Chu can't prove it!!!!

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Hey guys sorry for the late update....

Well I hope you liked my last segment of introducing to other members.....

This time, it's confession (telling I love and I wanna spend my life with you), so for the first confession we are going to see sehun storyline....

Hope you enjoy it.....

Here you go.....


You and sehun had been dating for three months now and neither of you have said I love you to each other..... You wanted to ask it but couldn't gather courage.....

You: kai, what is the best way to gather courage....

Kai: getting drunk....

you: I'm serious.....

Kai: me too....

You decided to get drunk and ask sehun if he loves you but the only problem was you haven't touch a drink in your entire lifetime.... And didn't know what to do????

You got vodka and had a glass, before sehun could come home...

You waited the whole time.... He didn't come unknowingly the nervous you began drinking like crazy....

You: thehun, (hiccup) where are chu?????

Sehun: babe, I'm home.....

You: thehun..... (hugged him)

Sehun: babe are you drunk....

You: chu can't prove it!!!!

Sehun: as long as this is cute, but it is way past your bedtime now hop on my back I'll take you to bed....

You: me, no go to bed....

Sehun: yes you are....

He lifts you up and takes you to bed....

When he reached the bed you push him in the bed and giver over him.....

Sehun: babe!!!! What are you doing.....

You: what chu think???


Before he could say anything you began kissing him, he kisses back too, just when things were getting heated you pull back

Sehun: what happened????

You: don't you love me???

sehun: why are you asking this all of sudden....

You: cause we been dating for 3 months.... And chu didn't say chur love....

Sehun: then, why didn't you say....

You: chur, right, I could say.... I love you OH Thehun....

You fall off on him saying this... You are in deep sleep....

Next day... You open your eyes with an immense head ache....

You: shit?!! I slept... I didn't even get to talk to him.....

Sehun: good morning babe....

You: good morning....

Sehun: babe!!! The next time you wanna talk don't get drunk....

You: so, what did I say....

He comes near you.....

Sehun: let's say that things are going to get serious from now onwards in our relationship

You: so you mean.....

Sehun: I'm saying have breakfast..... Before that brush your teeth....

You: OK....

You're disappointed that maybe you asked something else while you were drunk, promising yourself never to drink again.... Just then you notice something written in your bathroom mirror in your red lipstick....

" I Love You Too"

You jump off and run to kitchen to see sehun....

Sehun: I see you for my message....

You: (blushing)

Sehun: so,

You: say it with your mouth.... I wanna hear you say it....

Sehun: babe we have our whole life to say it.... Now sit and eat...

You sit down to eat, you ate blushing by what sehun said, the next thing he said mde you blush even more....

Sehun : by the way babe I love you.....

You: .......

Sehun: now you say....

You: I love you too oh sehun...

Sehun: last night you said even more differently....

You: how did I say????

Sehun: I'll tell you....

He says you everything and you are embarrassing of what happened....


That's all for sehun's storyline....

Hope you liked it......

If possible comment and vote...

Check out my other two books on exo...... I know you will like it too

Request are open for all my books.....

Till next time, bye and love you loads.....

Saranghae ~♥~

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