i promise- peter parker (part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Perfect," you smiled at her. She led you downstairs to the living room where Thor instructed you to sit down and wait, and maybe have a Pop-Tart if you wanted. "Lady Y/N, I am to escort you to Central Park in a few minutes," the God told you. You nodded, and took a Pop-Tart.

"Where's Peter?"

"He was on a run with Sam, but I believe he's running a few errands right now. Grocery store, with Bucky. Said he needed a few things."

"Okay." You waited, and soon, Thor took you outside to the sleek, black sports car, where Phil was waiting in the driver's seat. "Central Park, Phil," you instructed the agent.

"Yes, ma'am," he replied, sliding on his sunglasses and stepping on the gas pedal.

You arrived at the park and stepped out of the car to a magnificent sight: the sky was streaked with long filaments of red, orange, and pink, looking like something from a painting. Admiring the sight up above you, you were in a temporary trance until you felt someone place a hand on your shoulder. "Hey!" Wanda greeted. "I thought you'd be late."

"For what?"

"Sunset picnic, duh," she giggled. If you had been more of a careful observer, you'd be able to tell that something was a bit off. She led you to the square with the water fountain, shooting streams of water in perfect arcs up in the air, where there was nobody but you, her, Natasha, and a picnic basket laid on a plaid blanket nearby.

The three of you sat down and began nibbling on Pepper's homemade sandwiches as you watched the slowly setting sun. You finally noticed something was going on, how both girls were looking around nervously, as if something would sneak up on them.

"Nat, Wanda, is something wrong?"

"Yeah, yeah...everything's fine..." Natasha responded as she looked around the park once again. Checking her watch, she abruptly stood up, pulling you up with her. "It's time."


"I have a surprise for you, now please don't try to fight against us, Wanda's going to blindfold you." You felt soft fabric slip over your eyes, and Wanda's gentle hands tying the back. "Now, when I give you the signal, you can take the blindfold off, alright?"

"Okay?" You were growing more and more suspicious. And scared. You had absolutely no clue on what was going on.

Meanwhile, Natasha had gathered the rest of the Avengers. They piled out of three separate cars, each holding a specific prop for the plan. Communicating with them nonverbally to make sure you didn't overhear their conversation, she pointed them in different directions, showing them where to stand.

"Alright," she whispered. "Tony, get the petals and bouquet, Captain, get the candles, Thor, Clint, Bucky, and Bruce, get the signs and line up in the order I told you, and Peter, you take the bear. Got it? Got it. Remember what we practiced. Three, two, one, action!"

You were still clueless to what was happening, until you heard Natasha call to you, "Ready, Y/N! Take the thing off now."

You untied the blindfold and placed it to the side, becoming even more confused when you saw a path created by rose petals.

Wanda motioned for you to walk down it, so you took a step forward, then another, then another. You reached the end to find yourself standing in a heart created by tiny candles, and this only confused you even more.

Tony handed you a bouquet of roses as Thor, Clint, Bruce, and Bucky stepped out of the shadows, holding something behind their backs, which you made out to be foam boards.

One by one, they held their signs up, and you gasped when you figured out what it said, put together.





You slapped a hand over your mouth in surprise, tears welling up in your eyes. "Oh my god..." you whispered.

Peter stepped out from behind them, holding a giant teddy bear. "Because I couldn't BEAR going without you..." he grinned, his cheeks tinged bright red as he handed the stuffed animal to you.

The team all cheered loudly when you nodded. "Yes," you said. "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!" You launched yourself into his arms and hugged him tight, letting the tears of joy run freely down your cheeks.

"AH YESSSS! WE NAILED IT!" Steve and Bucky high-fived each other.

Peter kissed your forehead and you blushed furiously. "Mr. Stark, can I? Can I take her?"

"Well, I came up with this plan, so yes, Parker," he grinned at the boy. "Don't get too frisky." Then he paused. "I'm just kidding. You guys are too cute together. I can see what Banner means by 'shipping it' now."


"Pining over each other? Really, Bruce?" You cringed at that remark.

"Well...it's true..." he admitted. "I mean, everyone here can tell you that you guys have been in love for forever, right, Spidey?"

"Um...well..." Peter's cheeks flushed even brighter. "I guess so...yeah...yes..."

"Aw, I think it's sweet that you love me, Spider-Boy," you teased, kissing his cheek.

You were taken to prom a week later, wearing the most stunning white dress, making every head turn in your direction (Thor had gotten the dress from Asgard a while back and claimed that it was blessed by the stars and heavens).

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now