37 » New & Improved

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"Yeah, you literally did." You laugh, bringing memories back, the hardest smile on the earth. Taehyung edges closer to you and presses his lips to yours, they were feather light, and it caused you to shiver slightly.

"Yeah, I did..." He chuckled out softly when he simply just couldn't hold it in anymore, giving into the laughter that shook his frame.

You flustered up, humming under your whisper. "Mmmhuh."

"You're so cute...I could kiss you all day." The way his eyes crinkled and the little, anxious squiggle of a line his mouth was always in, pull up on itself into a beautiful curve of a small. There was no denying that you felt like your heart would explode from your absolutely adorable boyfriend.

"Well then, come on..." He couldn't hold it back, there was just something about the pure happiness upon your face that made Taehyung surge forward over the couch and onto you, gently placing his lips on your own, a way of him saving this moment forever. A way to know that he, out of everyone in the entire world, alone, was able to make you like this.

Taehyung couldn't help but giggle as your lips met, tugging and pulling gently at yours as you kissed. He was getting much more brave with this whole thing lately, and he couldn't be happier when you responded with the most precious hum and you linked your fingers into his and he shot you a look that was all love, just the right hint of softness, a crease at the corners of his eyes.

"You wanna destroy the couch..?"

"You wanna have furniture left in this house?"

"Well then, we can move to the dining table." Taehyung caressed your face gently, cupping your jawline. He leaned down and softly nibbled the bottom of your lips, warmth radiates from the spot where his lips just touch your lips, slowly spreading through the rest of you.

"And once again I ask do you wanna have furniture left in this house, the dining table is even less sturdy."

Taehyung contemplated, looking up, before meeting your eyes again and giving a momentary smile, "No, not really."

"You freak, get off me dork." You playfully slap Tae on his cheek and shifted him off you. He got up and stretched his arms up in the air, his red sweater lifting just enough to see a tease of his belly button.

"Alright Alright, let me go cook. I think toast, eggs, and bacon will be on the menu today. Is that okay with you?"

"Mmm, yeah that's fine." You nod in approval, watching Tae head to the fridge to grab the food ingredients. You listened to him padded from the living room to the kitchen, bare feet dully slapping along the hardwood floor. You saw him open the refrigerator, remove a few items like an egg carton, a pack of bacon, cheese, onions, spinach, and strawberry jelly and put them on the counter. A creaky cupboard door opened and then closed, two plates and mugs were unloaded onto the counter...right next to that plastic bag that he hasn't touch yet since he got home.

Your curiosity rose above you.

"Hey, what's in that bag over there?"

"Nothing, don't look inside." Taehyung didn't even bother to look up at you as he had picked up a chopping knife and cut some onions into perfect matchsticks in the time it took most people just to peel them. Every motion was precise from intense repetition and he prided himself on the machine-like perfection of his shapes.

You got up from the couch and wandered over to him, eyeing the plastic bag like a cat and it's prey on the island counter as you came closer and closer to it. "There can't be nothing inside of it, it's clearly something in it."

Then Taehyung glances up at you, makes his face straighter than a poker player and says, "Yeah and then I'm pretty sure I clearly said don't look inside."

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