Chapter 4

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Parker POV
I was in the kitchen preparing the batter for some brownies we would offer for tonight's desert when I heard Mama Rose call me to the front. I was sure I had coco powder on my face but it wasn't anything new so I didn't bother to wipe it off. As I walked through the door way I almost dropped the cloth I was holding. Harry stood at the counter looking at me with a smile on his face. He had on skinny jeans but they weren't as tight as I had seen him wear them
before and a stripped button down shirt that was open till the third button and the sleeves rolled up. He was wearing vans instead of his boots that he seems to live in. His hair is messy but still beautiful and his smile is showing off his dimples in all their glory. He is so beautiful it hurts to look at him directly. In true Parker makes a fool out of herself fashion I stare blankly for a second and the say "What are you doing here?" it sounded harsh to even my own ears. I saw his smile be replaced with a frown of confusion and I felt horrible. I stumbled over my words to make up for hurting his feelings. "No I mean hi I'm happy to see you, but what are you doing here? How did you even find this place?"
Harry's smile is quickly replaced as he says "You told me your name and where you worked even the most basic Facebook stalker could find your location."
"Oh wow", was all I could manage to say.
"Well Parker are you going to stand there gaping at this young man or are you going to offer him a table?" Mama Rose said only little shock in her voice. I could tell she wasn't sure what was going on and she didn't like it very much.
"Yeah come this way I'll get you a menu" I said but then I thought about it and turned quickly to ask if he would like a table to be private. We didn't really have any private tables but he would be less noticeable in the
back rather than by the front door. Unfortunately I didn't realize he was following me so close so when I turned around I smacked right into his chest. I dropped the menu and silverware I was holding and grabbed onto his arms so I wouldn't end up on the floor with them. I looked up and saw he was trying really hard not to laugh so all I could do was laugh. I ended up sitting at a table about halfway across the room and he sat on the other side. It was still early so there wasn't many people in yet. When they come in I'm not sure they would even recognize him or not. Most of our customers kept their radios on the local country station so most of them have never even heard Harry's name let alone his songs.
I took a second to compose myself and finally look at him one more time " I really am glad to see you here I'm just in a little shock".

Harry POV
         I wasn't sure what to expect when I walked into the store. I knew Parker wasn't a typical fan but that only made her more unpredictable. I knew what I had done was crazy. I mean I flew across the country to quite literally what may be the middle of no where
to spend time with a girl whom I knew only her name, and the state she lived. I did find her on Facebook and find out the diner where she worked. As soon as I got off the plane and asked the guy at the gate if he had ever heard of Mama Rose's Cafe he smiled and told me yeah that I had to try the burger and fries. I googled the address and gave it to the driver management had hired for me while I was here.
It took about an hour or so before I standing in front of the diner. It was a cute place. I could tell it had been around for a long time. It's just had a vibe of being some place welcoming and homey, which was weird because there was nothing like this place in England. I walked in and and was greeted by a short older woman with gray hair. She had a kind smile and even though Parker had not told me much about her great grandmother I knew it had to be her. I smiled back and said "Is Parker here today?"
The woman's face quickly turned from open friendliness to carful concern. "How do you know Parker?" she said with considerably less cheer than her greeting had.
I tried to smile though I was honestly a little frightened and said "I met her at concert a few days ago and she told me about this place. I have heard great things about the burgers and fries." This made her relax somewhat but I still felt like one bad move and I might actually end up in trouble, and trouble with this lady was the last thing I wanted. After staring at me for what seemed like forever she finally called Parker to the front.
I could tell from the look on her face she never expected to see me again. I did not however expect her to seem angry about it. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. When she told me to follow her to a table I meant to stop her and say that I was sorry if I had made a mistake and that I could leave but she turned quickly and almost caused both of us to hit the floor. I didn't want to laugh at her and make matters worse but once she started I couldn't hold mine back anymore. Now that she had explained that she's not upset just confused I feel like it is my turn to explain.
I decide to start from the last time I saw her, "Well I told you the other night that I was going on holiday for a while before the second half of my tour starts. I thought I wanted to be alone but instead of being peaceful it was just really lonely. I had a lot of time to think and I found myself thinking about you, so I decided to see you. I know it sounds weird but honestly I've been to America hundreds of times over the years and I've never even driven through Mississippi. I've heard about it but I kinda of wanted to see for myself. I figured if you grew up here it couldn't be that bad of a place". Wow yeah good one Harry insult her state and give her a cringe worthy compliment all in one sentence. This conversation is turning out worse than the last. "Anyways, for lack of a better explanation I had free time and I wanted to see you. Are you ok with that?" I said while smiling hoping she wasn't somehow motioning for her grandmother to bring the big frying pan or something.

For Your Eyes Onlyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें