Chapter 3

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Parker POV
When I wake up the next morning I'm still not sure if it was all just a dream or not. I can't believe any of it was real. I roll over and see Harper laying beside me with a rather large hickey on her neck. I certainly didn't give it to her so I guess that's enough proof that last night was real. I can't stop smiling, no one will believe me when I tell them. I wonder if Jaime will believe me; maybe even be a little jealous. I doubt it. He'll probably just laugh and tell me to keep dreaming big.
"Ugh what time is it?" Harper growls as I wake her up getting out of the bed. I look at the clock and realize we have about ten minutes before we have to check out of the room. Luckily we didn't spend much time in the room so there isn't much to pack up. I slap her on her hip say, "Get up. If you do it quickly and without complaint I'll drive home and you can sleep." Sometimes it was easiest to treat Harper like the child she pretended to be.
The drive home was quite; except for Harpers snoring. We made it home safely and the first thing I did was walk in the diner kitchen and start fixing me something to eat. I realized I had not eaten anything since breakfast yesterday and I was starving. I was so hungry I didn't want to take the time to cook so a sandwich was the choice. I was so hungry everything looked good I pulled out ham, turkey, mustard, cheese, pickles, and onions; this sandwich was going to be epic. I turn around for a knife to cut it and when I looked down my sandwich was gone. I look up and see Harper with sandwich masterpiece already halfway eaten. I give her what I hope is a serious death stare but she just smiles and says "Next time leave off the onions". I threw a onion at her face and set out making another sandwich.
"Hey when did you two get back?" said a voice behind me. I didn't have to look to know it was Jaime. Most of the time he didn't even have to speak for me to know he's around; I can usually just sense him.
"Just now" I said while stuffing a pickle in my mouth.
"Do they have a food shortage in New Orleans I don't know about or something" he said with a smirk.
I was busy putting everything back in the refrigerator; trying to decide how much I wanted to tell everyone, when Harper blurts out "Who has time to eat when you spend most of the night in the arms of Harry Styles?" I really could have hurt her in that moment. I wanted to scream it from the rooftops but last night also felt very personal and I want sure I wanted everyone to know. Jaime wasn't just anyone though so I probably would have told him anyways.
"Wait what are you talking about? In his arms? You did not have sex with that dude did you?" Jaime had a look of horror on his face that I had never seen before. He looked like he may almost be sick.
" No not even close" I quickly said. "He just hugged me at the meet and greet and again at his party afterwards."
"His party afterwards; how did you get into a party with him?" Jaime relaxed a little bit but he still looked very confused.
"We were asked to the party by one of his guards when he met us at the private box Harry gave us after the concert." Harper said with a grin. She loved saying things in the most complicated way possible; it was a fun game for her.
I finally decide she has had enough fun and start from the beginning and tell Jaime the whole story. He looked like he wanted to call my bluff but he has often said I'm the only person he believes without a doubt so he knows I'm telling the truth.
After I finally get to eat my own sandwich I go up to my room for a shower and a nap. I'll have to work the dinner shift tonight to make up for being gone yesterday but I still have about three hours before that starts. When I wake up and get into my uniform I walk down the stairs to Mama Rose's living room. She is sitting in her chair looking over the supply order forms. I try to help her as much as possible but she still insist on doing the bulk of the work herself. I walk up and give her a tight hug.
"Child you scared me to death! What do you think you are doing sneaking up on an old lady like that?" she said with only a half smile on her face. Mama Rose has the ears of a bat and knew what I was going to do before I knew most of the time. I learned that lesson the hard way my senior year when Harper had talked me into sneaking out and going to a party one night. Mama Rose let us get all the way in the car and dig around for the keys for about five minutes before she walked up to the window with them in her hands. I got grounded for two weeks as well as a month of fryer cleaner duty. Harper had to refill all the condiment containers every day by herself before she could leave. It took about two hours and she got no extra pay. Needless to say neither of us every tried to sneak anything by Mama Rose ever again.
"You knew I was here don't act like you're scared. I just wanted to give you a hug before I went into work. I missed you." I said this when I realized that I really did miss her. I had never spent more than one night at a time away from Mama Rose since I had come to live with her. She was the most important person in my life. I don't know what I would do without her.
"From what I heard you were a little too preoccupied to miss anyone too much dear" I could hear the questioning tone in her voice.
"I see you've been talking to Harper. I can assure you it's nothing how she made it sound. I'm not the one coming back with hickies on my neck. It was a nice night and I'll tell you all about it when I get done with work." I said walking away into the diner kitchen.
The rest of the night went as usual. The locals come in for dinner. It took about an hour to clean everything up and prep for the next day after everyone was fed and I went up to bed. The next day was more of the same as was the day after that. I realized that I'd had an incredible night but unfortunately it had not changed my life in the long run.
Harry POV
              Laying on the beach in the sun was great. I was able to score a condo with a small private beach and it reminded me a lot of my time in Jamaica. I had been here for three days
and had not spoken to anyone except my mum on the phone. I should be completely relaxed right now, but my mind wouldn't calm down. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop thinking of blue eyes and a perfect smile. Parker had told me she lived above a diner with her family in Mississippi and that she spent most of her time working there. I could see her now taking orders and smiling at customers. I have to admit I'm a little jealous I want her to only smile for me; but that's crazy. I don't own the girl for fucks sake. I can't imagine she would like that idea very much. After about three hours of having this back and forth conversation with myself I finally decide alone on the beach is not where I want to spend my time. I grab my phone and make the arrangements to fly to Mississippi.

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