My Savior!!!!!!

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Well hi everyone.... It's me again....

Last time I did it for Suho( go omma) now it's time for Lay( unicorny)...

Hope you like it... Comment if possible....

Here it goes.....

Y/n: I can't believe China for the vacation... Well enjoy Sara...

Sara: well, I said my parents I'm not coming without you....

Y/n: you are not joking right???

Sara: no...

Y/n": thanks you, thank you so much........

Sara: (smiles)

( you leave for China in two days and you are extremely happy... Something like this never happens to you... You kind of feel lucky...)

(in China)

Y/n: wow!!! It's so exciting.. The culture... The food... The people.. Everything is exciting.....

Sara: wow!!! I'm really happy to see you happy..... We leave for sight seeing in one hour.. So be ready....

Y/n: OK (you are really excited )

(after one hour)

Sara:shall we start....

Y/n: OK....

(you guys go shopping... Sara as usual flirts with the guys and you pull her with you... Eat, dance.... It's a fun day for you guys... )

Sara: what is happening I've there it is so crowded...

Y/n: come let's see.....

(you go there to see what's happening )

(it seems there is a parade)

(suddenly a group of people rush towards you and you are somehow separated from Sara in that crowd.... Not knowing what to do you search for your phone... But remember it was with Sara... )

Y/n: oh god... How am I able to go back now....

(you notice a man getting off his car who can speak english)

Y/n: excuse me sir... Can you tell me how to go to xyz hotel....

???: I'm sorry I don't know any such hotel....

Y/n: OK its alright, thanks...

???: well if you have a phone call someone...

Y/n: well I left my phone with my friend....

???:oh.. Then here call your friend....

Y/n: (you look at him, and see how kind he is..... Helpings stranger... ) thank you.... Hello Sara it's me.. Y/n I got separated in the crowd can you pick me up..... Where... Oh wait... Where is this place???

???: ABC street

Y/n: ABC street... Oh well.. Come-on how am I suppose to know that place... OK I'll ask someone.... (after call ended) thank you

???: what did your friend say???

Y/n: she told me to come to 53rd street

???: do you know where is it???

Y/n: no but I'll ask someone..

???: well I'm free right now.. Shall I drop you in my car

Y/n:(u hesitate)...

???: don't worry I won't bite...

Y/n:( u laugh... ) OK then

(get in the car)

Y/n: thank you for helping me...  You are my Savior.....

???: (smiles) oh!!!  No big deal... I'm glad to help you... so your name is y/n... I'm yiang... Nice to meet you...

Y/n: nice to meet you too.. Yiang

Yiang: so u r not from here then...

Y/n: no.. I'm here with my friend and her family for vacation....

Yiang: huh!!! Too bad..

Y/n: why???

Yiang:oh nothing.... (whisper) won't get to see such a girl everyday.....

Y/n:( u blush) .......

(u notice sara)...

Y/n: Sara...

Sara: oh my god babe I was worried... But thank god... You were brought by... ( notice the guy standing behind u) oh... My.... God.... Lay from exo

Y/n: where?????

Sara: don't act dumb... U came with him....

(just then u notice the guy , who now is out of his face mask)

Y/n:(no words come out... U just blush... ).. Um tha.. Thanks....

Lay: no need to miss y/n ..... I have to go anyway bye.. Take care don't get lost...

Y/n: bye...

Sara: u lucky girl...

Y/n: (still not able to process what happened you just stand there and blush...) lucky indeed

(after an hour)

Your phone rings....

Y/n:hello(hearing the voice u bush)... Oh..

Lay: hey Miss y/n ... I asked for your number from your friend.. Hope it's OK... Anyway I hope you get lost in China again tomorrow

Y/n: (feeling confused) um.....

Lay : don't get me wrong... So that I get to meet you again....

Y/n: (blushing hard) OK I'll try...

Lay: then bye y/n.. Hope to see you tomorrow..... Just so you know I don't give rides in my car to anyone....

Y/n:(u feel like ur face is going to burst) OK.... Bye

Lay: don't get me wrong though.. Can you blush when I'm around you... (call ends)

You jump in the thought of tomorrow.....

That's it folks...

Hope you enjoyed it.....

See you next time with meeting exo.... Till then bye

And comment if possible... By the way request are open....

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