Chapter 13

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Three days after I stabbed that guy and I still felt the adrenaline. I didn't feel like myself. Maybe that was what Jungkook craved to live off of.

Well, Taehyung, being the supportive person he usually is, decided to throw a little fun "game" night. Of course, Hoseok got all excited and the two teamed up to beg Jungkook. Jin and Namjoon then pressured him, and Yoongi didn't care, so what was new?

"Alright, first off is Namjoon and Jin." Yoongi called out, suddenly becoming some type of host or announcer or whatever the hell you want to call it.

Namjoon and Jin got up as Yoongi picked a song. Long story short, they both are terrible dancers, but they made up for it since they were so bad it was hilarious.

I was laughing so hard I fell onto Taehyung's lap. Hoseok kicked the arm of the couch repeatedly and leaned against the other side of Taehyung. My smile was so wide I couldn't see because of the crescents that forced my eyes closed.

When I calmed down and wiped the joyful tears from my eyes, I finally was able to see the obvious jealousy showing as Jungkook stared straight at me. Damn, I didn't know if I should've been annoyed, scared, or if I should enjoy making him jealous- which I definitely did.

I still smiled but instead heaved myself off of Taehyung's lap and leaned against Jungkook, not willing to take a chance and make him upset on a fun night. I nuzzled myself into him and pecked his neck as Namjoon and Jin took a seat beside each other.

"Next up, Jungkook and Taehyung! You guys both know the dance to this song so I have big expectations, no slacking." Jungkook and Taehyung exchanged a glance and smiled at each other, obviously knowing what the song was before it even started.

I gave Jungkook space to get up and instead crawled over to Hoseok to lock arms and prepare ourselves as we continued to laugh and talk about the dance performed by Namjoon and Jin.

I only looked up when I heard a familiar song. Blood Sweat & Tears.

Unlike Namjoon and Jin's dance, if the two boys actually did the dance correctly, it was pretty sexual. Hoseok and I exchanged a glance.

The two boys took it a step further and added some additional grinding and thrusting. Jungkook even did the cool handstand grinding move, or whatever you want to call it. Whatever it was, it was impressive.

The only problem was the steady eye contact Jungkook made with me every time. And his expression the whole time was serious, except for a few seductive smirks. Each and every time they did a sexual move, Jungkook's eyes instantly met mine.

And then there was Hoseok, who was totally into Taehyung's sexy dancing. He enjoyed every second of it while I grew nervous and almost uncomfortable under Jungkook's dark gaze. I knew that he knew it, too. He even enjoyed it.

As soon as the dance was over, he sat right next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist with a smirk. I grew embarrassed for some reason and couldn't even bear to look at him. He just smiled and chuckled a little at my reaction.

"Lastly, Jimin and Hoseok. Let's vote for this one. Sexy or sweet?" Everyone voted for sexy, but what in the world did I expect?

"How about a-" Before Yoongi could finish, Namjoon's phone went off.

Namjoon glanced down at it and instantly widened his eyes. "It's ten already?"

Jin leaned over to look. His eyes widened and he shot out of his seat.

"We need to get to bed! We have a date tomorrow and I told Namjoon we had to go to bed earlier because I don't want his lazy ass falling asleep again in the middle of the date." I couldn't help but start laughing, and once I started laughing, so did everyone else.

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