So this wasn't a date???

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Hey guys!!! It's me again....  I'm so happy today cause I officially registered in exo-l app... Yippee....

So anyway last time it was for sehun....

This time it's for chanyeol (squeak).....

Hope you like it.....  And comment if possible....  Here it goes.....

Chanyeol: babe...  Where are you???

(chanyeol was on phone with you....  It was your first date today...  And he asked you to pick him up cause he was afraid fans would notice you)

Y/n: I'm on my way honey!!!!  In ten minutes...

Chanyeol:(laughs) babe were you late because you were dressing up for me....

Y/n: no... (he was saying the truth)  OK bye...

( after reaching the studio...)

Y/n: honey!!!  I'm here..... Where are you???

Chanyeol : in here babe...  (he signals you towards the recording room)

Y/n: do you still have some incomplete work???

Chanyeol: yeah!!!  Babe just five more minutes...  Then we will be on our way

Y/n: it's OK... Take all the time you want....

(you were listening to him playing piano which sounded so amazing that you forgot where you were..  Then he starts singing..  And you can't help but wonder how lucky you were to get such a man as your boyfriend)

chanyeol: babe!!! I'm really sorry...  We may not go out today...

Y/n: it's OK...  Do you mind if I say here to watch you???

Chanyeol :(smiles) of course babe...

(you are mesmerised by his voice and the music that he had to pinch your cheeks to pull you back to reality... )

Chanyeol :(pinching your cheeks) babe!!!  Did you fall in love with my work????

Y/n:(joking ) you know if I didn't have a boyfriend I would fall in love with you too...  Too bad

Chanyeol:(smirks) well babe before your boyfriend comes should we do something  then...

Y/n:(sitting beside him) no,  now concentrate on your work....

Chabyeol: wow!!!  A girl who isn't bothered by the fact that her first date is ruined...  Doesn't bothered about the fact that her boyfriend is too busy...  A girl who posts her guy to work,  while she should deserve his love and time...  What did I do to get a girl like you??? (smiling )

Y/n:(blushing ) I could say the same

(you kiss his cheeks...)

Y/n: let me try...  (you asked him to play piano..  But you don't know anything about it... )

Chanyeol: you don't know to play it babe!!!

Y/n: then teach me...

(he shows you how to play..  Now both of you play it together... )

chanyeol: there you go....

(while playing you both hit the same note... And your hands touch each other... Chanyeol interlocks your hands with him... )

Chanyeol : I'm never letting them go....

Y/n: (blushing ) me t...

(you didnt even finish talking,  chanyeol starts kissing you...  )

Y/n: me too...

Chanyeol: well I'm done for the day...  If you are still up for it..  Do you want to go on the date???

Y/n: so this wasn't the date??? (you ask playfully) this was much more than a date for me...

Chanyeol: uh!!!  You make me fall in love with you every day...

Y/n:(blushing) OK bye...

Chanyeol : bye babe!!  Call me when you get home... Take care good night...

Y/n: you too...

(both of you now smiling and blushing)


Hope you guys liked it...

See you next time folks...

Till then bye and comment if possible.....  Need your comments for my energy......

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