Midnight Walk!!!

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Hey guys it's me again.....

So last time i did it for kai now it's time for baekhyun.....

Hope you like it and comment if possible......

Here it goes.....

You been planning a lot of first dates for the past one month... Baekhyun rejects them all telling them they are such a boring idea....  You get fed up by this and tell him to prepare the first date ....

It's been 1 week since you told him to do the preparation, but you didn't get the news... So you call him...

Y/n: babe???

Baekhyun :yeah babe!!!!

Y/n: what about our first date????

Baekhyun : what about it????

Y/n:(you are disappointed that he forgot it) nothing bye....

Baekhyun :(laughs ) man so angry she cut the call....  She thinks I forgot........

Y/n: i hate him,  first he tells the dates I planned are stupid and now he forgets to plan them....

That night,  at 12 your door bell rings......

Y/n: who is it????

Baekhyun : it's me babe!!!!

Y/n:(angry) no go away!!!!

Baekhyun : come on babe!!!  Just come out....

Y/n: fine.... (you come out in your Jammie's)

Baekhyun : cute Jammie's babe...

Y/n: what do you want????

Baekhyun :come on let's go for a walk....

Y/n: right now???

Baekhyun: (pulls you by your hand) come on.....

Y/n: tell me where are we going????

Baekhyun: date!!!

Y/n: at this hour????

Baekhyun: it's a midnight walk!!!!

Y/n: so this was your idea for a date... Huh!!!

(just then you notice an ice cream truck... )

Y/n: can we buy that....

Baekhyun: OK come on...lets buy it...

After some time you notice a burger truck, then a noddles truck, then cake truck.... Coincidentally all of them your favorite...

Y/n: baeky!!!  Did you arrange this....

Baekhyun: what do you think???

Y/n: I think it's you....

Baekhyun: finally she gets it...

Y/n:(blushing) you didn't have to do this, all I wanted was a simple date!!!!

Baekhyun: well when it comes to you everything should be best....

Y/n: (you blush) .... Let us digest all that we ate....

Baekhyun: what do you have in mind???

He didn't even finish his words you start to run...

Baekhyun: wait this is cheating!!!!

Y/n: well.....  Then stop whining and run.....


Well that's it for baekhyun date story.....

Hope you like it......

See you next time and comment if possible........

Love you loads...  Bye...............

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