Chapter 16

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Parker POV
      I didn't go back to see Harry last night. When Louis came in a couple hours after we left them Ann went back. I wanted to see him so badly it hurt but I knew they needed time together. I've been awake since before the sun came up and I can't wait any longer. I get dressed and head over to the hospital.
      When I walk into Harry's room he's asleep in his bed and Ann is in the chair leaned over much like I must have been the first morning I was here. I turn around to leave trying to be as quite as possible but I hear "It's alright Parker you don't have to leave." I look and see Ann sitting up trying to stretch the soreness out of her back.
      She stands up and puts her hand on Harry's forehead and caresses his cheek. It's such a mom thing to do. I can't imagine how she must have felt going through this whole ordeal. I feel tears well up in my eyes and quickly blink them away. I try to find any other train of thought to occupy my mind. The first thing I come up with
is "Would you like some breakfast, I could go get you something?"
      Ann smiles and replies "I think I'll go to the cafeteria I need to walk a bit. Would you join me I hate eating alone."
      "Sure" is all I say. It was a quite walk to the cafeteria. I don't really know what to say to Harry's mom.
     She finally breaks the silence with "I know I've already told you thank you for saving my sons life once, but I feel like I could thank you for the rest of my life and it wouldn't be enough. Harry told me you were special and I believe him."
      I shouldn't be surprised Harry told his mom about me. Everyone in the world knows that he's the definition of a mama's boy, but I still feel a little shock at the thought. I wonder how much of the story she knows; probably all of it if I had to guess. After a moment I shrug my shoulders and say "I'm not special. Really I didn't do anything that anyone else wouldn't have done. I'm sure any of the people outside would have donated blood had they been asked."
       "It's not just the blood dear. You came here and found a way to get to him. I'm happy to hear I'm getting another daughter by the way." Ann bumps my shoulder with hers and laughs a little when she says this. It feels nice to talk to her like this. "I know what happened between you Harry and Louis. I don't think you're special because you gave blood. I think you're special because you put your feelings aside and was there for someone who hurt you. Not many people in this world would do that. You're very brave Parker and don't ever let anyone tell you differently." Ann has tears in her eyes by this point and I can no longer hold back my own.
          We get our food and set at a table by a wall of windows. It's a cloudy day. If it rains I wonder if we'll be able to hear it. Something about rain on a window is relaxing and I think we could all use a little relaxation in our lives. We eat quickly without too much conversation. When we're done I tell Ann I'll sit with Harry if she wants to go get a shower or a nap or something. 
     When I walk back into Harry's room he is sitting up in bed with his own breakfast in front of him. A small grimace on his face as he looks at what could be oatmeal or eggs; I'm not real sure. I hold out my hand and say "I brought you a sandwich." The look in his eyes is enough to make me want to dance around in happiness.
       Harry eats the ham and egg sandwich in about three bites even though I try to make him slow down. After he swallows the last bite he leans back and closes his eyes. I think he's going back to sleep until he says "I've always wanted a fall wedding but if you can't wait that long we can go to the courthouse straight from the hospital" he smirks as he says this and I almost loose my breath.
       "Who told you?" I ask as I cover my face while laughing.
    "Um it's all over Twitter. It's kind of hard to miss." He replies.
     "I'm sorry I wasn't really thinking about that when I talked to the doctor. It was the only way I could think of to get them to let me see you."
    "I know. It's alright. It's really not the worst lie they've ever printed about me." His smile fades a little bit and I see a glimpse of how tired and in pain he really is.
       "How are you? I mean I know you feel like shit, but are you ok?" I ask.
      "I don't know. The doctor told me yesterday I may never sing again. It's scary. I've been a singer my whole life. Even before the X factor I walked around singing all the time. I don't know what I'll do or who I'll be without music."
   I don't know what to say. Everything I think of sounds hollow or too cliche. Harry has a far off look in his eyes like he's trying to see into his future. I go sit beside him and put my hand on his shoulder and say "What ever happens you will still be you. You will be Harry Freaking Styles, the kindest, most generous, worst joke teller I've ever met. You have your friends and family to help you through whatever's to come."
    He looks at me very seriously and ask "Will you be there with me? When I get out of here I want to go home to London. Will you come with me?" 
     There is such pleading in the look he's giving me I don't even think about denying him. I just say "I'll have to get a passport first." I can tell he's really tired so I lay down beside him till he's asleep.
      A few hours later Liam walks into the room. He has a funny look on his face when he sees me in bed with Harry but he doesn't comment. He simply ask "How's he doing?"
   "As well as can be expected I guess. The pain meds keep him pretty sleepy. The nurse came and changed his bandages and she said everything looks like it's healing well. He's worried about not being able to sing. I think he's afraid of letting you guys down or something." I say it all matter of factly.
    Liam sits in the chair and he seems to have the weight of the world on his shoulders. He puts his head in his hands and begins to cry. It's the first time I've seen him cry since I met him. "Dammit Harry! Can't you be selfish for one fucking second of your life." He looks at me directly and continues "The man gets shot and nearly dies; and he's worried about letting down the band! The way he is is really infuriating sometimes." He's laughing by the end of his speech and I can tell that everything he's said is out of love.
      Harry is still sleeping when I leave. I get back to the room and there are bags of clothes, shower gel, and a crossword puzzle book on my bed. Harper must have been shoping. We didn't bring anything with us when we left home. They have a small cantina in the hospital lobby where we bought toothbrushes and other necessities the first night but I'm
happy to have shirts without the hospital logo on them.
      After a hot bath I go looking for the others. I knock on Louis' door first but when he opens the door I see he's alone. "Do you know where Harper is?" I ask.
     He smiles a small but real smile when he says "She and Niall went to get some food. I think he's in love. He's finally found a girl that can eat as much as he can."
      I laugh at the thought of Harper and Niall having a chicken wing eating contest or trying to steal fries off of each other's plates. It was nice to think of someone in this little group of ours having a good time.
     Before I turn to leave Louis ask "Is he ok?"
     "Yeah. I think he's going to be just fine. He's got a long road ahead but I don't think there is anything in this world Harry can't do. You should go see him." I say it without any hostility but I can see that it almost hurts Louis when I finished.
        Another week has passed much in the same as the last. We are all still in Memphis. None of us are ready to leave Harry. He is getting out of the hospital today and heading back to England. Ann and all the boys are going back with him. Harper and I are going back home. I am going to England as soon as my passport arrives. It should only take a week or so until I'm back with Harry but it feels like it may as well be a life time. Jaime is on his way to pick us up and I know I need to go tell everyone goodbye but I really don't want to. Over the past two weeks we've all gotten really close. We've laughed and cried together, took comfort in the fact that we were all feeling similar things. We know Harry needs all of us right now and that's why Niall and Liam are going back to England. They have rented a house with enough space for all of us. A few years ago I would have died at the thought of living in a house with One Direction I just wish it were under better circumstances.
    After everything I've accumulated in my time here is packed away and my room is cleaner than when I arrived I finally go to say my goodbyes. I pass by Niall's room and here evidence of he and Harper saying their own goodbyes. I have to shake my head and laugh, only those two.
     I go to Harry's room but it's already empty. I wonder if he's already gone and didn't say goodbye. When I'm back in the hallway I hear his voice. It's still a little strained due to the pain of regulating his breathing but it's still most definitely his voice.  I turn the corner and
see him standing with Liam and Ann hugging
all the nurses and taking pictures with them. He's pale and I can tell that he's lost some weight but he's still gorgeous. He has his arm in a sling to help support his shoulder while it heals but other than that no one would ever know what he's been through.
      I walk up to Liam and shake my head. Harry's unending kindness has become an inside joke between us. "Where is Louis?" I whisper.
    Liam leans over and says "He got an earlier flight."
     Harry walks up before I have a chance to comment. I feel a lump of emotion form in my throat when I look at him. I know I'll see him soon but being away from him even for a little while feels like someone is tearing me into. I don't chance saying anything I just hug him as tight as I dare while being careful of his injuries. We walk outside together and meet Niall and Harper, they don't even try to hide the evidence of what they've been doing. Harper is most definitely rocking the just fucked hair style.
      The boys get into a SUV and head to the airport after another round of goodbyes. Harper and I go to a small restaurant across the street to wait for Jaime.

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