Spoil her too...

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Hey guys it's me again....

Last time I did for kyungsoo, now this time it's for the maknae, sehun....

Here you go..... Enjoy......


Sehun: don't worry the hyungs have no idea....

You: yeah!!! But if they ask why are you being late nowadays what would you say???

Sehun: I would say I had a date with an angel.......

You: (blushing)  angel!!!! Something wrong with your eyes, senpai.....

Sehun: yeah!!! They can't seem to look away from you....

You: (hitting him gently in arm) you have become cheesy sese...

Sehun: (laughing) it's because of you babe....

You: fine then, do you have some time, we'll go to Starbucks...

Sehun: OK....

In Starbucks......

Sehun: what do you want????

You: Americano!!!! You try something different, something that is not bubble tea....

Sehun: fine!!!!

Just then you see some group of guys looking at you......

You: babe, you see those guys... They keep looking at me...

Sehun: wait here....

Sehun goes to those guys.... You feel like he was going to hit them... But strangely he was laughing with them and ask them to join you guys.... Layer only at the closer look you see it is exo in their disguise....

Chen: wa!!!! Maknae you didn't tell us you had your sister with you ....

Kai: that to pretty sister like her...

Suho: so what's your name....

Sehun: her name is y/n, and she is not my sister you guys knew I don't have a sister...

Xiumin: then what is she??? A friend????

Sehun: no she is my girlfriend, spoil her too hyungs..... Cause she is younger than me.....

Chnayeol: smooth maknae.... Always gets the girl....

Chen: wa!!!! But didn't you say you liked guys....

The rest of the members and you started to laugh...

Sehun: you too, babe!!!!  Fine I'm leaving....

You: (pulling him by his hand)  come on sese, it's for fun....

Suho: yeah!!!! Sese it's for fun... By the way you are getting punished for not introducing her earlier....

Chen: yeah!!!! The punishment is you are paying for everyone today!!!!

Sehun: what hyung I'm the maknae you guys are supposed to pay....

Chanyeol: you are not the maknae anymore, she is and as her oppa pay for her and as punishment pay for us....

Suho: paying for the first time maknae.....

The rest of the day the members keep making fun of him.... And you can't help but notice the sehun... Who was always... Pissed while making fun, was actually smiling like it didn't matter...


Sorry for the small chapters guys....

That's all for sehun's storyline...

Hope you liked it....

If possible comment and vote...

Request are open for all my books including this one....

And check out my other two books on exo.....

Till next time bye and love you loads......

Saranghae ~♥~

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