Chapter 8

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Parker POV
         The last four weeks have been filled with some of the best moments of my life. Harry and I have spent every day together. He comes to the diner for breakfast and will help me with whatever I have to do for the day. When I have time off we spend it at the river laying in the sun or in his room watching sappy romantic comedies. We have sex most nights but sometimes we just lay in each other's arms relaxed in a comfortable silence. He only has two days left till his has to fly to LA. We haven't really talked about it but every time I think of it my throat closes up and I have to fight back tears. As we sit in his bed right now with his back leaned against my chest I want to wrap my arms and legs around him and scream that I don't want to let him go. I know that he has to go; I've always known that he would leave eventually but I didn't know that he would be taking so much of my heart with him when he left.
        He is rubbing his hand up and down my leg while staring at the tv. I can't help but wonder what is going through his mind at this moment. I ask him as I nuzzle his neck "What are you thinking about?"
         He turns to me and says "You".
         I laugh and slap him on the arm playfully.      "No I'm serious" I say. "Really,  what are you thinking about?"
         He laughs again and says "I'm not joking I really was thinking about you. I wanted to ask you to come to LA with me when I leave."
          I'm pretty sure my mouth literally fell open because my tongue was very dry when I tried to say "What are you talking about? How could I go to LA?"
        "Well you would fly in a plane with me!" he said in a way that was very cocky and very sexy.
       " Well duh" I say "What I mean is I can't afford to go to LA. Who would work at the diner? What would I do while I was there?" The more questions I asked the more excited I got about the possibility, but I knew it could never happen.
         Harry smiles as he said "I will cover all the expenses obviously. I already talked to Harper and Mama Rose they think it's a great idea that you go and assured me the diner will still be here when you get back. It's only for two weeks and I really want to take you. You shared your entire life with me while I've been here. I want to take you and show you a piece of mine. Please just say you'll think it over."
       I didn't have to think about it. Of course I would go to LA with Harry I would walk through fire with Harry if it meant he was still mine at the end. I kissed him and could tell this was a kiss that could easily escalate to something more. Before we really get started I jump up and tell him I have to go pack.
When I walk in the kitchen Harper is sitting at the table eating her lunch. She looks up and says "Well I guess he asked you. Are you going with him?"
"Yes" I almost squeal in delight. I know it's not the answer she thought she would get but I can see the happiness on her face as she lets my reply sink in.
"Holy shit are you serious? You're really going? Harper says while the shock of it all is clearly written on her face.
"Yeah" I reply once again. "I'm really going. I came home to start packing but I have no idea what to pack."
"We have to go shopping." Harper jumps up as she says this. The seriousness on her face should be reserved for life and death circumstances but then again to Harper this would probably qualify. We make plans to go shopping as soon as her shift is over in an hour.
After walking around the mall for two hours and spending way too much money I feel like I have plenty of new things to take to LA. I'm sure I will want to get a few things while I'm there just to bring home as souvenirs so I should have more than enough for a two week trip. My head still swims a little when I think about it. I have never been further west than Louisiana so going all the way across the country always seemed like a dream. The whole time I walk around shopping I have a goofy grin on my face.
When I get home Mama Rose is sitting in her chair like she knew exactly what time I would be home. As happy as I have been all day Im suddenly just as sad at the thought of leaving Mama Rose alone. I went straight to her and lean in her lap and give her a big hug. She, like Harper, knows me well enough to know what's going on without me telling her. She pats the top of my head and says "Shhhhh. Don't cry baby. It's just a vacation, I'm not letting you leave me forever."
She has always known exactly what to say to make me feel better. Ever since I was a kid we have played a game where I complain about something just to give her the chance to reassure me everything will be fine. In keeping with tradition I let out a small whine and say "But who will you get to work in my place?"
"Oh no ma'am you are not going to use my diner as an excuse not to go. If you want to go to LA I want to hear nothing but excitement out of you. Do you hear me? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you. I want you to enjoy every minute of it. So from this moment on I want you to only be happy when you think of this trip ok?"
Mama Rose takes my face in her hands and kisses my cheek. "I love you my sweet girl and you deserve every bit of happiness this life can give you."
          I hold on tightly for another minute before letting go.
My last day in Mississippi is a blur. I remember packing everything I could possibly need for the next year of my life, hugging and telling everyone goodbye, and getting on the plane. I must have fallen asleep at some point because when I wake up we have already landed at LAX airport and Harry is asking me what I would like to do first.

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