Chapter 5

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Parker POV
        We stayed at the river till almost night fall and walked back in comfortable silence. Harry had insisted on walking me all the way back to the diner even though I told him I was perfectly safe. He'd said he was scared of what Mama Rose would do if he didn't.
         It's the next morning and I'm laying in my bed never having actually been to sleep. I just lay here smiling like a goofball. I don't have to work again today and I'm pretty sure I'll get to see Harry. He didn't tell me he would be leaving today so hopefully I'll have one more day with him. I decide to fix a breakfast picnic and take it to him. The beds at the B&B are comfortable but the breakfast isn't that great.
         I get up and shower quickly. I took a little more time with my hair than usual and decide last minute to put on mascara and a little lip gloss. I think I look nice without being too obvious.
        When I get down stairs Jaime is already making the hamburgers for the day. "Hey" I say as I get one of Mama Rose's picnic baskets down out of the storage closet. I start filling it with fruit, juice, fresh biscuits, jelly, scrambled eggs, and bacon. 
       "What do you think you're doing?" Jaime says not even trying to hide the hostility in his voice.
      "I'm taking Harry breakfast. Got a problem with it?" I said trying to match his tone but I wasn't so much as confused.
       "When did we start making deliveries?"
       "We've always made deliveries, and why are you so mad?" I finally asked. "You have been acting really weird. You wouldn't even look at me when I got home last night." I didn't mean to say all that but once I started I found that I was actually irritated with him.
        "Sorry I didn't know we were all supposed to kiss your ass since you hang out with the pop star now. Guess I better get some knee pads for when I have to kneel before you."
       Jaime has never talked to me like this and I didn't like it at all. "I don't know what your problem is but I'm leaving. Hopefully you'll be better later". I started to walk out the door when he grabbed my arm.
      "You have to come right back. We have to start on the food for Sunday and I can't do all of it by myself." Jaime said a little more calmly.
      I had forgotten that Sunday was the town lunch in the park. People used to make different dishes and bring them then it got to where so many people were ordering from Mama Rose that it became tradition that we cater the whole thing. People still set up games and sometimes there is music. It's basically just a day sat aside so people can visit and catch up instead of going about their regular lives.  There was a lot of stuff to prepare but it was still three days away. The diner wouldn't explode if I left for a few hours. I told Jaime as much and walked out the door.
       The closer I got to the B&B, to Harry, the more nervous I got. What if he wasn't an early riser? What if he didn't like breakfast? What if he already left and I'd look like fool in front of everyone? I made it to the front porch when I decided to turn around and go back home. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Harry walk out the door and my heart gave a little leap. Today he wore blue and yellow basket ball shorts and a simple white t shirt. He had on sun glasses but he pushed them up on his head when he saw me.
       "Good morning! I was just coming to see you." He said with a smile.
       "I brought you some breakfast" I blurted out before I could think of anything else to say.
      "Oh wow, thanks" Harry said but then paused. "Do you want to bring it to my room?"
       I saw how uncomfortable he was with the question and even though I knew there was nothing to worry about I also didn't want to give people anymore to gossip about than they already would. I quickly said "We could sit at a table at the park. It's not too hot yet."
       When we got to the park I saw that some families had already gotten together to set up the games for Sunday. I sat out the food while I explained to Harry what was going on.

Harry POV
          I ate almost all the food Parker gave me. I always said England had the best food but that was clearly wrong because I had never been to Mississippi. Of course the only food I have eaten has been from Mama Rose's but it was delicious enough to give the whole state a reputation. I almost choked on my food when Parker burped in front of me. Now I've heard girls burp before. I have a sister after all, but Parker burps like a full grown man. She could give Niall a run for his money after a sack of Nando's chicken. She didn't even act like it was a big deal. She just said excuse me and kept on eating. I think it was that moment that realized that she really was just a normal person being herself around me.
       I had gotten so used to people wanting to be around me because I'm famous that I unintentionally started to question everyone's motives. The only people I really trusted was my family, the band and crew, and a few friends that had stuck by me through the years. Parker was a fan and they were the people I trusted the least but she had never done anything but be completely real with me and I kind of loved her for it. I sat and looked at her for most of the meal. I found my attention pulled to her mouth on more than occasion. Her lips were just the right size; they were larger than most but clearly natural, no cosmetic surgery or loads of makeup to make them look that way. I loved to see her smile and I couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to kiss her. I wanted to kiss her from the first night we met, but I didn't want to rush anything. I didn't want her to be one of those girls that just wanted the story of kissing Harry Styles. Now that I knew she wasn't one of those girls it made me want to kiss her that much more.

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