was being firm and expected nothing less than the ladies best. I have to admit I was really turned on by this version of Parker. She turned around at that moment and saw me. I hope she isn't reading my mind or we may have an embarrassing moment.
         "Hey" she said. " I'm sorry it's crazy around here this morning. Would you like something to eat?"
         "You are always trying to feed me. I'll have to have all of my suits let out if I stick around you for too long." I said laughingly. " I actually came to see if I could help in anyway. I have reached my limit of Netflix at the moment and thought I could do something useful."
         I could tell she was surprised I wanted to help as well as a little skeptical as to what I could actually do. I tried to not be offended. Soon I was lead to a sink full of dishes and told to start washing. It wasn't exactly what I had had in mind but it needed to be done and I had said I wanted to help. After about an hour all the dishes were washed. I have to say I took pride in seeing the shock on Jaime's face when he saw they were finished.  "What's next" I asked.
           Parker looked up from the onions she was cutting and I had to laugh and I couldn't pass up the moment for a good joke "Parker you really  shouldn't become emotionally attached to the onions. It will hurt less when you have to cut them".
        She laughed at that. No one ever laughs at my jokes especially not the deep whole hearted laugh that Parker has. "Lord Styles" she said "You are a funny one this morning. If you think you can do any better get over here and help me. I have to cut 20 lbs of these things plus carrots, potatoes, and cabbage."
           With the two of us working together we finished in a short amount of time. We didn't talk much because she had to keep directing other people in different task. I really did enjoy seeing her take charge the way she did. When all the veggies were chopped we sat down for lunch with Jaime and Mama Rose. I was very nervous but things went as well as could be expected. We ate quickly and began another round of checking things off Parker's list.
            At five o'clock we had everything done except for the pastries. Those would be made tomorrow. I had forgotten what a full days work was like. My job was tiring at times but people who done a nine to five, five or more days a week, those were the real superstars of the world. I was so sore all I wanted to do was lay down and I could only imagine how Parker must feel.
           I was about to tell her good night for the evening since I knew she must be tired when she looked at me and said "Would you like to stay  and watch a movie or something?"
        "Sure what are you in the mood for?" I asked.
         "You choose. I'm going to jump in the shower and then we can order food." She said it so causally but as I looked at the movie selection all I could picture was Parker in the shower and the things I would like to do with her in that shower.
           Less than five minutes later she was back in the living room beside me asking what type of take out I wanted. We decided on Chinese food and then on an old karate movie about the life of Bruce Lee. We ate and watched the movie and it was a simple night in. I loved it.

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