Chapter 1

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"Sora, would you like to demonstrate?" Sora always raised her hand in class.

"One, two, three, four, five, six-" She began and started her count to ten as every other student tried to mouth it with her. "Ten!"

I put a smile on my face and praised her before turning to the rest of the class. I made sure to look at every one of the students before continuing.

"I'd like everyone to complete the worksheet and practice counting with a parent or guardian tonight. When you come back tomorrow I expect to see more volunteers." I reached over and rang the bell that every student insisted on me ringing whenever class started, ended, or even just when they started to chant for me to ring that stupid bell.

I sighed, quickly stacked up some papers, slipped them into a drawer in my desk, and sat down in my chair. I picked up a pen and began to play around with it in my hands as the children crowded out of the classroom.

In elementary everyone got along. Little did they know that in middle school everything would change. Cliques, bullying, gossiping, and constantly having to keep up with trends that seem to change every month.

Well, while busy thinking about how easily things changed for the poor kids, I didn't realize the guy standing in front of me. I looked up and saw a smurf.

Blue hair, tanned skin, boxy smile. I almost bursted out laughing, but I kept it professional. I fixed my blond hair and pushed up my glasses.

I cleared my throat. "Can I help you?"

He just continued smiling with his lips forming a rounded rectangle. I raised my eyebrows and continued to look up at him.

"Oh, um, I'm Kim Taehyung." He held out his hand, which was much larger than mine.

I shook it awkwardly. "Park Jimin. What can I help you with? Do you have a child in my class?"

He shook his head quickly. "Oh, no! I wish! Those kids are so adorable! I would kill to have your job!"

He stared at me. I wasn't scared. At some point in life you either act like it's your last day or act like you have all the time in the world. Well, I was ready for death. No kids except for the ones in my class, every girl I dated ended up being a whore, my family wasn't the greatest so I kept out of touch, and being a teacher wasn't always the most enjoyable occupation.

"Well then, what do you need?"

His eyes widened as if he were coming out of a trance. "I was just walking to go meet up with a friend of mine and heard some good word being spread about you. The kids really like you, and news flash, so do some of the teachers. Ms. Jung seems to really be into you. The students know it too."

I stared at him, uninterested. "They're not my type. Now, if you don't have any-"

"You're gay?" He just interrupted me, similar to the behavior of the kindergarteners I taught, so I didn't react poorly.

"I've never dated a man before." That was all I said.

Of course he had something to say about it. "You don't know until you try."

I crossed my legs and sighed. "If you don't have anything real to say, then I'd like to get some work done."

He freaked even though I was completely lying about having any work to do. I recognized the look from teaching kids. Every time they didn't know something, the same face appeared on their faces.

"This might sound weird, but can I get a picture with you?" In any other circumstance I would've freaked out on the dude, but if it would make him leave then I would do what the guy wanted.

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