Chapter 13

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Harry POV
It's been a week since Parker left. I want to check on her but I know I'm the last person she
wants to talk to. I miss her. I miss her laugh. I miss the sound of her saying my name. I miss the stupid arguments we would have over what to watch on tv. I miss having her beside me in bed. I miss having my friend.
After she was gone two days I realized friends were all we were ever meant to be. I do love her and the sex was great, but I don't have the gut wrenching soul killing feeling that I have when I think of Louis.
I have messaged Louis twice but got nothing in return. I'm not sure what I would say to him if he answered. I don't want to wait five or ten years to be with him. I want to be with Louis now. I want to date him openly, I want to work on music with him, I want us both to have the careers we've worked so hard for, I want to marry him one day and have a family. Louis is my everything and I want to share everything with him.
I'm sitting at radio interview with all of this running through my mind when a loud buzzer makes me almost jump out of my skin. I turn my attention back to the host.
Host: "So Harry how have you been since we last talk?"
Harry: "Good. I'm good. Can't ask for anything better."
Host: "So you're still on tour? I know you had not started it last time."
Harry: "Yeah the tour has been great. We've been a lot places I'd never been before. It's been really interesting seeing different things."
Host: "You announced yesterday on twitter that you will be performing in Memphis in a few weeks. That was not part of your original tour line up. Is there anything special about that show?"
Harry: "I have been asked to perform at a charity concert to benefit LGTBQ youth who are struggling with different issues. It should be a great show. I'm honored to have been asked to perform."
Host: "With all the gay rumors surrounding you over the years do you feel compelled to help out the LGTBQ community, are part of the LGTBQ community?
Harry: "I believe love is love and we should all love and accept everyone."
Host: "Beautiful words my man. Now let's talk about this beautiful woman by your side in these photos. These were taken about a week and a half ago and I hear this woman came under fire of some pretty grueling hate comments. No one has seen you two together since these photos were taken. Do you have anything to say on that topic? Are you dating? Did you break up because of the scandals?"
Harry: "The woman in those photos is a friend of mine. She is very beautiful in every since of the word and she was upset by the comments but she is much too strong to let it bother her for long. She lives in another state and she went back home. Sorry people no scandal for you today."
Host: "Alright man that's all the time we have for today so thanks for coming to hang out."
Harry: "Thanks for having me."
When I get done with the interview I check my phone and have a message from Louis. He
is back in town and wants to hang out. I tell him to come to the house and rush home to meet him.
I pace around my living room checking between the wall clock and my watch every few seconds. Louis said he would here within two hours; it's been three and a half. I don't know why I'm so nervous. It's Louis. There is nothing he doesn't know about me. I know everything will be fine when he gets here, if he gets here.
The door bell rings and I almost jump out of my skin for the second time today. I should really get better at that. I open the door wondering why Louis didn't just come in and then I see the reason. Louis is holding two pizzas and a six pack. I move out of his way and we walks in like it hasn't been almost year since he left. Already I feel calmer. Louis puts me at ease like no other person.
"Where is Parker? I was hoping I'd get the chance to apologize in person." Louis said.
"She went home, back to Mississippi" I reply.
"Oh! So you told her what happened then? Between us I mean."
" Yeah. I came home and told her right after. There was no way I could keep something like that a secret." I say as I grab the pizzas and head to the couch.
" Harry. Fuck I don't know what to say. I don't know why I came here. I just missed you I guess." Louis hung his head as he spoke.
I reached out and touched the side of his face. He leaned into my hand and I wrapped it around the back of his neck. I looked him in the eyes as I said "I've really missed you too. I don't know what happens next but let's just enjoy right now." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and turned around to open the pizza boxes.
We ate the pizza and watched some lame tv show that made us both laugh. It was a good time between friends but I couldn't help but want more. I didn't push it because I didn't want to scare Louis off again. When it got late and he said he should get back to his hotel I wanted to ask him to stay. I could taste the words on my tongue. I held back though. I stood up stretched and started to move towards the door.
Before I can take a step Louis grabs my hand and pulls me back down on the couch on top of him. I kiss him so hard I think I might have bit my lip. I don't care though. I'm convinced my lips were made specifically to kiss Louis. We fit together perfectly. I feel his hands on my back underneath my shirt. They feel fucking amazing. I feel his teeth on my neck and it almost sends me over the edge. I find his most sensitive spot on his neck and return the favor. I hear him moan and I lose myself in him.
I wake up the next morning in my bed alone but this time there is a note that says "Last night was great. Had to catch an early flight.
Looking forward to a repeat soon. Love Louis"
Even though I am alone I'm lonely anymore. Louis is back within a week and this time he stays for three days. We stay inside so no one can see us but I don't care. I would hide anywhere as long as Louis hides with me. We talk a lot about what we want and where we see us going. He doesn't like me doing the benefit concert. He feels that it will add fuel to the flames that are the Larry Conspiracies but I don't care anymore. I'm ready to be myself and be happy with me. Niall and Liam are doing their own things now; our careers are no longer tied to each other as much as they once were. If I lost everything I have tomorrow but still have Louis I would gladly find a nine to five somewhere in England.
Its time to leave for the benefit concert and Louis has to go back to England for a few weeks. I tell him that after Memphis I'm going to see Parker. I was afraid he would be mad or upset that I want to see her but he understands. He sees that not knowing how she feels is killing me inside. He suggests that I at least text her asking permission to see her instead of just showing up. I type the message five times before the words start to run together and when I press send I'm not even sure it makes sense. A few minutes later I get a reply that simply says "ok", and everything is right in my world.

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