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Parker POV
I'm standing back stage at another one of Harry's concerts. This is the first one since he was shot. I know he is really nervous to be on stage but he also looks really at home too. He
is standing out front asking the crowd to give him an "Oh Yeah!"
The smile on his face is magic. He laughs and  says "I am so happy to be back with all of you tonight. I'm thankful that you all stuck around and waited for me to get better. I love my job and I love each and every one of you." The crowd goes crazy and Harry takes it all in. After they calm down he begins again. "I have a few people I want to introduce you to tonight if you don't mind. First off we have two of my closest friends you may remember them from a band I was in a few years ago Mr Liam Payne and Mr Niall Horan!"
If I thought the crowd was crazy before they are absolutely insane right now. Liam and Niall are running around on stage and the energy is absolutely electric. Harry smiles and begins again "This next person you may also remember but he has never been introduced to you as the love of my life Mr Louis Tomlinson." Louis runs out on stage and gives a Harry a kiss for all the world to see. It's a very chaste kiss but still its enough to get the point across.
I am in tears at this point. The crowd is completely silent for a few moments and I can tell Harry and Louis are afraid they have made a mistake. Harry begins to say something else and someone in the crowd yells "Yes I always knew it. Larry is real." I don't even have words to compare the crowd to anything anymore. They are a special thing all their own. They are the 1D fandom and they love my boys just as much as I do.
Harry takes Louis' hand and says "Yes Larry has always been real and we want to thank all of you for your love and support you've shown us through the years, but we aren't finished yet. I have a few more people I want to introduce to you tonight. First off is a man that I have recently became friends with because he has married my absolute best friend in this world Mr Jaime Torres. He is here tonight with his beautiful wife my best friend Parker James-Torres."
I walk out on stage holding Jaime's arm with one hand and carrying Darcy in my other. When we get to Harry's side he takes Darcy from me and says "The last person I want you all to meet is this little girl right here. She is the most special person in my life and I love her with all of my heart. I would like you all to say hello to my daughter Darcy Rose Styles. Today is her birthday. She is one year old. Let's all sing Happy Birthday to Darcy!"
I can not believe this beautiful human being on stage is the same man I met almost three years ago. Seeing Harry singing to Darcy while on stage is something only dreams are made of. I love them both so much. Our family is no where near normal and it's far from perfect but my daughter has three fathers who will do anything in this world to make sure she is
happy. I don't know what else I could ask for.
Harry hands Darcy back to me and starts to introduce a song when Niall interrupts him by saying "I'm sorry I know you all came here to hear some music but I also brought someone special to me here tonight. I would like
for you all to welcome my friend Harper Jenkins to the stage".
Harper comes walking out on stage looking like she may hit Niall but I hope she doesn't. The Niall directioners may slaughter us if she does. She gets to Niall's side and he drops down to one knee as he ask "Harper Jenkins will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my princess?" The look on his face is a mixture of excitement and terror because Niall knows as well as anyone by now you never know what Harper will do.
I look at the other boys and see that they clearly had no clue Niall was planning this and I think it makes it all the sweeter. I guess he can actually keep a secret.
I turn back to Niall and Harper and I see her
lean down and whisper something is Niall's ear. He jumps up twirls her around and says "She said YES! Also I'm going to be a dad!"
All the boys run to Niall and lift him in the
air while running around the stage. The crowd is beyond belief right now. I walk over to Harper and give her a hug while holding on too Darcy. Jamie follows me and puts his arms around all three of us.
When the band finally starts playing the first notes of If I could Fly and I see Harry able to sing directly to Louis openly for the first time I know that I love all of these people more than anything. This is what true happiness feels like.

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