Chapter 31

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~2 weeks later~

~Dallas Jr's POV~

It had been 2 weeks since Abby moved in and we were in the process of finding a house for the 2 of us.

My sister hated her being here so I knew if we didn't find a house soon she was gonna be pissed.

One day Abby and I were laying in bed and she said "baby can I talk to you about something"

"sure like what" I said

"well do you remember how my 17th birthday was 4 weeks ago"

"yes babe why"

"well we did it remember"

"yeah and"

"I-I I'm p-pregnant"

"when did you find out?"

"2 weeks ago and I was gonna tell you when I found out but a lot of things happened and I forgot to"

"its ok but my parents are gonna freak probably"

She was silent after I said that.

"babe it'll be ok I don't know if they will or not" I said

"I don't know if I want this baby" she said

"there is no way I'm letting you get an abortion"

"fine I'll keep it but only because I love you"

"ok let's go tell my parents"

I helped her out of bed and we walked downstairs together.

Only my mom was there I guess my dad was out doing something.

"hey mom can we talk to you" I asked

"sure what's up" she said

"well uhh I got Abby pregnant"

"ok well it's ok by me but your father is going to flip"

"yeah mom I know"

I felt Abby tense up when my dad walked threw the door.

I have to admit I was nervous bout telling him too.

"Hey babe they have something to tell you" my mom said pointing at me and Abby.

"like what" dad asked

"I'm pregnant" Abby whispered

"both of you out now" he yelled

"but dad" I said

"no buts now out"

I took Abby upstairs and I helped her pack her stuff and she helped me pack mine.

After we were done packing I looked at her and she was crying.

"baby please don't cry it's going to be ok I promise" I said trying to comfort her

"how is everything going to be ok when your dad hates me now" she said

"he doesn't hate you he's just mad at me for getting you pregnant at 17"

"why would he be mad because of that"

"because when him and mom were 17 he got her pregnant with me and he didn't want me to get a girl pregnant at 17 so yeah"

"oh ok"

I pulled her into a hug and said "I'm not going to let anything hurt you guys"

"I know" she looked up at me and kissed me and I got up, helped her up, and picked up all of our bags.

We walked downstairs and left.

We didn't have anywhere to go yet we were still looking for houses.

"babe where are we supposed to go" Abby asked as I loaded my car

"I don't know but we'll find somewhere to go baby" I said reassuringly.

After I loaded my car I turned around and Abby hugged me.

I kissed her and helped her into the car and I just decided to drive to New York where I grew up most of my life.

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