Chapter 2

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As soon as he walked through the doors I knew he had gotten something. He smiled widely. His blue hair and expensive clothes were a little ruffled, though.

He dug his phone out from his pocket and tapped on it a few times. He smiled again at me and turned his phone so I could see.

"Damn, you weren't kidding." He had pretty blond hair, black glasses, and when he smiled his eyes formed crescents.

"Of course not. So, do you like what you see?" He made a weird face and smiled.

I held back a smile, "Maybe," it was a definite yes.

Taehyung smiled at me even wider. "Well, I did some digging and talked to some said witnesses, and I guess he used to be quite the bad boy. But somehow, maybe he has police connections, he never got caught despite the witnesses' claims."

I stared at him intently. "And now?"

Taehyung shook his head. "As far as I know he's just a kindergarten teacher, no underground business or anything."

I grunted and smirked. "People typically can't change. I'm sure he still wants to go back to who he was. I know I sure would. Maybe he thought it was just luck."

"Well, his luck hasn't run out yet! I say we welcome him into the family!"

"No." I shook my head.

Taehyung looked at me with a puzzled face. "Huh? Why?"

I sighed and stared at the picture again, taking in every perfection. "He's too good to be placed at such a low level like everyone else. He's already earned something greater."

"You?" Taehyung made the weird, sort of perverted, face again.

I swallowed audibly. "No, but I think he should be something special. Maybe just an associate."

"An associate? As in an associate with benefits or just an associate?"

I wanted to pull a gun on him and just shoot him. I took a deep breath to calm myself.


Taehyung groaned and looked at me. "Fine, but you should track him down. His name is Park Jimin."

"Don't worry, I will. As soon as you leave."


I kept my word. A few of my unimportant men had tracked his activity after work. Every Friday after work he went to the same coffee shop and sat at the same table. So, I sat at his table at exactly six in the afternoon and waited for him.

As soon as he walked in I recognized his face. Typically I would never go out into public since I was #1 on the "most wanted" list and was likely to be recognized. Yet I couldn't resist.

I made sure to cover my face as much as possible with a black hat and black mouth mask. Of course I wore a black shirt, pants, and shoes as well.

Meanwhile, Jimin wore an oversized black sweatshirt and tight fitted jeans. I wasn't one to believe in love at first sight, but I couldn't help but just want to smother him in love.

He went to the counter, waved to the baristas, and started to walk over to his usual table. I smirked when he brought his gaze up from the floor and locked eyes with me.

He looked at me for a second, his eyes scanning up and down like some strange futuristic robot trying to scan the identity straight off of me.

"Jeon Ju-" I shot up and discreetly covered his mouth with my hand, which made our bodies closer than I would've expected.

He quickly took a step back and uncomfortably tore his eyes away from me. I gestured for him to sit down. He hesitantly complied.

"What do you want?" He snapped as soon as I sat down across from him.

"You," It came out sounding sexual, which was completely unintentional.

He seemed a little set off by it, which made him look adorable, strangely. He uncomfortably shifted in his seat.

"I meant I want to have a connection, of sorts, with you." It still could've been a little misleading, and I wasn't the best at having conversations with new people.

Luckily he seemed to push away the tension that was growing between us. He cleared his throat and looked at me.

"What do you mean?"

I looked around to make sure no one was paying attention to our conversation, and no one was looking at me. When I looked back at him he had his head resting on his hands, looking like a full on galaxy of cuteness.

I focused. "Well, it'd be more like joining me but without a, well, label as you might call it. So, you will just be known as an accomplice for now."

He shook his head. "First, I'm sure you already know I don't do things the way I used to."

I nodded. "I know. I can change that. Now, what's the second problem?"

Jimin stared right into my eyes, "Don't be vague. What do you need me to do?"

I repositioned myself as some kind looking girl dropped off Jimin's drink. Jimin smiled fondly at her and she returned the expression before walking off.

"Well, first I'd have to get you back to how you were years ago. Then, when you're ready, you'd start doing more serious tasks, and those depend on what I feel like having you doing. Eventually, you'll probably become a capo." I smiled at him, knowing he could only see my smile through my eyes.

He sighed and sipped his coffee. "Fine. When do we start?"

I smirked in satisfaction. Right into my hands.


As I waited for him to finish his drink, a girl suddenly walked up the the table. I straightened myself from leaning back against the chair with one leg on top of the other.

"I thought something was up! You're gay? Why couldn't you just tell me if you were dating a guy?Especially one so handsome!" I watched Jimin cover his mouth instantly as he almost spat out his drink.

I let out a laugh and watched his eyes widen. He opened his mouth to protest but nothing came out.

So I helped him. "Yes, we're happily dating, so I'd appreciate it if you were to leave us to continue our date."

"What? Oh- oh of course! My apologies." She bowed, smiled awkwardly, and walked away as though her legs had gone numb.

Jimin looked at me with wide eyes. His hand moved away from his gaping mouth.

My eyes were drawn to his lips. Damn, in the picture I couldn't see his plump, dark tinted lips. They could draw you in and trap you, but I restrained myself and looked into his eyes.

"You're welcome. You're now dating a very handsome and powerful man. I'll make sure girls like her know it too." I moved the mask away from my mouth so he could see my smirk.

"Are you kidding me? No! I am not and will not date you." I raised an eyebrow.

"Keep telling yourself that. No one wouldn't want to date me. Trust me, I'm helping you. Maybe now you can trust me more."

Jimin continued to stare at me with a gaping mouth. "You're ridiculous!"

I rolled my eyes and smiled faintly. "Yeah, whatever. Now hurry up so we can start getting the old you back."

His face softened drastically. "You'll be surprised by how much of the old me is still here."

Mafia's Downfall | Jikook |Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin